Quick A\N
This is a short chapter only in Jessicas point of veiw
Ok carry onJessica's POV
I was teleported out of the hallway into another room, but it wasn't in the house, it was like a jail sell. I was laying down on the cold concrete floor, the walls and selling were concrete, too. I though I was alone, until I saw Green, Denis, and Janelle in separate sell, too. "Guys, wake up, Idk where we are!" I said slightly freaking out, Denis woke up first, and looked around confused " What? Where are we?" Then Green and Janelle woke up, I assume that Janelle doesn't like waking up. Anyways a few minutes later of silence, Green finally breaks it " So um, what happend again? Wasnt there like a person who brought us here?" Ah ha! I remember now " *yawns* Ya, the demond lady, Kalya, she probably took us here for some reason." Janelle seems to didnt care, its like she knows what going on, "Janelle, do you know whats happening? You are really chill for some reason." Once I said that everyone looked at her, "Not at all, you see, I like sleep.. alot, and when I waked up, if something bad or good happens, I'm still waking up, so I act chill instead of tierd." then she shrugs. ( Well idk if that makes sense oh well) After a while, we hear a door be kicked open, and we see Kayla. " OK, I need one of you to come with me... So you have one minute to choose, and I am not telling you whats going to happen. Once you choose, that person will have to drink this." What?!?! Does she think were crazy, we are NOT going to pick. I looked at everyone shaking my head a little, mouthing the word '' no ", they nodded, and so we sat in our cells, quietly waiting. " Ok, time is up! So whos it gonna be?" Kalya is a phsyco, she waits, and waits, Green spoke up " We aren't going with you. No one is." " Oh really? Well, then I will choose, hm, ok I choose you! with brown hair, and glasses. Drink up!!!" Kalya hands janelle a glass bottle with red thick liquid in it. We are all shaking, and Janelle takes the bottle, shivering in fright. We all stare at her in fright, not knowing whats gonna happen. She takes a sip, disgusted, she drinks the rest. Shes fine, but scared, Kalya is smiling evily. After a minute, or so, Denis speaks up " So, whats gonna happen?" we look at Kalya "That" we look back to see Janelle there, one the ground, eyes closed. *everyone gasps and screams* " Oh shut up, she ain't dead, she is just weak, she'll be alive. Kalya drags Janelle away, and by her foot. After she closes the door, we see Janelles glasses near Denis' cell. He grabs them, speechless. "Guys, we may never see her again."
There we go, another chapter, all done, once this comes out I am making an authors note, there will be bad, but good news, so go check it out after its uploaded, BYEEEEE~~piggy~~

What a life ( Denis x Reader) ( COMPLETED )
FanfictionYou and The pals are one big group of Youtubers, one day you all bought a mansoin. You have a crush on Denis (ofcoures XD), but you are in a bad relation ship with Biff, then someone saves you, and you two are dating, but what happen next is a twis...