A little boy sitting in his dark cell while looking sad with his green, purple orbs at his feed.
,,Oi! Boy you got a new cellmate"
The Boy didn't move an inch he didn't even looked up. He Just sat there as if nothing would happen. The guard closed the cell door after trowing the new inmate inside of the cell.
,,Ow! Hey! That hurt BAKA! Nya!"
The Boy was confused by the voice He heard. It sounds like a little girl. But they wouldn't put boy and girl inside of one cell, would they? He snaped Out of his thougt as someone shaked him.
,,Oi! Oi! Are ya alright?!"
The boy slowly moved his head to look up. His sad eyes widened as he saw a beautyful girl with (e/c) orbs, (h/l) (h/c) hair and (h/c) Cat ears.
,,Are ya alright?"
The Girl asked again.
The Girl smiled at the Boy with an kinda sad look.
,,What's wrong?"
She asked as she sat besides him.
,, Nothing"
The Boy answered in an monoton voice.
The boy looked confused as he saw that something inside of the girls Jumpsuit moved. After a few moments the moveing stoped. And the heat of a Baby cat poped out of the colar.
,,Nyaa! Kuu! I nearly forgot ya!"
The Girl said to the little cat while puting it down. The cat looked at the Boy Antwort jumped on his lap.
,,NYA! Looks like Kuu likes ya!" The Girl said with an bright smile.
Even the Boy Starts to smile as he Starts to pat Kuu.
,,Oh! What's ya Name?"
The Girl asked.
(Y/n) smiled at the memory.
,It's been a long while since I saw Jyugo the last time. Now I am all alone chained up. Inside of an Underground cell.'
The Girl cryed at the thougt.
She look up olny to see her beloved cat Kuu. She weakly smiled at him as he jump on her lap and she start to pat him.
,,Kuu.... It's Not his fault that He don't remember us. And he still loves ya even thougt He don't remember ya" (Y/n) said while keep pating Kuu.
,,And I am sure he will remember us one day"
Hey^^ I am sorry for Not Updating in a wile. This got Requested by @Alyssajj11 Hoppe ya liked it^^
And there is going to be a Part 2Coming soon:
Musashi x Kenshiro
Jyugo x Neko! Reader Part 2

Nanbaka One shots
FanfictionI'll make Charakter x Reader and Charakter x Charakter. If ya have any requests Just say it. I'll also do Boy x Boy and Girl x Girl if ya want