You're on your period

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Ben:  You and Ben were having a cuddle session in his dorm, when you suddenly got cramps. It was your period and it was not being kind to you. Ben looked at you concerned. "Princess are you okay?" he asked. You glared at him. "Do I look okay to you Ben?" You sneered. You happened to be moody when you were on your period. Ben looked very confused. "Are you sick princess?" Ben asked. You gave him a deathly look. "I'm not sick." You spat. So Ben did the only logical thing he could think of:  call Mal. "Mal it's me. Y/N's acting weird. She was in pain and now she's angry," he said and you lunged for him. "BEN!" You screamed as you pinned him to the wall. Ben squeaked. "MAL A LITTLE HELP!" Ben said loudly. "Y/N's just on her period Ben." Mal said through the phone. "Ohhh that makes sense." He said with a look of clarity on his face. You let him go and started to cry. "I'm sorry Ben; I'm just in pain and really moody when I'm on my period." You said through your sobs. "It's okay princess; I know just how to help with that." He said before leaving. He came back with some painkillers, a glass of water, and some ice cream. "Ben you did this for me?" You asked shocked. He nodded. "Anything to make my princess feel better." He said. You smiled as you took the painkillers and washed them down. After that, you and Ben ate the ice cream and cuddled some more before you fell asleep. 

Carlos:  Being a girl meant that you were gonna have periods. You were currently on yours and you were very uncomfortable. All you wanted was some relief from the pain caused by immense cramps. "Y/N? Are you alright?" Mr. Delay asked in chemistry. "Mr. Delay I'm not feeling so good." You said. "Alright dear. Take care of yourself; Carlos go with her please." Mr. Delay said. Carlos walked you out of class and to his dorm. "You wanna tell me what's going on baby?" He asked. "My period. These cramps are the worst. I feel like my stomach is at war with my body." You said. Carlos took you in his arms and began rubbing your stomach gently, moving his thumbs in small circular motions to help ease the pain. "That feels nice. How'd you know that?" You asked. "Evie. She said that if you ever brought up the subject of periods, that I needed to do this so you'd feel better." Carlos said. "Remind me to thank Evie later." you said lulling yourself to sleep with the relief washing over your body. 

Doug:  You and Doug were having a movie day in your dorm, and since you were on your period, you were extremely hungry. You had already eaten two bags of chips and now you were currently on a tub of ice cream. Doug paused the current movie (Peter Pan of course) and looked at you. You snapped your head to him and gave him a look. "What?" you said. "Butterfly that's a lot of food you've eaten." Doug commented. You're also moody so that set you off. "Are you calling me fat, Dougie?" you asked tearing up. He changed his expressions quickly. "No no butterfly you're not fat. I was just wondering why you're eating so much." He explained. "I'm on my period you jerk." You said wiping your eyes and going back to eating your ice cream. "Oh. All you had to do was tell me." Doug said before getting out his own tub of ice cream and joining you. You giggled and kissed the ice cream remaining on his lips. "Thanks Dougie," you said after you kissed him. Doug smiled and kissed your forehead. "Of course butterfly." 

Evie:  You two for some reason always got your period on the same cycle. So you two just raid the kitchen, eat junk food, cuddle and enjoy each other's company. 

Harry:  He didn't know a lot about them because he never had a sister, but he knew something about them because of Uma. When he saw you sprawled across the bed he knew something was up. "Lass how you feeling?" he asked while stroking your hair. "P-Period h-hurts so m-much." you whimpered through the pain. Harry held you in his arms and began rubbing your stomach gently to ease the pain. You sighed in content. "Harry that feels good." you said. He smiled and kissed your cheek. "Sleep lass. I'll still be here when you wake up." He promised. You nodded and drifted off to sleep. 

Jay:  Jay never really knew a lot about girl stuff but when it came to your period, it was as if he'd known what to do for years. He brought you chocolate (that wasn't stolen), cuddled you, and did everything he could to make you happy or comfortable. He hated seeing you not smiling; it made him want to make you smile for him again. 

Mal:  She knew you were on your period when you were moody, constantly hungry, and her being asked to buy painkillers. Which is why she never gets mad when you eat some of her strawberries. Of course you two share them if she's on the same cycle as you. 

Uma:  Uma noticed you weren't as energetic today as you usually are. She asked you what was wrong. "I'm on my period and I really don't wanna be out here." You answered. So Uma carried you to your dorm and cuddled you which made you feel 100 times better.

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