Chapter Fourteen

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The next day, Logan and I both slept in as late as possible. We knew that getting up meant showing John the video and that couldn’t result in anything good… other than getting rid of Laura. So when I woke up, I wasn’t surprised to see Logan still in bed. He was staring at me and had an expression that said he was thinking hard about something. “What are you thinking about?” I asked softly.

Logan smiled at me and admitted, “Mostly my dad.”

“We’re doing a good thing. If we show him the video, he doesn’t marry a slut, Sadie stays safe and Laura gets the hell out of our lives.”

Logan stares at me, “You just swore twice in one sentence!”

“So…” I ask, wondering what his point is.

“You never curse, are you feeling alright?” He asked jokingly and pretended to check my temperature with the back of his hand, making me roll my eyes.

“Are you ready to tell your dad?” I asked, turning the conversation to the more pressing matters.

Logan sighed and sat up, “Let’s do this.”

I sat next to Logan who was next to John who was next to Laura. Sam, Noah and Sadie were hiding in their rooms. I handed Logan the phone and shrunk into his arm at the glare Laura was giving me. Logan turned to his dad, “Dad, I know that this is going to hurt, but I had to show you.”

“What are you talking about?” John asked, looking lost.

Logan shrugged, “Just watch the video.” He played the video and we watched as John’s face fell and he looked at Laura.

“Have you been hurting my little girl?”

“Of course not,” She lied, scowling at Logan and I.

“Don’t lie to me,” John demanded, his tone giving away how angry he was.

Laura gave a little scream of frustration and stomped her foot, “This marriage would’ve gone perfect if that little bitch hadn’t interfered.”

Logan stood up, pulling me with him, as he menacingly said, “She is not a bitch.”

 “She got in the way of everything!” Laura screeched before turning around. She left for a minute and I smiled at Logan, thinking the worst of it was over. But half a minute later Laura was back, a rock in her hand. She lifted it and the next thing I knew, there was a stinging pain in my head and the world went black.

Logan’s POV:

I watched as Mia crumpled to the ground and I kneeled next to her, feeling cold with shock. I held her in my arms and snarled at Laura, “Get out!” I could hear John on his phone, probably calling 911, but I barely heard him. I shook Mia gently, but she didn’t wake up.

Moments later an ambulance came to take her. They held me back when I tried to go with her and I growled at whoever was restraining me. “Logan, calm down!” Noah demanded.

“You can’t help her,” John told me. I stopped struggling and prayed for her to be alright. Once I got my temper under control Noah dropped my arms and I sunk onto a couch. I should have been able to protect her.

“Is she going to be okay?” I asked quietly, hearing the pain in my voice. No one replied and I growled again.  

“You know they will do everything they can to help her,” Noah tried to placate me.

“What if that’s not enough?” I asked hoarsely. Neither of them replied and I stood up. I slammed the door on my way out and started my car. She was going to pay for doing this to Mia.

I found Laura in an old hotel, talking on her phone in a room with one bed and a dirty window. She was laughing at something and grabbed the phone from her, slamming it onto the ground.

“That cost me a lot of money,” She whined at me, making my anger double. I was surprised I hadn’t shifted already.

“You mean that cost a lot of my father’s money.”

“Same thing,” She said with a little shrug. I snarled and felt my wolf taking control of me. I leaped towards her and knocked her to the ground, my hands on her throat.

“Killing me won’t do you any good,” She said. She sounded frightened which made my wolf happy. “You’ll go to jail and Mia will get over you. No one wants to date a murderer.” I knew she was right; Mia would hate me if I killed Laura. I forced myself to stand up and back away from Laura.

“If she dies I will kill you,” I told her in a low, threatening voice. We both knew I wasn’t bluffing. I gave her one last glare and left to go to the hospital and wait for Mia to wake up.

When I got there I was feeling a little less violent. I went up to the lady at the desk, “How is Camille Thorne?”

She smiled at me, “I’m not allowed to release information like that. Feel free to wait over there until a doctor comes out.” I nodded and fell into a waiting chair.

Finally, after what seemed like forever a doctor came out and told me how she was. “Well, her skull was fractured and she’ll be in a coma. It wasn’t major so chances are she’ll wake up. But we have no way of knowing when.”

**********************************************************************************************************************************Sorry if i took a while to upload. I've been really busy this week and I was working on my other stories. I know this chapter is shorter, but i'll make the next one longer. I changed this chapter a lot, but i hoped you like it. I'll try to upload faster.






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