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James was a happy boy, he lived in England then moved to America because of his parents different Christian beliefs. He moved from Plymouth, to New York whee he lives by himself in a small house on the outskirts of the town on a tobacco farm.

His parents lived inside the walled in town in a apartment, but they came out to the farm a lot because they wished they could own a farm like their son. James also had a few slaves, he was nice to them though. Of course he made them work but they had shifts, after one slave worked for an hour and was sweating half to death under the blistering hot sun, another slave would take his place.

James's dad, Philip fought in King Philips War and was shot in the leg by an arrow so he couldn't come over here that much but he loved it at the farm so much that he slept there some days. James didn't like it much because he was running out of room because of his slaves and his girlfriend who slept at his house.

"Father, you have to go back into the city.My girlfriend and I are going to get married and are going to have kids whom need this room" said James.

"I don't see the kids, so I still get this room, anyway you might have to go into war, the Americans want there freedom from England" said Philip.

"don't you get it, there was the shooting at Concord, the Boston Tea Party, and the Redcoats are going into houses and taking whatever they want and from whom ever they want."

"well would you still please leave my house, my slaves will help you pack" said James. James went into his basement and called upstairs his one child slaves.

"why Jen, I will run into town and sell some of our tobacco, is there anything I should need to get" Said James to his girlfriend, Jen.

"only a new axe head and maybe two new hoes" said Jen from out near the plantation. James hopped into his wagon that he loaded up earlier with lots of dried tobacco. As he crossed the streets of New York he saw Redcoats talking to people angrily, he saw one Redcoats hit a man with the but of his gun, and James saw another Redcoat bring a man over to a hanging post and strapped the rope around his neck and then kicked the stool the man was standing on.

As James came closer to the market he saw more and more redcoats and then James pulled his wagon over by a bunch of redcoats. Do you have a permit because only people with a permit are allowed to hitch here allowed to hitch wagons here" said one Redcoat who was pointing his bayonet at my chest.

"yes I do have a permit, why I sell tobacco to the people who come by my shop" Said James.

"while your at it why don't you give us some tobacco" said a Redcoat who was smirking at all the others.

"I only sell to whom pay for my hard work" Said James. Just then one of the Redcoats hit James in the face with their musket. They also started spitting and kicking James while he lied defenseless. Just then Governor James Hasell came over and told the redcoats to stop hurting James and James Hasell helped James up.

"why you are the popular Tobacco seller" said James Hasell.

"why yes I am, but your importance is much more important than mine" said James stunned to be talking to the Governor.

" I will tell the king to fire those guards, why they don't have the rights to do that, praise God, they do that to whom ever they want" said Governor Hasell. "why don't you come to the town Hall to sign my letter to the king?" James took off his hat nodded and said

"why that would be a pleasure Governor Hasell" said James with his voice cracking. As they walked down the busy streets James started seeing men walking around with American flags but most were seen by Redcoats and were hurt very brutally. Many other men and women started riots around Redcoats and sometimes scared the Redcoats but other times the Redcoats scared the people away.

When they finally reached the town hall and went inside Governor Hasell's office, the entire streets went quiet but there was a faint bell ringing.

"why is that bell ringing, why there is no special occasion or meeting" Asked James.

"why yes there is, I called a meeting before I rescued you" said Governor Hasell and then men started pouring in through the door. "you get to decide if you want to have those guards on trial, well maybe we should speak another time, you must have chores to do. Go on, go I will speak to my men then speak to you perhaps on Thursday, yes Thursday. Just come here at three-O-clock."

After James got back to his stand with all the tobacco he noticed a lot of his bags missing and a large stack British sterlings on the hard cedar wood. After about two hours James sold all of his Tobacco and bought the hoes and axe head. After he bought them he hopped on his wagon and headed home for dinner. He put the hoes and the axe head on the table and then walked outside onto the farm.

On the farm James saw his father and girlfriend arguing.

"what is going on" asked James.

"this retched woman is trying to get me off the farm" said Philip.

"he was standing on crops" said Jen.

"well also father you should already be back in the city. I can't keep you here anyway, anyway I spoke to mum and she said that she misses you" lied James.

"really, oh well why didn't she just come and get me" asked Philip.

"she had to many chores" said James again lying. Just then Philip limped over to his horse and trotted into town.

"that man is crazy" said Jen.

"yes I know, he went crazy during King Philip's war" said James and then walked inside the house. He grabbed a stick and started sharpening to get able to have the axe head around it. Over in the kitchen Jen was churning butter, and the slaves were working on the farm.

"why are all the slaves on the farm" asked James.

"Philip put them there" said Jen. James groaned, walked over to the door and called them all inside for their lunch. The slaves usually got tomato soup, bread and a chunk of butter. Also if they were good they would get a piece of beef or an apple. For James and Jens lunch they got mostly fish, bread and some kind of soup.

"so did you sell a lot of tobacco today" asked Jen.

"yes in fact I got an entire stack of sterlings, maybe about forty sterlings if you include me getting a chicken" Said James.

"well we should speak about this over lunch" said Jen. During lunch James prayed with Jen and then ate there lunch just listening to the chatter of ran hitting their roof.

Just then a soldier who looked like a Redcoat but instead of red it was blue entered their house drenched from the rain. He called James out onto a wagon over to Boston. James had to pack quickly and say good bye to his slaves and Jen. He hopped onto he wagon, luckily covered by a little roof.

"why did I have to come to Boston" Asked James.

"because you are famous, we need every person who has rights to come down to Boston for a meeting, my god sorry my name is, well, that's not important but I am called a Patriot" said the man. "we fight and today all of this is going to change, we're the resistance."

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