Chapter 1- I've got Mail

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Hello! This is my new story. Please do not copy my ideas or characters. No, One Direction are not mine...yet;D. Let go ahead and say this is my first story since the first one I tried to write was silly..:(  Anyway hope you enjoy! Please feel free to Fan,Vote,and Comment. :D ~Kita

Chapter 1: I've Got Mail

Saturday morning I woke up at 11, which was pretty early for me. I hopped out of my bed and went to take a shower. I turned the hot water on full blast and plugged my iPhone up to my iHome dock. I got in and shampooed my hair. While I was scrubbing my hair clean, my favorite song came on. I squealed and started dancing and singing along. "You're turning heads when you walk through the door or or, everyone else in the room can see it everyone else but youuuuu, Baby you light up my world like nobody else" I finished my shower and towel dried my light brown hair. I did the awkward T-Rex all the way to my room, where I grabbed a pair of sweats and a tank top.

My stomach started complaining, so I headed to the kitchen. I poured myself some count choculas and sat at the computer table. I paused from slurping the rest of the chocolaty milk, because I heard a vehicle slow down and stop outside my house. The mail! I thought to myself as I jumped up and ran outside. I sprinted full speed to the mailbox and yanked the door off. I fumbled through all the enveloped till I came to one that had my name. After I finished my happy dance, I ripped it open. A few weeks ago I had entered a contest to become an intern for my favorite magazine over the summer. The winner got to move to London with two of her friends and live there till the end of summer.

Dear Hailie,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been chosen for the internship position at out London office. Since you are 18, you do not need to have your parents permission, but since one of your friends are still 17, you all must be sure you have their full blessing. Inside we have enclosed three plane tickets, directions to your apartment and our office building, and your first weeks worth of work. Go ahead and bring your entire portfolio, we may have an assignment to put you on when you arrive. See you in a week!

-Sally Hanson (Head Editor)

I screamed and hurried inside to grab my phone.

Guess what?!

I texted my two best friends, Emma and Vera.

wat yu wke me uppp...

Vera texted, she doesn't get up till 2 most Saturdays.


Emma asked back.

I won the contest! Pack your bags we are headed to London, England in one week. We need to go SHOPPING!

I replied to both of them.

K, be at ur house in an hour? got a surprise for u and V! Parents are so excited to get rid of me for summer. lolz.

Emma texted.

Yay! I'm so excited! I'll be ther in bout an hour. Apa can't wait to send me away...:( hehe

Vera said.

I replied to both of them and went to get ready. I headed to the bathroom and fixed my hair. All I ever really did to it was put de-frizz lotion in it while it was damp, and let it air dry. I went to my room and started to choose my wardrobe for the day. I decided on jean shorts and a flowy multi color blouse with a lime green tank underneath. Then I slipped on my awesome green converse and skipped to the loo(see what I did there;D) to do my makeup. I decided to emphasis my intense eyes, by using gray eyeliner and a purply pink eyeshadow. My favorite feature about myself is my eye, for they look blue from far away, but they are actually green with speckles of blue and a ring of gray around the edges. After I finished applying my lip gloss, I slipped it into my pocket and went to grab my purse. I checked twitter, while I waited for the girls to show up.

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When the arrived we hopped in my car and headed on our way. I popped in our 'Driving Playlist' that we had created over the years. In all it probably had about 80 songs on it and we knew the words to every single one of them. We danced, sang, and goofed around for the hour it took us to reach the mall. We got out and headed inside.

"Where to first?" I asked as I held the door for an elderly couple walking out as we headed in. Someday I want to have that, I thought as I followed Emma to Rue21 and listened to her ramble on about how much she loved food. I suddenly stopped and it took them a minute to realise I wasn't there.

"What's wrong?" Vera asked with a worried face," constipated or the opposite?" she said with a real serious face. Emma busted out laughing while I walked up to Vera and popped her in the face.

"Em hasn't told us the surprise, yet!" I said in a obnoxious whiny voice. Vera squeaked and slapped Emma on the arm.

"Well what is it!" Vera yelled making us get weird looks from people around us. We started doing the chicken dance until they walked away.

"I'm not going to tell you now, since you hit me" Emma said while crossing her arms and sticking out her tongue. Vera started slapping at her and Emma started doing it back.

"Girls, girls!" I said with an authoritative tone.

"What are you my mother," Emma said. I smacked her and gave her a glare.

"Tell us!" I said with a fake edge in my voice, " or I'm going to show your mother that video I have of you from our last sleepover." She shivered.

"Fine, you better delete that! She said with a glare, she would get in big time trouble if her mom found that. "My parents gave my graduation present to me early," she paused," it was a debt card preloaded with 2,000 dollars on it!" We all screamed and did weird happy dances. "They told me it was to last all summer and that they didn't want me to spend it all on clothes," she smirked," which I'm not going to do. So I will be buying all major purchases today. Please leave me with at least 600 on the card for I can eat in England." Emma smiled with whipping out a blue and white card.

"Well guess what," I said, "I was able to save almost 3,000 dollars the past four years and I can't wait to spend it!" We all giggled and ran into Rue21. We tried on almost everything in our sizes. We went to many different stores and walked out of the mall with five or more bags each.

"How much money you got left?" I asked my quirky best friend.

"About 950." she said, " I've saved up some, too so I'll have more than enough for some shopping in England. You?" she looked at me quizzically.

"Um..." I looked at my receipt," it says that my remaining balance is 2,034," I said with a smile.

"How did I spend more than you? You bought way more that I did," Emma laughed.

"Because she is smart and she buys cute cheap things," Vera said giving me a high five.

"Ya'll want to go out to eat or fast food it somewhere?" I said pulling out onto the main road.

"I don't care I'm up for anything," Emma said, stating the obvious, since we have known her so long we know that she can eat anywhere, anytime, and anything.

"Lets get some fast food, I need to get home and practice for church tomorrow," Vera said. She sang and played the bass in her church band on Sunday morning.

"Alright, Wendy's or TocoBell, Mexican doesn't get an opinion and since Em doesn't care I choose Wendy's," I said while shoving Vera's shoulder.

"Hey! That's discrimination!" Vera said while laughing.

"I'm sorry...oh wait no I'm not," I said pulling into Wendy's. I ordered our food and then pulled around the drive through once more.

"Welcome to Wendy's, Can I take your order,"

"Well yes you could, but you see I'm not going to give you my order until you ask me for it." I asked. Emma and Vera snickered and I shushed them by smacking them while still looking at the microphone.

"Can I your order, please?" the person asked sounding annoyed.

"Again, you have the ability to, but you still haven't asked for my order," I said.

"Listen, I don't have time for this, give me your order or leave,"The worker said in a rude annoyed voice.

"All you had to say was 'May I take your order' but you know I'm not that hungry so bye, have a nice day," I said in an overly cheerful voice. I put the car in reverse, so they would take my tag number and started stuffing my face as I drove off.

"Hailz you are such a grammar Nazi," Vera said between breathes.

"You think its funny though," I said while making a goofy face. We drove the rest of the way home singing at the top of our lungs and making fun of each other.

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