15: pillow... talk.

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The bright sky lit up my bedroom, the sun wasn't out but the blue of the sky was enough to wake me up. My eyes squinting to adjust to the new found light, as I opened my eyes fully I noticed messy brown hair on my chest. Harry. Soft snores escaped his slightly parted pink lips, and a small shadow painted on his cheekbones from his long eyelashes.

I ruffled my hand gently through his hair, the soft strands tickling my skin as I did so, a deep sigh escaped his mouth causing me to still my actions. He shuffled off of me so his weight was now beside me rather than on me, his eyes fluttering open to look in my direction. Once his eyes met mine a lazy smile pulled at his lips before he shut them again, face staring at the ceiling. I placed my hand on his chest to intwine with his hand that rested there. Our fingers playing with each other's, the bulky rings wrapped around his fingers feeling cold against the pads of my fingertips.

"Good morning," I smiled.

"Morning," he stretched, his leg falling over both of mine as he practically clung to my side like a koala, our hands still holding one another's. "Did you sleep okay?" His face against my shoulder, eyes shut and a large contagious yawn burst from his mouth. A small salty tear escaping his eye as he yawned and squeezed his eyes shut, which he wiped away with the skin of my shoulder.

"Yeah I did, you?"

"Out like a light," he chuckled, kissing my shoulder, immediately heating the skin there. My eyes focused solely on our hands that were still intwined together, Harry's eyes were still shut gently and his eyelashes would occasionally flutter. "Did you think about my offer?"

I let out a short breathy laugh. "I slept Harry, I wasn't really thinking about your offer."

"Well can you think now?"

"Why are you pushing this?" I frowned. The tone of my voice must have startled him as his eyes opened quickly, face tilting to look at me in alert.

"I'm just saying. I'd like to know so I can let my family know," he shrugged as if it was a careless topic.

I couldn't help but sigh loudly, a little over dramatically. "I just don't know if it's a good idea to meet your family so soon," I whispered lowly. He fully turned now, staring at me with an angry, agitated scowl. His once bright green eyes had darkened drastically, the glare in them made a shiver rake up my skin climbing up my spine as if the bone was a ladder.

"I will have known you for around five weeks when you meet them, that's almost a month, Luna. You can't just use 'we don't know each other' as an excuse every time. I'm getting sick of it," his outburst made me scoot away from him, not in fright but in surprise.

"I'm..." I trailed off, did he seriously think that was my aim? Using the truth as an excuse. I mean, sure we will have known each other for almost a month when Christmas rolls around, but I can't explain why I don't want to meet his family. I mean, how do I explain that I'm scared to progress this relationship any further in fear that I'll lose him? I crave this affection now, I don't want to risk it leaving me and my whole self being sucked once again back into loneliness.

"Just tell me, Moonlight," he breathed, ready for rejection or pain to strike his heart.

"If we progress this, I'll get attached."

He frowned, that's not what he expected to hear obviously but he frowned in confusion anyway. "And you don't want everything to crash and burn in your face, and be alone again?" He said as if reading my mind and shocking me. I nodded slowly, his fingertips grazing the skin of my cheek softly. "What else can I do to prove I'm going nowhere? I stayed when you gave me the choice to leave or not. I want to be here with you, I'm in this for the long run. I'm twenty three, I want to settle not run around like an eighteen year old boy."

His words reassured me of his place in my life, proving himself to me, that's he's in this with me for the long run not just a few weeks or months. Making me believe if any fight would occur in the upcoming future I can be assured he'll be there fighting for us, wanting us to work. I'm eighteen I shouldn't want to settle so quickly, but I guess I'm just into the old school romance like my parents were, they got married at twenty two.

"Okay. I'm in."

He frowned. "What?"

"I'll come with you to Holmes Chapel," I smiled genuinely, now I can't turn back. Not that I would. I'm not going to push excuse after excuse at him and expect him to just understand and take my bullshit, the only reason he'll leave me alone is if I never step up and let this relationship progress any further. He smiled brightly.

"Don't feel pressured!" He said quickly, like he assumed his tone of voice made my decision come out.

"I'm not," I reassured him, leaning up and placing a kiss to his lips, taking not only himself by surprise but me also. Our lips stilled as we pressed them together, my bottom lip captured between his and we suddenly began moving. What was different was the sudden urgency. My lips moving quicker, I wanted to prove to him I do want this, I am in this for the long run too. I sat up, our lips never disconnecting as one of my legs flung over both of his and I was straddling his waist, my hands flat against his chest as we kissed. His hands gripping the back of my thighs to hold me still.

A low rumble vibrated from his throat as my lips trailed down his neck, feeling his Adam's apple bob under my lips as I softly and slowly kissed repeatedly over the warm skin. I trailed my lips up to his ear, my heavy breathing fanning over the shell of his ear as his hands trailed up my thighs, over my bum now resting on my back and waist. The messy brown curls tickling my cheeks as I kissed his ear and giggled into it, dropping my head into the pillow, our ears brushing together and his hair poking my eyelids that covered my eyes. I felt his head move and his warm plump lips touch my cheek in a chaste kiss.

I felt like I was on cloud nine, suddenly everything about our relationship felt safe and secure. I wasn't scared to be alone because I was finally reassured he wanted me the way I wanted him. I'm not clingy, I just needed that reassurance I failed to understand up until this very moment that is. I was no longer on a piece of driftwood floating out to sea all alone, I was being rescued by a boat — taking me home, bringing me to safety and happiness; and it was Harry. It may have been three weeks of knowing this beautiful, strange yet flawlessly entertaining man beside me, but I haven't ever felt so sure about things in all of my life.

"We have some great pillow talk," he chuckled. I swatted his chest as I rolled off of him and tucked my blushing, crimson face into the pillow. Our laughter morphing as one, lacing together and sounding like the most beautiful jingle.

Pillow talk is a calming, yet intimate conversation that usually would occur between two partners after doing bedroom activities. But with Harry and I, it's simply a calming conversation with our faces squished into the pillows.

His happiness is mine.

The way his cheek seems chubbier as the skin gets pushed up under his eye with his head into the pillow, the way his eyelashes leave a beautifully cascaded shadow over his prominent cheekbones. The way his messy curls are flatter on one side due to the way he lay on my chest, his light green eyes, almost a pale shade of green that reminded me of a squeezed lime.

"Will your mum like me?" I asked as our laughter died down.

"Of course moonlight," he chuckled amusedly, the crease in his brows returning as he wondered why I'd ask such a thing. "She's gonna love you."

My heart fluttered at his words, and my cheeks blushed at the pet name. It was unusual, I had never heard that pet name before, it was cute and unique. It matched well with my name if I'm honest, I've noticed the usage of the moon being thrown around a lot in our relationship recently. Goodnight Moon being brought up, Harry always looking out a window at night, calling me moonlight, liking my name; which meant moon. What a coincidence, a very adorable coincidence that I'm sure he hasn't really noticed yet.


A/N; I hope you enjoy the update. X

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