Once again I wake up with no one in the room. Unfortunately, the feeling of being alone sits like a rock in my heart. I should be better at not letting someone attempt to get close to me next time. I hope today is less awkward between me and Phoenix.
I sit up regretting going into the activity room and seeing Phoenix's face. Hopefully, Richard will not be able to tell the tension that may hang between Phoenix and I. Maybe I should just kick him out...
I open the door slowly and find... Richard and Phoenix sitting at the table grinning, weirdly.
"Morning Rhea. How did you sleep?" Phoenix says still grinning.
"I slept... well. What is going on?"
"Oh... nothing." Richard says with a cute grin on his face then he looks to Phoenix.
I decide to sit down at the table and I find a piece of paper folded up on the table in front of me. I look to Phoenix first to read his face.
Still grinning he says, "Go ahead open it."
So I do and it is a card with several drawings on it and some words. I look at the pictures, mostly Richards, smiling slightly, then my eyes read the words.
*Rhea, we couldn't imagine our lives without you, thank you so much for taking us in. You are our Wendy in Peter Pan!*
I smile at the two of them and I get up and pull Richard in for a hug. I kiss his head and ruffle his hair. Then I go up to Phoenix slowly like a deer approaching a human. He stands up and looks down at me. I avoid his eyes and give him a quick hug. His warm arms wrap around me inviting me to stay there a little longer but I can't. I pull back and return to my seat.
"Thank you guys. I love it!"
The rest of the morning carries a lighter mood. I allow myself to become more comfortable with the setting, to let myself go in front of strangers that are turning into my family.
We play a new card game and I teach Richard some math while Phoenix reads a book. Things feel more homey around our little escape, like anything and everything will always carry on like this and it will be ok forever. But this is not realistic at all. One day we are going to have to leave. I have to bring this up to Phoenix tonight before it bothers me to death.
Night dawns, Richard goes to sleep and Phoenix and I sit in the activities room at opposite ends of the table.
"Thank you for this morning, I really appreciated what you did."
"You're welcome, I just needed to show you that you are important to us, that we care about you. I am sorry about last night, I know I came on a little... strong. It is ok if you don't like me I understand I have just been so lonely and its difficult for me because I am not as independent and strong as you are. I need people to reassure me that I am ok. So sorry."
I get up and pull Phoenix into a hug. I felt like crying, and I was happy too. I wasn't strong either, I needed people too.
We hold onto to each other for a while, my head on his chest. I can hear is heart beat slow but strong. His body is warm seeping into my own body. I wish I could stay here in his arms forever because it has been so long since I have had human contact as small as a hug.
Our embrace is separated, by me, and I return to my seat across from Phoenix.
"So now we need to get a plan," I say slightly exasperated.
"Ok, go on."
"We can't stay in here forever."
"I completely agree. There could be others out there and better resources."
"So I was thinking that we leave soon, I mean Richard and I have suits the only problem is getting the kid around at our pace."
"As well as finding shelter and possible transportation. Also we don't know what is out there."
"Exactly. So I was thinking that we can carry Richard sometimes and then when we find that it may be safe then we let him do some walking too."
"Sounds good."
"Now shelter..."
We think for a few moments then Phoenix comes up with an idea.
"Do you by any chance have a map?"
"Maybe," I get up and begin to look through boxes of books.
I find one after we search through several boxes. Then Phoenix and I look through the map and try to find somewhere that may be safe enough to stay in. The city next to this one has a bank so we figure that might be a good spot to stay for the night. We eventually plan to leave in three days and to tell Richard in the morning.
"Sounds good. Well I am pooped, how about you?"
We both enter the sleep room silently and then we get into bed. Feeling a little disappointed that Phoenix didn't hug me or anything, I pull the covers over my head.
My feelings for Phoenix only grew. Whether it was just because he was trying to use me or not I could not deny that I liked Phoenix. His Brown eyes pulled me in. His body was strong, powerful, and embodying of mine. The way his shaggy brown hair falls into his face. He was a sight and he was mine if I wanted him. All of the other girls in the world that liked him and I may be the last one to have him for myself.

For The Love of Life
Teen FictionGas reaches every living being and kills it. A incredibly powerful bomb was dropped for an unknown reason. Although the majority are unlucky, there are still survivors. Rhea, Richard and Phoenix band together to find others that have survived and ho...