Matthew Fyl, Amanda Smith, and Ron Pietare are guarding part of the North side of Compound Deyfell. It's still raining and it doesn't seem like it's going to be a very eventful day. Matthew peers around the area they're guarding.
"Do you think we'll ever have, like, an invasion," Matthew asks. "I mean, we haven't had anything major happen yet."
"I think it's inevitable that we'll have some type of large issue," Amanda says. The girl has long, wavy brown hair and the eyes the color of wet dirt. "Who knows when that will happen?"
"I guess you're right," Matthew comments. "Just sucks, you know?"
"I really couldn't tell," Ron shrugs. His white-blonde hair moves with the motion. "We're in a zombie apocalypse, man. This is the thing we've always seen in horror movies and TV shows."
"Are they really zombies, though," Amanda gazes upon an infected man a few hundred yards away. "I mean, it doesn't seem like it's the same thing."
"They're abnormal humans that turn regular humans into abnormal humans," Ron looks up at the dreary sky.
"At least these zombies don't tear you apart," Matthew attempts to lighten the mood. He reaches out from under the tarp and lets a few drops of rain splash onto his pale hand. Matthew always liked it when it rained.
"In the end," Ron looks to his left at Amanda and Matthew. "I think that if we just stay in the tarp safely, that we can wait over this whole thing. The fact that they decay can save us."
"Well, you're not wrong," Amanda looks to Ron and then continues to peer off into the distance. Suddenly, a military vehicle emerges from the cover of the trees at the end of the street they're looking at. A large amount of infected people follow.
"That thing's going pretty fast," Matthew murmurs. He sees the right side window of the vehicle roll down. Someone with a shaved head and sunglasses on start to aggressively wave at the trio.
"WHERE IS THE ENTRANCE?" He screams at the teenagers. The car is not slowing down. Matthew quickly turns to the others. They do not have an entrance for cars and such. They only have a ladder to put down so people and their supplies can get in.
"Do you have to bring the car in," Ron yells back. The man in sunglasses puts a hand behind his ear for Ron to say it again.
"DO YOU HAVE TO BRING THE CAR IN," Ron yells even louder. The group watches the man shrug and conversate with the driver. Only feet away from the North side of the Compound does the vehicle stop. The men get out and quickly start unpacking materials from the back.
"Ron," Amanda turns to Ron in a rush. "Quickly. Can you please go ask people to help you with the ladder?" Ron nods and runs off. The elevated plane that Matthew and Amanda are on can be very hard to access without a piece of technology to help.
Matthew looks down at the military vehicle. The driver notices him looking at it and, between hard breaths, says, "It's a model of a Praga V3S." Matthew, in that moment, couldn't really care. This was due to what the military man who was in the passenger seat said next.
"There are about 300 infected coming," He pants while continuing to unload more weapons, food, and more types of supplies. Amanda, without saying a word, sprints back to the middle of the Compound. Matthew assumed that she was telling people about the situation at hand. He sees Ron, Reece, and someone else he didn't know carrying the ladder towards him. Matthew grabs the highest rung and helps bring it to the top of the plateau. The four of them stand the ladder up in front of the plane and the military men start climbing up with their materials. At that moment, an announcement is made through the speakers.
"Attention, please! A mass amount of infected are moving toward the North side of the Compound. Please arm yourself and assist us in eliminating these targets. This is a very serious situation."
Matthew could tell that it was Amanda who was talking. Her very serious tone was easily recognizable in a strange way. Kind of like with the actress Maggie Smith while playing Professor Mcgonagall in Harry Potter.
"We're sorry about this," The man in the sunglasses looks down and extends his arm. "We were out on a supply run for the base. Encountered this whole hoard and just kept on driving and driving. We appreciate the help." The figure is so tall that Matthew needs to aim his hand upwards to shake with the man.
