"Mr. Shakur, is it true that you jumped Biggie in front of a strip club?", judge asked. "Yes sir", Tupac said with a poker face. "And Mr. Smalls, is it true that you try to drug or hurt Mr. Shakur's daughter?", judge asked. "No sir", Biggie said also with a poker face. Tupac looked over at Biggie and gave him a death stare as Lisa, and Amari sat in the back in court. "Mr. Shakur and Mr. Biggie, you guys either pay for all the interrogation or you guys go to jail for seven-eight months" judge said. Lisa and Amari had these confused look on their face, "I'll play", Biggie said. Tupac nodded his head as he look back at the girls. Lisa left the court with Amari as Tupac gaze off towards the ground.
"I can't believe him!", Lisa yelled. "Lisa, calm down, you don't know what really happen, you wasn't there", Amari said trying to catch up with Lisa. "Just forget it, I'm heading to the studio to meet up with Aaliyah, not our sister Aaliyah, the singer Aaliyah", Lisa said. "Okay, I'll be at my friend's house", Amari said. Lisa arrived at the studio as she see Aaliyah in the chair. "Hey Aaliyah", Lisa said hugging her. "Hey sister, you ready to do this song?", Aaliyah asked smiling. "Yeah", Lisa said walking in the booth with Aaliyah. (Check out the song Lisa and Aaliyah did on SoundCloud)! "So... When are you gonna tell your dad that he need to stop?", Aaliyah asked. "I'm gonna do that when I'm ready to talk to him. But right now, I need to start doing more songs and let my manager upload them", Lisa said. "You need to start working on your first album sister, your music style is like a Whitney Houston mixed in with Michael Jackson and Tboz", Aaliyah said laughing. "Really? I don't even think I have a music style", Lisa said. "You do Lisa, and why you didn't tell me your stage name was Indigo?", Aaliyah asked. "Sorry", Lisa said. "Can I tell you something?", Aaliyah asked. "Sure, what is it?", Lisa asked. "I have a little girl crush on you", Aaliyah said with a poker face. Lisa was shocked, "You?... Have a crush?... ON ME?!". Aaliyah nodded while smiling at her. "Wow... Okay", Lisa said. "Anyway, I gotta go, see you later", Aaliyah said leaving.
Later That Night
Lisa walked into her bedroom and stare at herself in the mirror,"Look at yourself, who could possibly like a face like that... I'm super ugly", she said flopping on the bed. "I truly hate my life", Lisa said cutting her arm. "Fuck the world", Lisa said throwing the knife at the mirror. "If the world can just see me as a person... life would be cool if people would just listen to my music(soundcloud)... y'all gon miss me... like if I'm history", Lisa said falling asleep while blood coming out of her arm.

Gangsta Party [Season 1]
FanfictionTupac Shakur have three daughters, he is very protective of them, but he also have a wife who is a singer too. It is a new life for Tupac as a dad that got out of jail, see what happens