Chapter 14: Holly Jolly Christmas

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     Christmas break has finally started. The snow is falling through the air making a white fluffy blanket of cold on the ground. Winter was my favorite season because every time that you step outside you breathe in the cold crisp air. That to me is the absolute best feeling. It was a cold Tuesday on December 22nd. Chicago winters are brutal. The temperature right now was 15 degrees Fahrenheit. I didn't want to get out of my comfortable and warm bed with my fuzzy blanket wrapped around me. It was 1 in the afternoon though so I probably should get up to avoid being called lazy by my annoying sister and my mother. I groggily checked my phone on the side of my bed. I had a text from Colin. Hmmm interesting. He asked me if I wanted to go Christmas shopping with him at the mall today. I really am skeptical about this whole thing because I do like him but I don't know if I like him because I'm just trying to get over Taylor or what. I mean he is very attractive and has like a perfect personality I just don't know. I guess it wouldn't be a bad idea to be friends for now. Although I absolutely hate shopping despite the typical girl stereotype. Shopping to me is just work and time that I'll never get back. But I guess it's with Colin so it would be a little fun I guess. Oh what the heck, why not! I texted Colin back and told him that I would go with him. He texted me back and said that he would pick me up in 30 minutes. Shit! I gotta get ready! I looked like a hobo because I haven't even gotten out of bed yet and my hair was basically an afro of tangles. I jumped out of bed and then tripped on my charger chord and ate the floor. Im literally the most clumsy person I have ever met. You know you'd expect dancers to be graceful and light on their feet but I'm the complete opposite of that! I got back up off the floor and my door opened. It was my sister.
"Are you okay?" She asked confused. She was 12 years old so everything she said had such a sassy tone to it. I sighed and brushed my legs off.
"Yes I am fine Riley, I just tripped." I said rolling my eyes. She laughed and then walked out of my room. That little brat forgot to close my door. Rude! I put on some jeans and a T- shirt and then went in the bathroom to brush my teeth. After that I just threw my hair up into the famous messy bun that I always wear. Because my hair was a mangled mess and I didn't have time to take a shower. By the time I was done with everything it had been 25 minutes. I went downstairs and told my mom where I was going and then I sat down on the couch. I heard a knock on the door. Awe how polite he actually came up to the door rather than just texting me "here." I opened the door and there was Colin.
"Hey there beautiful." He said with his breath taking smile. He made me blush and I smiled. Ugh just friends May, just friends. "Hi Colin." I said with a faint smile across my face. The fact that he called me beautiful without me even trying to be pretty made me feel nice and actually wanted. Nothing against Taylor though because he did that to. Stop thinking about Taylor May, you're with Colin!
           "Alright do you want to get going now?" He asked so brightly and eager like a little puppy, he was just the most adorable thing ever. I can't help but start to fall for him. Ohhhh no may you are so not falling for him, got it? He reached for my hand and I stupidly gave it to him. I don't know why I was so intent on not falling for him, it's like a part of me wants to protect the little part inside of me that still cares for Taylor. Damn it May why do you have to be so nice?! ahaha I just laughed inside because I'm not nice at all. We walked into his shiny blue sports car. Taylor's was red...
               After a car ride of jamming out to hella good songs we arrived at the mall. I guess this was supposed to be one of those Christmas shopping dates like in those cheesy movies. Oh geez. Colin parked and came around to open my door like a perfect gentleman. He opened the door and bowed to make a joke. I laughed and got out.
       "So who are you going to buy for today?" I asked Colin. He looked down and then up at me.
       "Lets see, " he said, "I need to buy a gift for my mom, dad, sister, and then uh my friend." His girlfriend? Oh no, now you can't catch feelings for sure. I guess he could see the look of worry and confusion in my eye. He laughed. "May, I don't have a girlfriend, I was trying to just be discreet about Taylor." My heart still cracks a little when I hear his name. I mean after all it hasn't been long. I gave Colin a soft smile. Wait how does he know about me and Taylor?
      "How do you know about me and Taylor, I knew you guys were family friends, but I didn't know he told you about us." I said confused.
      "Oh yeah, he told me yesterday. I'm so sorry about what happened!" He said with sympathy in his eyes.
"Oh, you don't need to be discreet or anything, I'm okay." I said reassuring. We walked in one of those revolving doors. I went around twice because those things confuse me. Colin was dying of laughter for a very long time after it even happened. We eventually walked into a fancy department store. "What is this place," I asked, "it looks like I can't afford even a bread crumb here..." he looked at me dumbfounded. He then smiled and told me it was his dad's favorite store and he was going to buy cologne for him. We walked farther into the store. There was a person sitting at the piano playing classical melodies. There was one of those fancy blue carpets too, oh! And a chandelier. I was way out of my league here. I went to look at a necklace that my mom would've liked. It was 540 dollars. Colin saw me widen my eyes. He lived a totally different lifestyle than me.
      "Ah! There's the cologne," he said, "oh and it's on sale!" It was 156 dollars. That was on sale? Oh my lord! We walked to checkout and then we went back out into the mall. I suggested that we go into Macy's because I could afford stuff there. We walked in and I saw a beautiful pair of earrings my mom would like so I got them. They were 40 dollars, so not bad compared to the other store. Colin saw a necklace that he liked for his mom for 180 dollars and he got that.
