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Two days

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Two days.

Griffin and Lauren hadn't spoken in two days. It was the longest they'd gone during the summer months without contact since becoming friends.

Griffin was too stubborn to reach out first, but she also knew there was a better chance of Hell freezing over twice before Lauren caved. So Griffin spent those two days doing what anyone else would do in this situation. She slept in, went to work, sat on the beach, texted with Charlie, and...stalked Lauren on social media to see what she was up to.

She was not pleased with what she found.

Apparently Lauren had spent the past two days working at the club, sitting on the beach (on the other side of the island from Griffin's house), and hanging out with Mary Kyle Bowman.

Griffin thought she could keep her cool, but by early Saturday afternoon, she'd had enough of Lauren's Instagram posts of her and Mary Kyle "Getting appetizers at Driftwood!" or "Soaking up their daily vitamin D!" or "Setting up custom-made centerpieces for the Adams wedding this weekend!"

Luckily Charlie was getting back from Charleston soon. Griffin couldn't decide if she was more anxious or excited to see him. Would he kiss her again? Would it be awkward? Would she get the obnoxious Chuck side of him, or the sweet Charlie side?

And also, like...would he kiss her again?

Griffin texted Matty earlier to see if he wanted to go to Driftwood that afternoon to pass the time. He already had plans with his new secret boyfriend, though. Hearing that made Griffin wish she'd gotten more information out of him a couple of days ago when they went to lunch. Griffin had gone on a tirade about Lauren, then she made the mistake of following it up with her Wake Forest news. It resulted in having to explain (and apologize) to Matty about why she didn't tell him all of that was happening. He eventually forgave her...but it took so long they didn't get to talk about much else.

Anyway, Griffin's current lack of social life left her with really only one option at a time like this: Hide in her room until someone would venture out into Corbet's with her, because she couldn't think of a sadder situation than hanging out by herself and accidentally running into Lauren and Mary Kyle.

She decided to do some journaling. She'd kinda gotten behind with all the Wake Forest and Charlie stuff happening in the last few days. It was funny to read back through what she'd written about Charlie a few weeks ago—how arrogant and irritating and annoyingly hot he was. All of that was still true now...Griffin just had a different perspective on it. By the time she closed her journal an hour later, she was having a hard time remembering why she'd been so against Charlie at first. 

Just as she was putting her journal back in its hiding spot in her walk-in closet, her phone vibrated on her bedside table with a text from Matty.

Just as she was putting her journal back in its hiding spot in her walk-in closet, her phone vibrated on her bedside table with a text from Matty

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