38- Broken Trust

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Author's Note

Next update will hopefully be on September 1st, I'm going on a trip for about two weeks!



I took a step back, feeling uncomfortable with being the center of attention. Everyone wants attention until they get it, and then they just wish that they could go back to the corner.

When they all raised their hands and started to bow down, I took another step back, walking into Axel's chest. He wrapped his arm around my waist, and Blake came to stand on the other side of me.

In unison, everyone except me stated one word, as if they were under some sort of spell.



At that moment, I realized that this was my place in life.

That I should forgive Blake and Axel for marking me.

That I should stay with them.

That I should forget about school and cheerleading because of how much I love them.









Just kidding.

There was no way that I was going to stay with these two idiots after what they did.


There was a loud gasp when I pulled Axel's arm away from me. The crowd was completely silent as I stepped out of the room and looked around the hallway to find a way out. Thankfully, people moved to the side so that I could pass through. I could feel eyes on my back as I moved past the group of people and proceeded to go down the hallway to look for a way out.

I probably couldn't leave, but I wanted to distance myself as far as I could from Blake and Axel. Consent is very important to me, and the fact that they just mated with me for life without my consent infuriated me.

I found the door, and I took a few steps outside. It was daytime, and I could see the house that I had just been in. It was huge. Made up of wood, the house was humongous and three floors tall. I had no idea why one would need a house this large, but I guess werewolves need their space.

Surprised and delighted to find that no one had followed me, I wandered through the large area of land that surrounded the house. There were also cute little houses that were sprinkled around the area, with trees separating each property from the other. The first thing I noticed was the silence. It was dead silent.

I finally started to hear signs of life after I had walked past most of the houses. I was afraid that the only people here were the ones who were in the house that I had previously been in. Thankfully, when I turned a corner and kept walking, I saw that there were a group of guys training. A closer look revealed that Aaron was also one of the guys there. He was shirtless, and I took a long peek at his muscles before alerting him to my presence.

"Hey Aaron!" I yelled as I ran up to him.

"Ems!" He picked me up and held me tightly. I wrapped my legs around his waist and stuffed my head in the side of his neck. I missed him. Aaron was and will always be my rock. I hadn't ever not seen him for more than one or two days so not being able to be near him when I was at my lowest saddened me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I train here," he seemed reluctant to set me down but he did anyway.

"Really?" I let my hands run down his chest when I got back to my feet. I could feel his muscles twitch as I touched them. "Is that why you're so sweaty?"

"Yeah," he flexed. "It's for these babies right here." He pointed to one of his flexed biceps. "Feel 'em."

"No thank you," I rolled my eyes. "I'd probably break my finger."

"Mmhmm," he wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"Are you going to introduce us Ace?" A guy with dark brown hair and dreamy eyes walked up to us with a smirk on his face.

"I don't think I wanna," Aaron held me tighter.

"Don't be rude," the guy held out his hand. "Jake."

"Emma," I smiled at him. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too," He held my hand for a little bit too long and brushed my hand as he pulled away. What was up with all these flirty werewolves?

"Is this the Emma?" Another guy with hazel eyes and dirty blonde hair walked up to us, followed by the other five guys that had been training with Aaron.

"The Emma?" I raised an eyebrow.

"The one that's mated to the twins?"

"It's not like I wanted to be mated to them," I huffed and rolled my eyes.

"Hey, hey, hey," Jake warned. "Don't say that in front of them or most of the pack members."

"I'm going to be leaving soon anyways." The moment I said those words, everyone stiffened. Even Aaron tightened his jaw and had a look on his face that warned me to watch my words carefully. "What?"

"You can't leave," a guy with a shaved head and tattoos covering his body said.

"What do you mean?"

"You're a part of the pack now, you can't leave unless you're kicked out," he answered.

"And that's not going to be happening anytime soon," Aaron said.

"I'm not even a werewolf, how can-"

"Since you're marked, you do have werewolf blood inside you."

"I never even consented to this." I pulled away from Aaron. "And you can't keep someone against their will."

"Rules are a little bit different in a werewolf pack."

"But as I said, I'm not part of this pack, I never agreed to be a part of it, and I will do what I want to do." I rolled my eyes. It seemed like every guy I met had some God complex where they believed that everything they said was truth, and that I would actually listen to them.

"You ARE a part of this pack, and you ARE staying here, regardless of what you want," I turned my head to see Axel and Blake joining us. The other men in the field automatically stepped back and bowed their heads.

In unison, they greeted the two by saying, "Alphas." I had a different reaction.

"Brainwashed idiots," I rolled my eyes.

"Emma, come here," Blake reached his hand out. "Let's talk."

"I don't think I want to talk right now, I think I need my space."

"Baby, we need to talk."

"Why should I?" I countered. "You obviously didn't talk to me before you put this permanent mark on me."

"If you just listen-"

"No, I'm done listening to whatever you to have to say. I'll stay here until I can find a way home, and then I'm leaving. Nothing you say will change that."

Their hurt expressions didn't faze me. I was going to find a way to get this mark off of me and get as far away from them as possible.

I wouldn't pursue a relationship with liars.


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