part 7

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}*****{ (Anna's POV)

Last thing i remember is a hand over my mouth, then my blacking out. I still can't see anything, even though my eyes are wide open.

"Wakey wakey little girl" Said someone, with a sorta familiar voice, taking off what ever was covering my face. I look around I am still at the park but in the woods next to it. I look down im tied to a tree. I look up and see a person with a mask on, a little taller than i am. With green eyes. 

"WHO ARE YOU? WHERE AM I? WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!" I scream in his face.

"Hey, no need to yell" He said calmly. I look down again, noticing my legs arn't tied up. Stupid. I say in my head. I hope he knows what is coming. I kick up my foot with all my weight in it and kick him right between the legs, with all my strength. He topples over holding his stomach. Boo yeah! BULLS EYE!. I cheer in my head. 

"When your done complaining that you just got kicked hard in the 'man part' i would like you to untie me" I say as nicely as i can.

"No" He said crossing his arms.

"Ok..." I say rolling my eyes. I kick him again harder than last time.

"WOULD YOU STOP DOING THAT?!" He says in pain. I shake my head. Then in the distance i hear a couple of howls. Wolves. I say squirming. The howling is getting closer. He picks up a stick.

"Really? A stick? With a pack of wolves? What you excepting them to play fetch?" I say starting to freak out because its getting closer. He just looks back at me.

"Shut up" He says. I look up.

"You might want to find another plan.... because don't look now but we are surrounded by a pack of hungry looking wolves." I say getting louder. He swings his stick, and the smallest wolf steps forward. He points the stick at him. And the wolf snaps at it breaking the stick all the way to his hand. I snort.  The biggest one steps forward toward me. Oh no oh no oh no. I say in my head. He just comes up, sniffs me, and then licks me. What the heck? i thought you were a wolf! I say. to myself.  Then you wouldn't believe what happens next! The biggest wolf stands up on his back legs. The only thing i can say is.

"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" My mouth drops open. He growls at the person. I look at the wolves paws and see his claws unleash. Then he swats the person in the face with his claws, scratching holes in his mask. The guy sways. Then the wolf touches him lightly with his claw and he falls over. Passed out.  I shake my head. Two other wolves take his shirt by their teeth and run up the hill in the forest and disappear. The giant wolf turns toward me and walks up to me. He takes his claw and cuts my ropes.

"Th-th-th-thanks" I stutter in disbelief. The wolf thing stared into my eyes.  Then i heard a howl, he looks at a girl wolf and they run off, him at the head of the pack. At the top of the hill, all of them keep going but the one looked back and howled. He turned back and ran. I stood their still in shock. That's when a pin cone hit me atop the head. I stepped forward stunned. I run to grab my bike and pedal as fast as i can home. When i get home i run up the stairs.

"Honey? Are you OK?" My mom yells upstairs. Intercom must be broken.  I say to myself.

"Yea" I answer outta breath.

"Come down stairs please." She says. My face started to sting. I walk down the stairs and look at her.

"Oh My Gosh HONEY GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!" She yells. I looked surprised. My face hurts really bad now. I walk down to her. She puts her hand on my face I jump back.

"OUCH!" I say. She looks at me, she drags me into her bathroom and gestures to the mirror. I look in it. My eyes go huge. I have a cut across my cheek. She cleans it out and puts a band-aid on. I walk back up to my room.

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