31| Resist

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I SAW HER escape through the emergency exit on the far left of the room, right as people started gently clapping for the speech. Her speech. Not mine.

I never meant to make it look like mine. It was just because in that moment I could see that she was about to break. I knew she would run off before anyone had the chance to hear her speech, and I was desperate for it to be heard.

As I stood all by myself, in front of hundreds, I understood why she couldn't do it. It was overwhelming, and even I had felt a bit of anxiety when I started reading.

I regretted taking over and doing that to her.

"Thank you." I said as I gave a quick nod before running towards the door that Ellis had left through. 

I found myself running under the heavy rain. The temperature was below zero and I could hear thunder rolling.

I hovered both hands over my eyes and spun around, trying to find the girl in a black fur coat.

She was far ahead, walking with heavy footsteps. I started running.

"Ellis!" I called, trying to ignore the feeling of rain droplets pouring down my back.

She didn't turn around and instead sped up. I swore under my breath and ran faster, cringing at the pain in my legs.

"Stop!" I yelled, this time desperately.

She turned around, her eyes a light shade of red and glassy all over. I caught up to her, running until I was just a foot away.

"I fucked up. I fucked it all up!" She sobbed, dropping to her knees and holding her hands to her face. Her shoulders shook with every breath.

I just stood there, unable to move, out of breath and heavily panting. The front of my hair was covering my eyes as the rain made it heavy.

"I failed Gemma. I failed Seth and Melanie. I failed everyone." She gasped.

I reached down under her arms and pulled her to her feet. She was forced to move her hands, exposing her swollen face. She was hyperventilating.

"Listen," I told her, gently grasping her head and making it so that she was looking directly into my eyes. Her tears were mixed with the rain and together they dropped off her chin.

"You wrote it. Not me. I could never have come up with better things to say. It was perfect." Her whimpers overlapped my voice. 

"You're lying," both her voice and body shook.

"No, I'm really not-"

"Yes you are!" She screamed before hysterically crying again.

My hands ran down her hair and landed on her shoulders. I spoke sternly. "I wouldn't lie."

She gasped for breath. "I-I messed it all up. Everything is ruined. I can't show my face there ever again, I'm too ashamed and embarrassed. A-And Seth will never want to talk to me again. God! I can't do anything right! It's my fault Gemma's dead. I'm so stupid, but you already know that. Everyone knows that. And now when I go back in there everyone will-"

I couldn't resist anymore. I needed to shut her up, while at the same time doing something I had been wanting to do since that night at the lake.

She fell silent, completely caught off guard by my lips pressed against hers. My hands gently rested against her jaw as I deepened the kiss and my feelings. Her lips were cold but I warmed them up. Her breath was minty- she had told me earlier that mint sometimes helped ease her anxiety.

I could taste the saltiness of her tears but I didn't mind. Everything felt right. Touching her felt right. There was no doubt in my mind that it wouldn't feel amazing. I just couldn't get enough.

I slowly pulled away, her bottom lip jammed between my teeth. I finally let go completely, straightening myself up again.

"Okay?" I asked in a hushed tone.

She nodded, and I took my hands off her.

"Everything you said was wrong." I said, and I saw her gulp.

She began to complain. "Ruby, don't-"

"No, you need to understand." She pressed her lips together. "If you killed Gemma, then you wouldn't be here right now. I would never have forgiven you. What happened to Gemma was an accident. If anyone is to be blamed then it's me, because I should have told you. It's not like you could walk on eggshells around her. You didn't know. But I did."

"Ruby, it's not your-"

"Then it's not your fault either, Ellis."

She fell silent and I took her into my arms, feeling her head against the crook of my neck. Even though it was freezing and pouring rain, holding her gave me warmth.


A shorty but a goodie? I hope 😅

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