Part 6

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Pyru lay in bed softly breathing, as he rested peacefully Danny snuck into his rooms and closed the dark curtains to make the room dark, glancing over at Pyru he saw that the boy only slept under the sheets. he could clearly see the outline of his body and blushed faintly seeing as he was naked "now that's my type of sleeping... man i sound dumb" he muttered and went out of the room. Pyru smirks and opens his eyes. He had always been a light sleeper, stretching he sat up and looked around the large dark room. it felt odd not sleeping in his own home, in his own bed with his family and friends close by. With much protest he got up his cock slapping his leg making him flinch and a red tint enter his cheeks. walking lightly over to the closest in which he stored his stuff he rummages until he finds his Red Silk vest with the hood and the Black Pants that had the Red Dress with gold bells at the bottom. sliding those on not caring for the underwear sense they made it hard to fight. Yawning he walked to his bathroom and brushed his teeth his eyes closed as he was still sleepy. "maybe i should pee while im in here...." he walked over to the toilet and unlatched his skirt and pulled out his cock to pee, he frowned "i hate using the bathroom it's like a waste of time. i could be out there curing cancer or something but im stuck in the bathroom" once finished he relatched his skirt and headed out of the room.

Looking around however he saw that Danny wasn't around but Parker was, he lay asleep on the couch with the Sun Blocking Curtains closed over the large windows so no light got in. Pyru sighed wondering if he had caused Danny and Parker to sleep separately. Silently tip toeing, Pyru dances to and fro, tossing in spins and leaps as he silently made his way across the room to the kitchen where he landed in the pose of the swan. Smiling trying not to laugh at himself he rummaged through the kitchen to try and find something to eat. His eyes fell to a cake frowning at it he glanced at anything other than "i really don't need sugar this early itll make me sick" he mumbled as he grabbed a cheese stick and put it in his mouth closing the fridge. That's when hands grabbed him by his shoulder and he fall backwards into nothingness.

The feeling of floating was making his stomach sick. Opening his eyes Pyru nearly let out a squeal he was falling and fast into what seemed to be the ocean. quickly out thrusting his hand the broom appeared he slammed into it hard hitting his gonads, wincing in pain he let out a soft squeak as the air rushed out of his lungs and the wave of nausea settled in his stomach. Fighting to hold onto the broom he managed to slow his decent, looking around he saw he wasn't to far from the city but he was unsure how he got here until someone landed on his broom. "This isn't a taxi get your ass off my bro-" he stopped as his eyes traveled the length of the boy before him. the white silk pants, the white and black rob, the flowing black hair and those green eyes with the cocky smirk sent a cold chill down his spine "Your suppose to be dead." the boy smirked leaning down "is that anyway to speak to me?" Pyru huffed and turned his broom upside down to make the boy fall but he simply floated in place. Righting himself Pyru turned a glare at the boy "you have no business here, and as far as im concern we no longer have an arrangement. you Bailed on our country. on me Mihal. How dare you show yourself in front of me!" inhaling filling his stomach with his rage he casted a spell "draigan kee saans!" fire burst from his mouth only barely missing Mihal, who was rather surprised. "Well that wasn't very nice. look Cintaku i-" Pyru clicked his teeth "don't call me your love." Mihal smirks and puts his arm around Pyru and nips his ear, like an off switch Pyru couldn't move. "listen, i didn't abandon you i left to become stronger, and i have become so much stronger. You are mine, you can't fight that, you will give into me" Pyru's insides felt with a dark feeling as his eyes turned silver when he was in danger.

Pyru managed to git his mouth working again despite Mihal's mouth on his ear "you don't sound like you..." the boy smirks and licks his ear "you're right, im so much more. When im done with you your heart will be mine and mine alone as will your body" he smirks his eyes flashing green as he slides his hand down Pyru's shirt playing with one of his nips, Pyru winces not wanting this and he yelled for help in his head. "What wrong my love? Do you not like my touch?" Pyru whimpered as Mihal's hand ran up is leg and cupped him. No matter how hard he couldn't seem to break loose or even move Someone please save me! He wiggles a bit but it was all he could manage Stop him! he shouted in his head and as if on que a large blast sent Mihal flopping into the water below "Pyru!" Pyru lets out a breath and quickly grips his broom closing his eyes as he flew with all his might away from this scene.

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