The Saltwater Room

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Based off of The Saltwater Room by Owl City


I was walking down by the bay one night, maybe a little past midnight, the only noises were the waves splashing and a soft breeze. Alone I stood for an hour or two until I saw a figure, a silhouette in the distance. I squinted, trying to make out the person's face. They were staring up at the sky, arms folded and mouth ajar in wonder or amazement, perhaps.

In an attempt to see the person more clearly, I cautiously approached them. My voice wavered as I called out, "Hey, what are you doing out here?"

The person spun around, their eyes landing on mine. Blue meeting brown. I knew those eyes like back of my hand. Then—holy shit—it hit me, and I desperately wanted to leave.

"Scott? I haven't seen you in years..." he trailed off.

We were much closer now, a few feet away from each other. It felt too close, years ago it would have felt too far away, but that was then and this is now. My silence was starting to make the situation uncomfortable and I needed to say something before this conversation crashed and burned.

"Yeah, it's been a while," I started. "What are you doing out here, Mitch?"

"Just, staring up at the stars," he answered.

I looked up, it was overcast that night. No stars were visible. But, then again, I was talking to my slightly-off ex. What did I even expect from this conversation?

"There's no stars though,"

The brunette looked up, "I suppose there aren't." He sighed and brought his gaze back to mine, that hypnotic stare that put me under a spell every time I looked at him. Damnit, I wanted to hate him but when he looked at me like that, how could I?

Suddenly he was looking at me as if he had asked a question, shit I missed something. I snapped out of my trance, "Sorry what was that?"

He giggled softly, "Glad to know I still have that effect on you. I asked what might bring you here?"

"Wanted to get away, you know quite a bit about that, don't you?" I retorted.

For a moment I thought I might have pushed the limits with the reference to our past relationship, but he needed to hear it. I was also kind of proud for coming up with something on the spot and not butchering it. When the chance to roast your ex comes, you take it faster than you could say 'I love you' to them again.

"Ouch, that burned," he replied. "I really deserve that though. I probably wouldn't have heard it even with my ear to a seashell."

"Would you rather take it that way? Here..." I picked up a shell that was mostly intact and handed it to Mitch, who giggled again but put it up to his ear.

"You're right, this is much better coming from no one," he pocketed the shell and remained silent for a moment. "Remember when we'd walk on the shoreline in California and it'd be freezing but I'd feel warm with my hand in yours?"

I smiled at the memory, "And you wouldn't let go of my hand the entire time, I remember."

"Those were the good days," he sighed.

The breeze began to pick up around us, enough to make the both of us shiver. He looked much colder than I did, but I simply pulled my jacket tighter around me. I couldn't shake the memory he had just brought up, we used to walk together all the time on the beach. It was just us, but it was beautiful.

"When you and I were alone, I always felt so at home," I said looking up at him.

He smiled sadly and replied, "If that was what we called home, why did it feel so alone?"

Maybe he did still love me, but I couldn't love him back. He left me when I needed him most, there was no reason to keep loving someone who didn't care for you enough to even call every once and a while. I hadn't had much luck with relationships since him, I was stuck on him for too long. And once I finally let go he just shows up again? The world was never on my side.



"Do you wish we'd fall in love?"

"All the time."

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