Wesley trudged lifelessly around the cafeteria, his hands firmly placed in his pockets. He hadn't had the best night, having brought a girl home to fuck, before calling Chris a dozen times to ask what's up.
Chris declined the call every time, making Wesley more foreboding as time progressed. Wesley now thinks he should confront him, even if that meant Chris was being a pussy about it. He was also scared that the dude who pinned him against the locker yesterday was around the premises, ready to brawl with him again. For someone so good looking, he definitely had a temper.
"Wes!" Yelled Amanda, one of his only friends, beckoning him to come to her table where Chris and her boyfriend were seated. Wesley hesitated before eventually walking towards the table.
"Er hey dudes" Wesley said half heartedly, falling onto his seat. Chris gave him a side glance before looking back at his tray. Amanda smiled, before talking to Mike, her long term boyfriend. Wesley huffed, and tapped his fingers on the table with boredom.
He wanted to talk to Chris, find out why he was acting like this, and sort things out. But his tongue seemed to not function properly and when he did manage to speak, he didn't know what to say.
"Chris can we talk outside?" He asked anxiously. Chris craned his neck to look at him and formatted a simple yes as a response. The two boys walked out of the cafeteria, with Wesley's hands placed in his pockets.
"Dude what happened? Did I fuck up or something?" Wesley asked, a frown creasing his eyebrows. He didn't like indulging in his feelings, but it was must in trying to understand what was going on. Chris gave low sigh before speaking.
"Yes. You kissed me. I can't believe my own best friend was just a fucking fag." He said saying the last sentence more to himself than to Wesley. Wesley stared blankly at him, clearly confused and slightly hurt. He couldn't remember kissing Chris at all, which irked him more than Chris calling him a fag.
"What the hell are you talking about?" Asked Wesley. Chris shook his head before speaking.
"Just get away from me and from my family. I fucking hate you, don't you get it? Bye" he said, walking away. Wesley watched in utter disbelief as he left. He shouldn't even feel necessarily guilty but he did, he really did. He knew that Chris was homophobic, bigoted and an asshole yet he still loved him for that, and it hurt him.
Wesley felt like he was going to cry but stopped himself from doing so. He was Wesley the bad boy, and Wesley the bad boy didn't cry. Wesley began making his way to the boys restroom. He glanced at the posters stuck on the high school walls. It was a missing poster of a girl that was familiar to him. And then he suddenly clocked. It was the girl he slept with at the party the girl he found in the bed sleeping peacefully is the girl that's missing. Could it be that she was that dude's sister? And that's why he was asking Wesley where she was? Wesley ripped the poster and scrunched it into his pocket.
He needed to go to the restroom but after that he needed to go to the principal's office to tell him everything. He of course would tell the principal about him sleeping with her, since he didn't exactly know, he just remembered seeing her in his bed.
Wesley entered the restroom, finding an empty stall.
He unzipped his pants and pulled them down before relieving himself. Wesley hears a person walk in, grumbling to themselves. He opens the stall and freezes once he realizes that the person which had entered was the dude from yesterday holding a beer in his hand and gulping down the contents. Wesley pretends to not be in here, before dashing out.
Unfortunately for him, the guy had noticed he was there, and had quickly caught up to him, yelling profanities at Wesley. The guy chased Wesley until he finally caught up, grabbing his shirt and pulling Wesley's shirt towards himself making Wesley almost fall backwards without him. The guy gave him a malicious smirk, which put shivers down Wesley's spine.
"Where. The hell. Is my sister?" He growled. Wesley gulped with fear. The guy was definitely angry, no doubt.
"I don't know. I think slept with her and left the party and that was it. I don't know where she is... whoever you are" he rambles with fear.
"Base face" he said. Wesley glanced at him with confusion.
"My name, Base face" he says. Wesley kept in a laugh. Base face, seriously? That just can't be his real name.
"Your name is Base face?" Wesley asked. And then the guy blushed, which made it more clear that he was certainly at a vulnerable point. Perfect. Wesley grabbed hold of Base face's arms and pinned him onto the wall."Leave me the heck alone before I tell everyone about the fact that you take a fucking beer to the restroom to drink" spat Wesley. Base Face looked a bit shocked before he smirked, thus creeping Wesley out.
"Or you help me find my sister else I tell everyone that you're in love with your best friend" he said back. Wesley's eyes widened with shock. How did he know that? Suddenly Base face kicked Wesley's leg, making him almost fall, before he subsequently grabbed hold him, pulling him into a questionable position which both of them were looking each other's eyes. It was like Base Face was monitoring every bit of his face, making sure that the emotions that Wesley was displaying were the exact ones that he had expected. Angry, horror and confusion. It seemed as if Base Face was far more dominant in this position, making him pissed. He wasn't used to this, since it was always the opposite with other people. He did the doing. Not some freak with a freaky name.
"Think about it" Base Face said, before dropping him on the floor and walking off. Wesley glared at him as he walked away. He could at least dropped him less violently.

what goes at a late night party.
RomanceAfter a night of sex, secrets and enigma, two boys are left to uncover the horrid truth and mystery behind Corinna Parker's party, even if their lives depends on it, whilst they try combat their growing romance between them. With a dash of humor, ad...