Smashing dalek eyepieces

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Chapter 1

Ignition, fire, explosion. Bang!! Ignition, fire, explosion. Bang!! Ignition, fire, explosion. Bang!! The nitro 9 obliterates the walls, bricks and dust fly through the air. Ace ducks and runs through the chaos. "Exterminate, exterminate" screams approaching daleks. Ace curses under her breath, where is the doctor? She grabs her trusty baseball bat which was infused with the hand of omega. She swings the baseball bat onto one of the daleks eye stalks. The eye bursts into flames. "My vision is impaired I cannot see my vision is impaired I cannot see, I cannot see" screams the blind dalek.

Ace runs to the school building and barges the door open. She is greeted with the sight of the bodies of fallen soldiers. "Shit" curses ace, the view of death and destruction reminds her of that night, and the loss of her greatest friend. Ace shakes her head trying to get the memory out of her head. But she can't forget and she never will. Ace cries for what may be the first time ever. Ace collapses to the floor crying why, why did her only friend go. The only person who she loved and was loved back by. The idea brings memory's of her lazy mother who did nothing, but drink and eat. Ace hated her mother but in someways missed her. Ace was cut short of her thoughts as a dalek enters.

Ace runs up the stairs and throws herself into a class room, the peculiar design surprises her. It's the future earth and the daleks have invaded the world she reminds herself, what would she expect? She hears the buzzing sound of the dalek hovering up the stairs. Ace takes out a can of nitro nine sets of the timer and places it by the door.10.....9.....8...7....6....5....4....3 , the nitro9 explodes as the daleks just enters destroying it. "The timer needs some work comments ace". She hears foot steps, not a dalek then she thinks. Ace carefully creeps down the stairs.

Ace enters the what was once the main corridor. Their she sees and youngish man, maybe in his twenties standing there. Ace approaches cautiously, the man turns to face her and his face barely shows any emotion. He raises his gun towards ace. His finger lingers on the trigger. Ace just stares at the gun, after all she has seen a gun doesn't scare her in the slightest. The man moves the gun and shoots. A body hits the ground but not ace's. The man had shot himself, but why? Ace realised that in this never ending battle. Death is the most peaceful option. Ace picks up the gun and runs towards the exit......

Dalek invasion of earth, an Ace storyWhere stories live. Discover now