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It was a typical Friday night. Other than the fact that I had lost a friend recently. Either way, typical Friday nothing out of the usual. I walked into the bar pretty depressed, and started looking for an empty seat at the bar. That's when I saw her. She had long brown hair, beautiful brown eyes, and a short black dress on. She was the kind of girl you couldn't take your eyes off of. She was perfect.

I saw an empty seat next to her and I took that up. I glanced over her a couple times before I ordered two beers.
"Two beers please..." I said.

She already had five shot glasses turned over in front of her. She looked at me before she spoke.
"Two beers? I mean...I'm not the one to be talking, but two beers?" She said.

"I uh...lost a friend in battle in Iraq. I order two beers every Friday night. One for me and one for him."

She quickly looked down and apologized.

"I promised him I'd never get drunk without him."

"Oh...I'm sorry..."

"It's fine I guess. I've gone 2 weeks without getting drunk. You on the other hand...look a little over the tipsy point."

"I am." She giggles.

"Well, if you need a ride home I can. Unless you wanna crash at my place."

"Ok" she smiles and writes her name and phone number on a napkin.

The napkin reads: Carly 905-803-7052

"Thanks. So I'll take that as a yes?"

"Yep" she giggles again "what's your name by the way"

"Oh I'm Jacob" I hold my hand out for a handshake. "Can't wait to get to know you more."

Later that night after I drive her to my place she had pointed out that she lives in the apartment complex next to mine. To be honest, I never knew she lived nearby to the point I could've met her by checking my mail. Oh well the past is the past.

So I open the door to my apartment as my dog (Riley) bolts out the door.

Carly: "Shouldn't you go get him?"
Me: "Nope. He'll come back. Trust me, he runs out for 2 minutes and comes running back the 3rd minute"
Carly: "Oh ok" she shrugs.
Me: "Come in"

We both walk in. As I walk into the kitchen I ask if she wants one of my shirts for the night. To my surprise she said yes. So I go into my room and she follows me in (which I could careless but that's besides the point) and grabs my red flannel shirt. My favorite one too.

Carly: "Mind if I take this one?"
Me: "Um...nope. You can keep it." I smile and sit on my bed

She goes to my bathroom to change and I'm sitting in my room thinking to myself. For no reason whatsoever. I finally change into my pajamas. Then she walks in while I'm in my boxers. Mind you this scared the shit out of me.

Me: "Carly! Holy fuck don't do that to me"
Carly: "Sorry" she smiles and looks at me up and down
Me: "It's fine, just step out while I change..."
Carly: "Ugh...fine" she walks out

Once I finished getting dressed, Carly and I went to watch a movie. She was cuddled up to me the whole movie. I never thought I would catch feelings for another girl since my ex.

Carly: "I'm tired..."
Me: "And tipsy. Let's go to bed"
Carly: "...."

Of course she passed out, so I carried her to bed and laid her down on my side. She cuddled into my pillow shivering since it was freezing in my room.
I laid down next to her. Close enough so she could cuddle. Then I pulled the blanket over us and fell asleep.

Carly had woken up before me, I wondered why till I smelled breakfast. I got up and walked into the kitchen where she was cooking.

Me: "'d you sleep?" I ask as I rub my eyes.
Carly: "Like a baby, how about you?" She smiles and finishes cooking
Me: "I slept well...breakfast smells amazing Carly. But is it really good?" I pestered.
Carly: "Its really good. Trust me I know what I'm doing" she turns around and kisses my cheek and giggles as I blush

I pour two cups of coffee for us then I sit down to eat. I checked the date to make sure I didn't have to work. Which thankfully I didn't. I asked her if she wanted to go on a proper date tonight. Since I know a place out in the woods. Better to go during a super clear starry night. She said yes, so we got ready for the date night. Packed a cooler with four beers, a few sodas, and deli sandwiches.

Me: "I'm gonna go put some blankets and pillows in the back of my truck. I'll be right back" I say as I walk out the door.

We sit and talk before the sunset, and by the sunset we're already driving to my favorite spot in the woods. It's clear of trees, enough space to park my truck there.

We spent the rest of the night there. And at midnight we went back to my place. I couldn't believe I just spent a night out watching the stars with the one I'm falling for.

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