Jenny's P.O.V.
As I entered the house I set my bags beside the door and made sure they were out of the way."Aaliyah hunny would you show Jenny her room?" Karen yelled from the kitchen to Aaliyah who was in the living room with me.
"Yea of course mom." She replied. "Cmon follow me. Here I'll help you with your bags." She says turning to me and grabbing one of my bags.
"Oh ok thank you Li." I say a little shocked that at her sudden movement to grab my bag.
"No problem J!" She says walking up the flight of stairs in the middle of the house. As I followed her with my other bag in hand and my phone in the other she finally reached the top and I slowly catcher up to her. "Ok so this first door is Shawn's, the door to the end of the left side is my parents, the last room to the right before the set of small stairs is yours and up those set of stairs is the attic aka my bedroom."
"Oh wow that's so cool that you get the attic I've always wanted a attic bedroom!" I exclaim.
"Yea! Here let's get you all situated in and then we can go to my room and hang for a bit." She says opening the door to my room and set my bag in front of the bed. "Yea? Here let me help you put all your stuff away."
"Yea that's sounds cool and thank you so much Li for everything I really appreciate it!" I say quickly pulling her into a hug.
We decided if we were going to put my stuff away putting the luggage on the bed was easier. So that's what we did. I shortly heard my phone ring. And me being me I had already misplaced my phone.
"Dammit where is my phone!" I whisper yelled while looking in my backpack.
"Wait I think I know where it is." She says while lifting up the luggage. "Here it is!" She says handing my phone that is still ringing. I look at the screen sand press the green answer button.
I mouthed a quick thank you to her while I her the person on the phone start to speak.
"Hey Jens! Did you already arrive at the house bub?" Ashton said while trying to quite down the guys who were yelling things like 'Jenny!' or more specifically Calum yelling 'Jennifer Esperanza Torres-Rivera how dare you?!'.
"Hahaha hey bub. Yea I already arrived say hi to the boys Liyah." I give her the phone.
"Hey guys!" She says excitedly into the phone which soon she pulls away from her ear and scrunching up her face probably because they guys were screaming.
I soon hear a 'give me the phone asshat I wanna talk to Li' which was probably Calum since he has a crush on her.
She puts the phone back to her ear. "Hey guys stop screaming I'm right here." I'm guessing Calum takes the phone cause she then says "oh hey Cal how's it going?"
They keep talking for a bit then she hands the phone back to me. "Hey guys did y'all already get to your hotel?" I ask into the phone.
"Yea when we called you we were getting are bags and getting into the uber. And arrived like 5mins ago." Ashton says.
"Alright cool! Well I gotta get unpacking so I'll call y'all tomorrow or y'all guys call me when y'all wake up." I say.
"Yea of course we'll call you. Bye lazyass goodnight." Ashton says.
"Bye shithead good luck guys."
"Guys Jens wished us luck!" Ash shouts to the other guys.
And then I hear all the boys scream 'Thank you' at the exact same time which was very loud and I think I may be deaf now.
I laugh and reply with a 'your welcome' and say a last goodnight and hang up.
I continue unpacking while Aaliyah is looking for hangers. I really appreciate everything she's doing and honestly I would have been fine at home, I have Ace and Rex, but because she's an amazing friend and one of my best-friends she let me stay with her and her incredibly nice family anyways.
She finally comes back with the hangers and she sets them down on the bed. "Alright chica let's put your stuff away so we can watch Movies and hang in my room."
"Alright let's do this." I say excitedly clapping my hands afterwards.
We start hanging up all of my shirts, dresses, the few skirts, and cardigans/jackets and hoodies. We fold all of my pants and put them in the drawer. We also fold my pajamas and put them in a drawer. I put all my underwear and socks in a drawer while Aaliyah put all my shoes in the closet and set my makeup and toiletries on the counter of the bathroom which was attached to the bedroom.
We finally finished after about an hour and a half.
"Hey do you wanna shower and change into pjs before we go to my room? That way we can be comfy." Li asks.
"Yea that's a good idea haha." I reply nodding my head.
"Alright well I'm gonna go shower see ya in like 30 mins let's be real." She says starting to walk out of the room and holding on to the doorknob.
"True." I laugh and watch her close the door as she starts laughing.
Alright I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while but surprise!!! I'm still alive! Haha I was going to write more detail of Li and Jens night but I honestly didn't know what to write for that part so I just didn't.
Anyways I hope you all had a wonderful day (because let's face it most of you are reading this at like 2 in the morning.)
Remember I love you all. You can message me if y'all ever need anything. Thank you so much for reading I hope y'all enjoy it.Much love,

I'm living with who?!
FanfictionWarning: there will be some mature content like swearing and might be trigger I'll briefly touch on abuse but will not go into much detail. Hi I'm Jeniffer but most people call me Jenny. I met my favorite artist, I'm best friends with his sister, th...