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Honestly fuck off depression. Now is t the time I can't be sad now, I can't!!!!! I want to vomit I hate everything I hate breathing I hate people I hate my body ugh! I try my very hardest to be a good person to be nice, but you just light me up. I'm a fucking nuke just ready to be dropped and leave a wasteland behind. Empty, unwanted, broken, a mess, not suitable for life. Left behind part of the past, moving onward to greener more plentiful lands. I'm just a wasteland of old homes and old tunes, not able to change no matter how hard I try. I thought everything had been handled, but I guess I was only in the eye of the hurricane. So Kori is her name? Her hairs an almond brown, perfect skinny bitch ass body, perfect face with no blemishes, and a shiny personality. No wonder you love her, I said it didn't worry me but it hit me like an avalanche. So I'm not honest and I don't own up to my true feelings but I don't fucking know myself. I just hope you don't get hurt you fucking dumb ass. I hate you so much, so why the actual fuck do I still care!!!!! Ginny is the earth and heaven, lol forget that she's got himself. So amazing and you put her through this shit storm and Harry and Jake and Katie and Jena and your family everyone. You are contagious, your ways grow on people, you destroy and break people. You're a wasteland for broken hearts and dreams.

Feels n shit pt.2Where stories live. Discover now