The coming home!

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Carlee was asleep on the sofa at home with her daughter on her chest. She smiled looking at her and patted her head. She looked so much like her father. "Your papa better hurry" Carlee said irritated. Her husband was already late with 3 hours and it was getting late, Lisa was curling more on Carlee's chest and Carlee kissed her head lightly. "Sleep, baby girl" Carlee smiles and kept watching TV.

Josh was finally on his way up in the elevator, he was so late home to his wife and little girl he was pissed at himself, he unlocked the door holding his guitar case in one hand and a travel case in the other. He could hear the TV the second he walked inside suspecting Carlee and Lisa both were asleep. He smiles at the thought, he dropped the both bags and kicked off his shoes tiptoed in and exactly as he suspected both his girls were asleep in the living room on the sofa. Josh lifted Lisa carefully from Carlee and went to tuck her in her bed, came back and sat down next to Carlee, Carlee moved in to his lap and nuzzles his chest. "Welcome home, husband.." She smiled. "I'm home" josh answered and lightly tilted Carlee's chin up and kissed her deep, Carlee tangled her fingers in to his hair and pulled him closer, Josh lied her back down on the sofa and let his hand go up her side under her shirt. "What took you so long to come home...?" Josh stopped in his move. 

"It took to long to unload the stuff, Ian's drum skin ripped and the meeting took to long..." He looked at her with big eyes. Holding her tightly, Carlee nodded and smiled. 

"You're home now and that's what counts" Josh without wasting one more second lifted her to the room and lied her down on the bed and kissed her all over. 

The next morning Carlee woke up to her husband under her, he was holding her hand tightly. She smiled big and kissed his chest lightly, he stirred in his sleep and opened his eyes. "Good morning beautiful" he smiles and kissed Carlee deep. "Morning" she smiled and crawled over him so each leg was on each side and kisses him deep having Josh grab her hair lightly, Carlee felt his free hand go up her side and shirt going up. Without a warning Lisa slammed the door open and jumped on the bed. 

"Dad! Dad! Dad is home!" She jumped on Josh and pushed Carlee not to hard aside claiming her father, Josh laughed. Carlee pouted and Lisa pouted too. "Baby girl it's my husband" 

"It's my papa" Lisa pouted and looked so cute. Carlee hugged her and both of them cuddled Josh who was laughing. "You two haven't changed one bit" Carlee smiles so big. "You were only gone for a couple of months, Josh" she kisses his cheek and saw Lisa run off and smiles. She could feel Josh's hand caress her cheek and his lips on hers. Carlee moved closer to Josh and she smiles in the kiss. "I missed you so much... The skypeing doesn't help anymore.." She added.

"I missed you too so much, my heart broke Every time I saw you cuddle in to my pillow trying to sleep.." He said and looked at her with such sorry eyes. "But this is the lifestyle we have chosen, Carlee... We can't just quit now when we have everything..." Carlee smiles and kissed him deep he pulled her closer. "I spoke with the guys and mum, she will take Lisa and you are joining us on our next tour" he said and Carlee's eyes widen. "And the best news is, 604 is allowing you to do comeback and not sit in the dark while everyone is taking credit for your music" he smiled more, Carlee blinked again. "But what if I like being behind every hit out there from 604? And stay anonymous..?" Josh shakes his head. "You miss standing on the stage, everyone knows it I know it... Singing was your life before Lisa.."

"But i can't just leave her with your parents like that..." Carlee said and looked at him.

"I spoke with them, They said it's ok i promise." He gave her a blinding smile, Carlee still couldn't believe it and suddenly started to look around the room for her notebooks. "I got so many songs and melodies ready and done just to be recorded, When i couldn't sleep i wrote.." She smiled and showed Josh 3 notebooks full of lyrics and music sheets.

"Then let's go back to the studio and record them?" He smiled and hugged her tightly. Lisa ran in and was dressed and ready. "GRANDMA IS HERE! GRANDMA IS HERE MAMA!" Both older once laughed, Carlee grabbed her morning robe and slippers and walked out in the living room where her mother was sitting, with Matt.

Matt stood up and hugged Carlee tightly and smiled handing her something from the tour. He blinked and sat back down playing with Lisa. Carlee's mother smiled and hugged her too.

"Mum, you saw me just the other day you don't need to smother me with love" Carlee laughed and hugged back.

"I know baby, But you have seemed so down the past few weeks i wanted to try to cheer you up" She smiled and saw Josh behind everyone and smiled showing him to come. Josh on the other hand was a little nervous over how Carlee's mother was. She smiled and pulled him in to a hug. "Welcome home!" She said and blinked.

"I'm happy to be home, Angela" He said husky still sounding new awake. He looked at Matt, He nodded.

"We are coming to take Lisa off your hands, So  you two can do whatever you wish all day long, She missed you, you know.." Matt said and laughed at how Lisa was trying to imitate her father. 

"Uncle Matt! Can you teach me Guitar?! Papa is being so mean to me he never teach me!" 

"Of course i will" He smiled and hugged her tightly. Angela was looking at Carlee and Josh.

"So, You agree?" She asked carefully. "We just wanted to give you some alone time"

"Mum i love the gesture, But i think Lisa wants to be with her fa....."Carlee went quiet seeing how happy Lisa was to see her uncle again and sighed. "Babe, What do you say...?" She asked Josh who still was thinking and nodded. "Let her, I will have a whole year with her before we go on tour again.. One day doesn't hurt to let her be with her uncle." He smiled and the mother grabbed Lisa's bag, Matt took Lisa after letting her hug both her parents.

"Don't worry Guys i'll take care of her, Just enjoy your free day, The way you want to and need."

And they all left, Carlee was still holding the present in her right hand, she sat down in the sofa and opened it. She smiled seeing the caption on the album -2014 summer tour with Yours truly- She started looking though all the pictures, First there was a picture of all of them together just before they were leaving for the tour. She smiled at every single picture though the album, There was one where Matt and Josh had crashed in the same bed, Cuz Matt was to drunk to go to his. One where they had taken a picture of the crowds, and one where Carlee was on the computer and Josh was trying to hide behind the curtains in his bunk, Carlee was so amazed Matt had time to do this. Like old times.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2014 ⏰

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