     "You got good taste dude," I said shocked. Like honestly everything he has gotten is perfect! He chuckled.
     "I live with two very spoiled women" he said still smiling. I laughed. I found myself enjoying the time with him today. It's weird enjoying time with someone other than Taylor or Kaylie. Get him out of your head! I still needed to get a present for my sister, but I didn't know what to get her.
"Colin, what do I get my sister?" I asked stumped. He thought for a minute.
"Well," he said, "what does she like?" I had no clue. I rolled my eyes and said, "I don't know, all I do know is she's a spoiled brat who cons me into giving her money all the time." Colin laughed and then he paused as if a lightbulb went off in his head.
"Just get her like 50 dollars then, she'll definitely like that." He said. The guy had a point. If she's always begging me for money or tricking me into giving it to her, why not just give it to her as a present? Good job, you now only need to get a gift for Kaylie now!
"That's a very good idea Colin." I said. He shrugged his shoulders.
"Well what can I say?" We laughed and made our way to the checkout line. I figured I would just order Kaylie something cute online. So walked out of Macy's and didn't know where to go next. My stomach growled really loud. Oh my god I hope he didn't hear that. "Was that a frog that I just heard?" Colin asked with a smirk on his face. Crap now he probably thinks you're a pig. "Oh relax pretty girl, I was joking. You must be hungry, so let's go get some lunch." My heart just skipped a beat. He called me pretty. He called me pretty!!!!! I blushed a little. I looked at the ground and then back up at him.
"Okay, lets go to the food court!" I said trying to be cool. He looked at me confused and chuckled a little bit.
"If I take a girl on a date, she doesn't eat at the food court." He said looking at me with his smile that could make a popsicle melt on the Fourth of July. Wait. Hold up, did he just say date? No no no no no no I'm not ready to date. I felt like my head turned into a bowling ball and my palms were soaked with sweat. My face turned dark red and got really hot. Colin must've noticed something was wrong. I heard him say my name but it sounded like an echo. I sat down on the bench that was next to me. Colin sat down next to me looking very concerned. I regained feeling in my feet and hands. "Hey listen if going to the food court is what you want then we can go there, it's okay!" He said sweetly. What? He thought that was the problem? Ha! I just started laughing out loud like a freaking psychopath. He probably lost all interest in me now. He looked really weirded out. Say something may you freak!
"No, no its fine! We can go to the restaurant, it's just I didn't know that this was a date." I said with my voice fading looking at the ground. He closed his eyes and put his face in his hands.
"Shit I don't know why I called it that, were just friends I'm sorry that was an honest mistake." He said putting his hand on my shoulder out of empathy. Of course you just made things awkward May, good job.
"No, it's okay let's just forget about it and go have lunch." I said with a soft smile. We walked to this restaurant located in the mall. It was called Lyndell's. it had burgers, pastas, pizza, anything you name it. Ever since earlier I've felt awkward and bad about making things awkward. "Hey, I'm sorry about earlier it's just hearing that word so soon after T-Taylor just made my heart jump."
He smiled and looked down at the ground.
      "It's cool, it was just a mistake!" He smirked and blew his straw wrapper at my face.
      "Oh it's on!" I said. I flicked water out of my cup towards him. Although, I couldn't help but remember Taylor and I having a similar encounter on our first date. I kept putting on a brave face and laughing. After all the fun immature games we settled down and ate. "So have you had a girlfriend before?" I asked out of curiosity. He looked down at the ground. He sighed.
      "Yeah, it's not easy to talk about her though. She broke up with me to be with some other dude." My heart hurt for this guy because I know what heartbreak felt like.
      "I'm so sorry. I know what it feels like." I said grabbing his hand across the table. He looked up at me and gave me a small smile. He shook his head.
      "Let's talk about something worth talking about!" He said trying to lighten the mood. The rest of the meal went well with pleasant conversation. We walked out of the mall into the parking lot. It was FREEZING! Colin must've seen me shivering. He took off his jacket and put it on my back. Awe what a gentleman. We got into his car. We turned on the radio and kind of just sat there for a second.
       "I'm sorry for making things awkward earlier about the whole date word." I said out of sympathy.
     "It's okay, it's my fault for being an idiot...but what if I wanted it to be a date?" He asked looking at me desperate. My heart sunk. I didn't want to let this guy down. He was so sweet. I looked down at the ground.
       "I don't know, what if?" I asked looking him in the eye. He put his hand on my shoulder.
       "Well," he said,"I'd put my hand on your cheek" he reached and laid his frigid hand on my rosey cheek. "And then I'd pull you in real close and look at your beautiful green eyes" and he did just that. Our breaths were in sync and I could feel my heart beating. I looked at my legs and then back up at him. He put his lips on mine and gave me a small and simple kiss. He then looked at me for permission to go on. I nodded my head. I don't know why this was happening and I don't know why I thought this was okay. He made me feel wanted and comfortable like Taylor had not. My palms were sweaty and my heart was racing. His lips were soft and sweet. Our lips parted and he stared at me in awe.
        "So," I said breathing heavy,"that's what you would do if this was a date?" I smirked. He laughed.
       "Yes, that's exactly what I would do." We smiled at each other. He started driving and he said we were going back to his house which was actually only a few blocks away from mine and Taylor's. What a night. I wonder what this will turn into...

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