Chapter 2

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I watched him remove his apron that was over his uniform, before placing it on a hook and walking out from behind the counter towards me.

"Lafayette." He said as he sat down across from me.

"Im sorry what?" I asked confused.

"My name, my name is Lafayette." He explained. "Well its nice to meet you I guess, Im y/n." I said almost unsure.
What is it that he wants me to reveal? What could he know already? "What do you want to know?" I question.

"Well, If you don't mind telling me I want to know why you were crying, cant have an upset customer now can I?" He says his smile changing to a look of concern.

"Why do you care." I glared at him. "Because I want to help you, I don't want to see tears on that beau face."

"I um, you wouldn't understand, theres no point."

"But Im willing to If I can make you happy." He tried reassuring me. "Why does my happiness seem to be so important to you that you have to go out of your way to make me happy. I mean I don't even know you and with much respect Im sure you have something better to do." I rambled on. He only stared at me. Oh so now you don't wanna speak.

"Well, this may sound, how you word?"

"Awkward." I corrected. "Oui, but something draws me to you and Im not sure what it is but I feel like theres A reason and Im gonna find out so talk to me."

"Thats weird I feel like I know you already!" I fake excitement.

"Oh really?" He smirks "No you damn idiot." I shoot back My voice more monotone. His smirk dropped into a pout. "But sad to say I feel like I have met you before but not in real life."

"What do you mean not in real life?" He furrows his brow in confusion. ""I mean like , um a dream or something like that." I got quiet towards the end.

"So..Im the boy of your dreams?" His smirk returned. "I mean, I guess you could say that." I shrugged.

"But really whats wrong why were you crying?" His concern came back. "I hadn't realized I was crying, but besides that I have nightmares." I looked down at my hands fiddling them.

"While your awake? In the day time?" He questions. "I know, they are hard to explain, everyone thinks Im crazy or something and they try to "help me" or they never speak to me again." I got more nervous by the minute. " Okay well, enlighten me." I look back up at him in surprise usually people just brush me off or accuse me of being insane and he is actually giving me a chance to explain my problems. For once it felt nice to be speaking to someone. I beamed at him. "Well they kind of take up a majority of my life, I cant really control them they come and go as they please. They consume my mind and just take over until it ends, all of them are similar in some sort of way during the day and night, awake or asleep." I explained. "Would you tell me about a couple of them?" He looked at me  with interest. "Um sure."

And thats how I found myself sitting at a booth in this strangers family owned bakery passed closing hours sometime during the night.

"Hey uh its pretty late we should get you home." He suggests looking at the clock.

"Thanks." I smiled. "For what?"

"For listening to me, people usually don't." My face heated up as I looked at my feet. He took my hand and guided me to the door. "Anytime." He smiled. He opened the door and followed me out after turning the lights off. He locked the door and stuffed the keys in his pocket. Then turned to face me again.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2017 ⏰

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