A few minutes before, Leia's POV:
Leia was surprised, the awesome Darth Vader did not intimidate her at all. He pointed his index finger towards her, the same way her father Bail Organa did, when she really got him railed up. Back then she would stick her tongue out at Bail and he would take her in his arms and squeeze her. During the initial encounter with Darth Vader on the Death Star, she was really tempted to stick her tongue out at him, the very same way, but that would have been too childish, not really suitable for a Senator. In fact, when she was brought before Grand Moff Tarkin, it rather felt like she had back up. With that back up, she gave Tarkin shit. When Vader put his hand on her shoulder, it felt a little like when her father Bail Organa used to catch her in her childhood. It was strange, very strange. Much to her dismay, opposing Tarkin, had cost billions their lives, at the end of the day. Upon the destruction of Alderaan she felt the shaking of the force, it was horrible, and she regret not having been more diplomatic, maybe it would have changed things.
On Dantooine:
Ahsoka felt the convulsion of the force, too, and she knew, something terrible had happened. Soon thereafter, she was called by Mon Mothma, on her com link, asking her to bring all her available forces, men and ship, to Yavin IV.
The same evening, they were all headed for Yavin IV. Ahsoka, Mike, the 3 Siths, the Padawans, the twins and all their ships.
Rebel base, Yavin IV:
After arrival on Yavin IV she saw the Phoenix rebel team with Esra, Kanan, Hera, Sabine and Garazeb. She was happy to see them and they were happy to see her. She just sensed Kanan still having his doubts about her. There was no time for exchange of stories, because Ahsoka and Mike were called in for a meeting with Mon Mothma and General Dodonna. Dodonna first expressed his gratitude about having provided the rebellion with a star destroyer. He informed them, that it had proven very useful already, even in the short amount of time. With that line, he immediately built a connection to Mike. Next, Mon Mothma let them know that the empire would bring in massive troops and their newest weapon, the Death Star.
Mike was going: "Ah the Death Star, nice piece of imperial boast."
Mon Mothma astonished: "You know the Death Star?"
Mike again: "Yes, I helped a little in building it, I have all plans for it."
Mon Mothma lost all facial features: "You have the plans? Where?"
Mike responded: "Here on this data storage cube."
Mon Mothma got very angry: "Do you know how much it cost us to get hold of those plans, all the while you had them on a data storage cube."
Mike uneasy: "Well, did you ever ask me?"
General Dodonna stopped the two. It had no use to cry over spilled milk. The men, the equipment and the money of the Rogue One mission were lost. It is bad that the plans had already been within the rebel's hands, but now it's all ancient tales, they had to think about how to destroy the Death Star. With his previous bad experience, with Mon Mothma, Mike did not reveal that he could destroy the Death Star any time without big effort. He connected his data storage cube to the holo table in the barrack and explained the complete structure of the DS-1 to them in layman's terms. He pointed out the energy source, the defense systems and the laser weapon. Mon Mothma was speechless, she assured him how much they had sacrificed to get the plans of the Death Star and now it turns out that he had them, knew the Death Star in and out and never said a word. General Dodonna interrupted again, advising her, that obviously the communication with the rebel teams had to be improved, but what matters now, is how they can destroy the Death Star. Mike explained, that one way would be to enter the DS-1 with a brute force attack, simply storm it. Dodonna, turned it down, they would not have enough men and ship to do that. Then Mike pointed out, another way would be for a disguised team to sneak in and destroy the reactor and/or laser weapon. Dodonna liked that idea more. Then 3rd was to bring a torpedo into the ventilation shaft and have it run down the pipe and explode close to the reactor. Dodonna liked that one most.

Ahsoka Tano; Mightiest Force Wielder (Book 2: Immortality)
FanfictionAshoka had not managed to bring Darth Vader back to a balance between the two manifestations of the force, but she was still willing to do so. Vader was not inclined to kill Ahsoka anymore, but all the more Darth Sidious was. Actually not killing he...