Chapter 24 | seperation

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McKayla's POV:

"Home sweet home," Ryan says parking his truck in front of the house. Ryan and I sighed and looked back to see Peyton and the twins fast asleep in their car seats. "I'll get the twins."

"Good, I was gonna make you get them either way," I replied, getting out of the car. I opened up the back door to get Peyton. "Hey sweetie, we're home," I say gently. Her eyes slowly opened and look around. I unbuckled her and she wraps her arms around my neck. I close the door and carry her inside to her bed.

"I'm surprised they didn't wake," Ryan whispers setting the twin's car seat against the wall. I nod, and quietly unbuckled Noah from his car seat and laid him down in his crib, and Ryan did the same with Summerlyn. "Now what?" Ryan asks.

"Food. I'm starving." I replied. I quickly turned on the baby monitor and left the room with Ryan behind me. "And I totally forgot, I needed to go grocery shopping," I said looking at the empty food cabinet.

"Panera? I'll go get it if you order it." Ryan says.

"Sure, that sounds good." I agreed, grabbing my phone. I order myself a salad, I ordered something for Peyton, and I order Ryan's usual. I placed the order. "It'll be ready in ten minutes."

"Alright." He says grabbing his car keys. "I'll be back." He adds kissing my cheek.

"Drive safe." I quickly added before he went out the door. The baby monitor walkie talkie started making noises, and I realized it was one of the twins crying. I run upstairs to find Summerlyn crying. I picked her up and swayed her back and forth.

"Mommy?" Peyton asks walking in.

"Yes, sweetie?" I asked turning around.

"Is Summer okay?"

"Yes, she's probably getting a little hungry," I replied, calming her down for now. "Let's go downstairs."

"What about Noah?" She asks.

"He's still sleeping, he's okay," I assure her. I walked out of the room with Peyton following close behind me. I make up a bottle for Summerlyn and sit down in the living room to feed her. Just as I started to feed Summerlyn, Noah started crying upstairs. Just as I stand up, Ryan comes walking through the door.

"I got him." He says setting down the bag of food and running upstairs. I finished feeding Summerlyn, burped her, and put her in her baby swing in the dining room, so I could keep an eye on her while we were eating. "Hey, it's okay buddy," Ryan says to Noah trying to calm him down. "I got it, you go eat," Ryan says as I was about to reach for Noah. I hand him the bottle and grabbed my food and Peyton's food.

"I got it." As the doorbell rang. I set Peyton's food in front of her and walked over to the door. I opened it up to see Chase and mom.

"Hey sis." He waves.

"Hey, come on in guys," I say stepping to the side. "Everyone's in the dining room," I add as they stepped in and slipped off their shoes by the door.

"Hi, grandma and Uncle Chase." Peyton smiles eating her food.

"Hey, P." Chase greets. Peyton slides out of her seat and hugs his leg.

"Where's Ryan?" Mom asks. I looked at her and something seemed off, like really off. I could also say the same about Chase.

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"Present," Ryan says, walking into the room patting Noah's back.

"Okay, I don't mean to be rude or anything, but what's going on? You guys are acting a bit strange." I blurt out. Mom sighs and sits down next to me, and Chase across from me.

"You better sit down for this Ryan," Mom says. I looked over at my brother, trying to get a sign or something. He catches my stare and slowly shakes his head. I take a deep breath and looked at mom. I knew this wasn't going to be good, not at all. "Honey, your father and I have decided to get a divorce."

"What? Why?" I asked. There was a pit in my stomach and my heart broke into a million pieces. They were always so happy with each other. I'd never seen them fight...

"Things just haven't been the same the past couple of months." She sighs.

"Have you guys tried marriage counseling?" Ryan asks.

"Yes, but Bill doesn't seem too fond of that." She replies. I can't believe what I'm hearing. I looked over at Chase. His head was looking down, and fiddling with his fingers. "We didn't want to tell you, kids, because we didn't want to worry you guys or set a bad example for you guys in your own relationships."

"Where are you going to stay?" I asked.

"Not really sure sweetie. I'm still working on it."

"You can live with us until you find a place," Ryan suggests. "McKayla could use the help with the twins when I'm not around and Peyton."

"Yeah." I agreed. "You could stay in one of the guest rooms. Yeah, Ryan's right I could really use the help with the kids." I add.

"Are you sure?"



I still couldn't believe what was happening. Tomorrow afternoon Chase, Ryan, Bubba, and Carson are going to help mom move out of the house and get her settled into one of the guest bedrooms here. I always thought mom and dad were always happy. They were the last people I thought would split. Their relationship was so strong. It makes me wonder if this will ever happen to Ryan and I...

"Sweetheart?" Ryan asks snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Can you grab my towel?"

"Forgot it again?" I chuckled.

"Hey, I'm a forgetful person."

"Yeah, trust me I know." I laughed grabbing it off the dresser. I walked over and handed it to him.

"Yeah, I know too." He playfully rolls his eyes. He grabs the towel and smiles. "Thanks, sweetheart."

"Yep," I replied. I fall over on the bed and sighed. Ryan walks out a few seconds later with a towel wrapped around his waist. "Sexy," I commented looking up at him.

"I know right?" He smirks grabbing clothes. I chuckled and grabbed my phone.

From Chase: Hey, mind if we met up tomorrow? I need to talk to you about something.

To Chase: yeah, sure. When and where?

From Chase: Waffle House at 8?

To Chase: Okay sounds good. See ya then love ya bro

From Chase: Okay. Love you too sis

"Hey, can you watch the kids tomorrow morning for like an hour?" I asked Ryan.

"Yeah sure, why?" He asks laying down next to me.

"I don't know, Chase wants to talk about something," I say.

"Probably about the whole divorce thing. He's sensitive to those types of things." Ryan replies. Yeah, he was right. Chase really wasn't the type of person to speak his mind when it came to personal issues. He liked to keep his thoughts to himself. It was rare for him to pour out his feelings to someone. Ever since Hannah died he just hasn't been quite the same. The only person he would trust is me.

"Hey, can you promise me something?" I asked.

"Anything sweetheart."

"Promise me this won't be us someday."

"What? Getting a divorce?" He asks, confused. I nod. "Sweetheart, no never in a million years. I promise you. If we ever did I would be losing my best friend, my soul mate, my smile, my laughter, my love, and my everything." He adds, seeing the concern in my eyes. "Hey, I love you." He whispers in my ear.

"I love you too."

@Blaney: love this girl with all my heart ❤️

Comments:@erinblaney: ugh too much cuteness 😻@emmablaney: goals@mckaylablaney: forever 💘@nascarfan18: you could do better@cindy9elliott: precious ❤️@lisablaney: you guys make me smile ☺️-View more comments

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@erinblaney: ugh too much cuteness 😻
@emmablaney: goals
@mckaylablaney: forever 💘
@nascarfan18: you could do better
@cindy9elliott: precious ❤️
@lisablaney: you guys make me smile ☺️
-View more comments

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