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_Yoongi's POV

A day had passed so I took the kids back to the hospital. 

Holding Jimin's things, I opened up his door. Sehun burst into the room, causing a sweet smile to land on my lips. 

Jimin smiled as Sehun hopped on the bed, landing on his lap. 

"Hey hun," I walked over to him and planted a kiss on his forehead. He flinched a bit, but I brushed it off. 

"Daddy? Dad says that you'll be staying here. Why?" Sehun tilted his head as his words came out sloppily. 

"Ah, Daddy is a bit sick right now. So staying here will help me, okay?" Jimin explained. His eyes fluttered past Sehun for a minute before he placed his hand on Sehun's head. He ruffled his hair before removing his hand. 

_Jimin's POV

Jungkook moved his hand off Sehun's head a second after I did. 

"His hair is so soft!" Jungkook squealed. I giggled, causing Yoongi to look at me weirdly. I coughed a bit. 

"Something was in my throat," I gave an awkward smile. He chuckles, my bags still in his hand. 

 Yoongi moves and Hyuna comes into sight. He places the bags down on the couch in the wall. Hyuna walked over to me. I instantly noticed that her red bandana was gone. 

"Hyuna? What happened to your bandana?" I motioned her closer to me as Sehun plopped his head on my shoulder, his bottom on my lap. 

"W-Well, I um. I met someone important yesterday," Her voice was much more fragile and unsure. Completely unlike her. I smiled, however. Realizing what she meant. 

I gently grabbed her wrist and rolled up her sleeve. On her wrist, a tattoo of a bandana was now colored blue. 

"So, who's the lucky one?" A smile overcame my face as she rocked back and forth on her feet. She blushed a bright red and motioned towards the door. My eyes widened as a familiar face walked in. 

"Sungmin? Oh my god!" I was extremely giddy as he walked in, Namjin and VHope following in behind. Taehyung and Hoseok's daughter, Jae Eun, and son, Youngsoo, came in as well. 

"Everyone's here! And Hyuna and Sungmin are soulmates holy crap!" I was overcome by excitement as I threw my legs over the side of the bed, Sehun still on my lap. 

"This is their first time meeting. Whenever we met one of them was always busy with something," Namjoon chuckled. 

"They got so old..." I heard Jungkook say from behind me, his head resting on mine. 

"I should've known it was you. You both had that bandana thingy," I say, slightly facepalming as everyone laughs. 

"Sungmin, I know you're a good kid, but I will kill you if you hurt Hyuna," Yoongi says which causes everyone to chuckle. Jin mockingly grabs Sungmin. 

"You wouldn't dare," He dramatically gasps which makes the laughter grow louder. Sungmin rolls his green eyes as he moves out of his father's arms. 

He walks over to Hyuna, towering over her small figure. He puts a hand on her blonde head and ruffles it. 

"I think I'm gonna take Hyuna out to eat so we can get to know each other," He looks down at her, about half a foot down, as she nods. They leave the room and Namjoon wiggles his eyebrows. I roll my eyes at him. 

"It's been way too long," I said as Sehun begins to play with my hair again. 

"You saw us like last week," Jin said as Youngsoo took a seat on one of the chairs at the wall. Jae Eun walked over and proceeded to push him off the chair and take it for herself. 

I've Been Here // Jikook (Bunny #2)Where stories live. Discover now