[101] word dump #2

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heres some unique words to use more often that i found on tumblr! (via @retributingmara)

acrid - pungent; irritating to the eyes/nose
adversary - opponent
blithe - casual, unworried
cacophonous - noisy, unpleasant sound
contrite - remorseful
crepuscule - twilight
edacious - devouring; consuming
enigma - puzzle
fallacy - misbelief; misconception
forlorn - sad; dejected
haphazard - random; unplanned
incongruous - out of place
mordant - biting; cutting; sardonic
ostentatious - pretentious; designed to impress
penitent - regret
petulant - bad-tempered
prelude - introduction
resilient - recover quickly
riposte - clever response
stringent - strict

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