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The sun shined bright, even through closed eyes. A chill danced across Dray's exposed skin, waking up her mind a little more. She laid her hands above her head and stretched through her toes. A low guttural noise escaped her and her limbs fell lax against the bed. She pulled the sheet under her chin to cozy back up in the covers.

Her breath hitched in her throat. She didn't sleep with a sheet.

Dray sprung up with wide eyes. A quick scan of the room almost ended in whiplash. The bedroom looked plain with different colored wood furnishes.

Suddenly, a warm feeling washed over her. This mismatched furniture in a small room reminded her of home—past and present. She remember now and recalled falling asleep during the movie at Wells' place.

Her face scrunched up. Hopefully, she didn't drool.

A deep breath in and out led Dray to a new discovery. Something smelt awfully good.

Dray pulled back the blankets and slowly got out of the bed. She made it as best as she could and awkwardly patted the covers once finished. She felt unsure about staying the night in a man's bed who may or may not be riding into something more than just friend territory.

Her cheeks puffed out with air and she let it out in a noisy exhale. She threw her hair up in a messy bun, using the hair tie that dug into her wrist during the night. Nodding her head and mentally forcing herself to be prepared even if she had to fake it, she finally stepped out of the room.

The sounds of metal clinking together drew her to the kitchen and she found Wells with his back to her. She hoped he cooked bacon. A sassy comment on the tip of her tongue fell flat when her eyes found the makeshift bed on the couch.

Her head tipped back. "You should've left me on the couch, Wells. It's your house," she walked closer, peering around him, "and your bed," she added as an afterthought.

A pancake flipped high in the air and landed back in the middle of the pan. Wells winked over his shoulder. "Now, what kind of man would I be if I did that?"

Dray rolled her eyes and smiled. "Thank you," she said and moved to the breakfast bar. She sat in front of one of two place settings.

Wells slid some pancakes and bacon on her plate. "You're welcome, Dray."

The sweet, sweet smell of food overcame the tender moment and Dray became very aware of just how hungry she was. Her stomach growled to confirm it. "What time is it?" She scooped a bite of pancake into her mouth after slathering it in butter and maple syrup.

"Just after nine," Wells said. "You didn't have anything to do this morning, I hope." He raised his eyebrows and sat down with his own full plate.

Dray shook her head and swallowed. "Not really and wow, these are good." Her face brightened and she threw more bites in her mouth.

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