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Becky walks down to Layla lily gets there to they pick her up putting each of LAYLA'S arms around becky and lily's shoulders they walk her back to the chair Layla starts to wake up

(Lily eei ) layla are you ok

(Layla ) Hugh ah my head

Becky checks and sees a cut in the back of layla's head she's bleeding

(Becky eei ) your bleeding hang on

Becky grabs her back pack and takes out a rag she puts medicine on it then takes some sticky rap becky puts it on layla's head

(Lily eei ) becky look

Becky looks down and sees that Layla's wrist were cut

(Becky eei ) we need to stop this

(Lily eei ) I'll get Ryan

Lily walks out the library back up the stairs to the cafeteria she stops and looks around but doesn't see him so she remembers they have the same class right now history lily runs across to the other doors in front of her she goes out then turns to the lift and runs then speed walks down some stairs then turns to the right and runs to the doors then stops turns to the lift and knocks on the door the teacher walks to the door

(Ms.mum) lily your late

(Lily eei ) I know but there's a family thing and I came to get Ryan it's a family problem

The teacher turns around

(Ms.mum) ryan

Ryan gets up and walks to the door

(Ryan eei ) lily


(Layla ) what are we going to do

(Becky eei ) were gonna stop this girl

(Layla ) how she has no weakness

(Becky eei ) there's got to be something

Lily and Ryan come through the doors

(Ryan eei ) what's going on

(Becky eei ) we need help

(Ryan eei ) with what

(Lily eei  we know who the girl is

(Ryan eei ) you mean the dead girl

(Becky eei ) yes and we need to stop her before she kills us

(Ryan eei ) will what the hell we do

(Becky eei ) we play her game

(Lily eei ) you know anyone can help

(Ryan eei ) I know some people


(Ryan eei ) Khalid

Aby comes out the Lil cabin

(Aby ) hey Ryan Khalid's not her

(Ryan eei ) I need your help

(Aby ) what do you need

(Becky eei ) I'm becky and we need your help with taking down a ghost

(Aby ) ghost

(Lily eei ) the girl that kills people in our house

(Aby ) come with me

They go in to the cabin


(Aby ) what do you know about her

(Becky eei ) her names Jamie lone she killed her family in that house in 1999

(Lily eei ) she was acting crazy before she did that she was sent away after she attack her teacher in shcool

(Layla ) and lots of people have died in that house over lots of years

(Aby ) what else do you know

(Becky eei ) that's it

(Aby ) Jamie was 13 when they moved in to the house she was a happy girl but there's a room in that house that has something that no one can explain and that was jamie's room she started hearing things then seeing things whatever she came in to contact in that room it changed her made her evil it turnd her in to something people can't handle and in 1999 when she was 14 Jamie killed her dad in his bed with a big kitchen knife then her mom at the bottom of the steps Jamie cut her mom's head off then when her brother woke up ray lone he saw is dad dead then when's downstairs to see his mom dead he turnd around and Jamie stabbed him over and over with a big ax when it was all over she when's to the bathroom and killed herself in the tube Jamie slit her wrist

(Lily eei ) how is this going to help us stop her

(Aby ) we can but it's going to be hard tonight is going to be the anniversary of that night Jamie will be at her full power if we're going to do this we stay together and whatever you do stay away from water you go get ready I'll call Khalid

They head back to the house getting things set up for the night


(Lily eei ) guys I can't find mom and dad

(Ryan eei )where are they

Becky,lily,Ryan and Layla look around the house then Layla opens the door to the basement she smells something bad Layla walks down Layla stop then turns to the lift and sees 2 body's stapled to the walls all cut up and their stomach's cut open and their guts are gone

(Layla ) AAAAAAAAAAAAAH! !!!!!

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