Raven haired girl

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Rise and shine! Alex said as she brought Kara dounts from her favourite shop. Do i smell what i think i smell couse if i smell the smell i thing i smell...Shhhh yes Kara they are all for you Alex said. Kara was so happy and Alex was just glad that her little sister is okey. Are you ready to go Little Danvers? Maggie asked hyped and nervous Kryptonian. All ready detective Sawyer Kara winked. Than lets go! They came out of Maggie's car, Kara took a deep breath, said goodbye to her sister and Maggie and she steped foward. It was decided! This is her new begining! She will fight for herself she will reach her goal for being reporter and maybe one day her dream of working at CatCk will came true. Its now or never she said to herself. As she gotten carried away in her toughts, the raven haired woman bumped into her. I'm really sorry i got carryied a..way..The woman was already gone. Kara realised she just spoke to no one. What a great day to fit in she said and yet here I'am still talking to myself...
She realised that raven haired girl droped her phone. Kara picked it up. She wanted to call someone in her contats so they can tell her her phone is found but it was locked. Her lockscreen was a puppy and Kara found that very adorable. She decided she will look for this girl. She looked everywhere. But girl was no where to be found. She desapeared. Just like that. Puf. Gone.
Um, can i help you? Unfamiliar male voice said.
Kara got so carryied away that she didn't even realised she was in principal's office.
Um yeah, I'm sorry. I was just wondering if you could umm...So here's the thing one girl bumped into me this morning and she droped her phone. I tryed to find her but i failed. So i was wondering can you found her and give her back her phone?
Yes. If you could just tell me your name so when we found your girl she will knew who to thank for?
I'm Kara. Kara Danvers.
She left principals office.
Ugh i was so bussy with this girl that i didn't had a chance to make real friends.
Um are you lost? Deep male voice said.
No. Why? Kara answered.
Couse that is our room, and this is male floor. Two boys lauged at lost girl.
I'm James and my friend over here is Winn.
I'm Kara. Kara Danvers. And sorry for getting into you room. Also where is the female floor?
Beautiful woman joined them.
Um Kara this is my girlfriend, Lucy.
Wait Kara what?
Danvers. Kara said nervously. Damn girl! We are in the same room. Come! Let me show you the way you lost puppy. Bye boys. Byee. Kara said as Lucy dragged her into their room.

Author's note:
I hope you enjoyed guys. I will update more soon!(couse personaly i hate to wait lmao) If you have any suggestions please tell me i would appriciate it! Stay awesome♡ Will Kara finally meet the raven haired girl? Find out in next chapter!

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