"I'm Arnold. This here is Geadel." Arnold pats the other man on the back while he continues to go up and down the ladder. They apparently have a ton of supplies with them. Matthew tries introducing himself but is quickly interrupted by the loud sound of shuffling feet. About 20 people of Compound Deyfall climb up the platform with weapons. Before Matthew can say anything, the ear piercing sound of gunshots start running through the air. It never seems to stop. Ron looks out onto the street and watches each person carrying Leniera get mowed down with bullets. His heart suddenly seems to plummet.
Do you ever have those terrifying moments of worry or realization? This was one of those strange times for Ron. He looks at the blood that is spilled on the pavement.
These used to be people.
People that had lives. People who had jobs. People who had family. People who couldn't be saved. Ron climbs down from the plateau in a rush, trying to escape the sound of the gunfire.
The killing of the mass amount of infected people took about twenty minutes to end. No person containing the Leniera virus even got close to the North side of the Compound. After the twenty minutes ended, several people got the men in the military drinks. They spoke of why they were here, which was by mistake. The gathering area - or 'living room' - of the Compound had several brown couches and fancy end tables. Each table was equipped with different colored flowers for decoration, as well as a lamp.
Arnold and Geadel speak of some of their experiences in the military. Although some of the stories were definitely cool, they seemed to contain a bit too many cliches to Ron. The teenager gazes at the two military men, eyeing them from head to toe.
"Hey," Ron whispers to Matthew, who is next to him on one of the three couches. "If they came here 'on accident', why did they have so much supplies to unpack? I mean, did they need to even unpack everything?" Matthew looks to the men's belongings. Most of the items were weapons. Guns, knives, even batons. The knives looked like something a fifteen year old playing CS:GO would have.
Why would they need so many weapons for a supply run with two people?
The boys decide to push the thought out of their mind for now. It was better for them to just relax after the incident that took place earlier. Matthew's heart was still bumping pretty hard from it.
Idris Pierem and Reece Howard are hanging around near the drink bar. There they have plenty of water, soda, and other liquids that are in those big containers that that were at sports games. There are even several boxes of donuts and donut holes next to some of the drinks. As Idris gets another drink of lemonade, he talks about some interesting recent events that have taken place.
"Did you see the game last night," He sips a bit of lemonade from his red plastic cup.
"We're in a zombie apocalypse, there's no more games anymore, dumbass," Reece has heard this joke three times by now from Idris.
"You know what would be cool," Idris looks to the brick wall to his left and then turns his head further to the West side of the Compound. He could see the drowsy daylight from where he was standing. "What if we made, like, a sport. Like we use the materials we have and like make this little game for people within Deyfall."
"I mean, that sounds cool," Reece nods a bit. "There's so much luggage here, someone's bound to have a ball of some sort under this tarp."
"Do we even need, like, a ball though," Idris' black, curly hair bounces back and forth as he looks around. His sunglasses start falling off of his nose a bit. He then looks to his red plastic cup. "Wait... What if we...." He is interrupted by the presence of Geadel. The man limps towards the drink bar.
"Hey, kids," Geadel grabs a cup and starts pouring himself some Coke. "Fancy little setup ya' got here. Innovative design with the labels and such."
"Well," Reece looks to Idris. "We didn't set these up. We actually came here relatively late compared to most of the other people within the Compound."
"Oh, how come?" The military man's eyes catch the sight of the donut holes next to the Coke container he's next to. He starts taking taking off his camo-colored gloves which match his uniform.
"Well, we weren't sure if we wanted to come to the Compound or not," Idris looks to the donut holes as well. "But then everything started going to shit. Took our families a bit to decide to pack up and come here." Geadel reaches for the donut hole container with his bare hands. All of a sudden, there is a large amount of fear that forms between Idris and Reece. Their eyes become locked to Geadel's right hand as he opens the box and pulls out a donut hole.
Geadel's fingertips were pitch black.
"H-hey," Idris stammers. "You got a bit of... M-mud on your fingers." Geadel didn't even really realize what his hands looked like. He pops the donut hole into his mouth and stares at his fingertips. His eyes widen. He frantically starts rubbing his hands with the other. The darkness wouldn't go away.
Geadel slowly looks up at Idris and Reece.