The chief looked out of the window sadly "I hope the girls are ok" he wondered aloud a little bird landed on the windowsill "what an unusual bird" Sid said "its blue and red and... colours?!?" colours spread around build a bearville as he gazed into the finally blue sky "They've done it!"

A Colorless World
Short StoryA new recruit at the agency means that Jessie has someone to be a role model for, but when colour starts to fade all over Bearville, the team must rely on the new recruit to save the day.
---Chapter 12---
The chief looked out of the window sadly "I hope the girls are ok" he wondered aloud a little bird landed on the windowsill "what an unusual bird" Sid said "its blue and red and... colours?!?" colours spread around build a bearville as he gazed into the finally blue sky "They've done it!"