Chapter 20- "He was there"

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~He was there~

(Madison's P.O.V.)

There it goes again! Tears are falling out of my eyes because of Luke.

"Madison, wait!" someone calls me from behind

I turned around and see Calum run towards my direction. I wiped my eyes with my hands and straightened myself to look at least a bit presentable.

"Hey Cal" i greeted back

"You need to forget whatever Luke said back there" he said as he tries to defend his friend

"That's too late now." i sniffled, "Calum, i'm tired of all of this. I don't want it anymore"

He takes my bag like a gentleman and we walked towards the park behind the school.

"I know Luke. This is not the end of him" 

"Now what? He'll start bullying me?" i gave a wry laugh, "That makes it better"

"How is that better?" he asked and we sat down on a bench

"Well, the fact that he'll make it easier for me to hate and forget him" i replied and wiped a tears that was falling down.

"Calum?" i whispered


"Can i ask you a question?" i nervously asked 


"W-why'd you kiss me? B-back at McDonald's?" i finally asked it! That kiss has never left my system. I need to know what the hell he would do that.

He sighed and looked away, "I don't know. It just happened"

"Cal, i know you're not telling me something. I need you to be honest with me right now"

"I can't. It's going to make the situation worse than it already is." he insists

i scoffed, "Nothing is going to make all of this more complicated." i begged but he didn't answer. Then, a conclusion went to my mind

"Calum, do you uhhmm--like me?" i asked

He looked into my eyes and answered, "Yes. I like you since the very first day i saw you."

"Oh" i whispered to myself. This is awkward

"Please pretend we didn't talk about it!" he begged, "I don't want our friendship to be ruined"

"Y-yeah, sure" i replied and the school bell rings

"Thanks" he stands up from his seat, "Come on, we have gym class" he pulls my hand and i walked with him towards my locker. 

~Gym class~

The glares from the other students never left. As a matter of fact, it only got worse. I get 3 from other girls and they talk about me as if i wasn't there.

"Hey" Kayla greeted, "it's been a long time since we've talked. Do you hate me?"

"No" i replied and kept my head down

"Okay. Just so you know, Calum, Micheal, your brother, Ashton and I are always here for you. Don't keep everything in you because no one is capable of doing that." she hugs me and i hugged her back

"Kayla, i'm tired of crying. It's all i've been doing. I want it all to end" i quietly cried

"Babe, it's okay to cry. It means that you've been strong and that you're tired." She tightens her grip around me, "You don't deserve to be like this."

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"No," i untangle myself from her, "As they say, bitches and whores like me deserve to suffer" i shrugged and wiped my tears

"They're just jealous because Luke fell in love with you" she replies and brings me to the gym court.

I tried my best to wipe all the tears off my face and eyes

"Hey!" Michael greets along with Calum and Ashton

"Hi." i greeted back only quieter

"We've heard that you wanted to go back before you meet 5SOS so, hi! I'm Ashton and i am not in a band" he jokes and stretches his hand

"Hi" i smiled and shook it

"Awww, she's smiling" Kayla squeals

"Hi, I'm Micheal and i am a professional model" Mike introduced himself

I shook his hand too and smiled bigger. Ashton punches his arm and he pokes out his tongue

"Hi, i'm Calum and i am the most handsome student in this school" he winks and i laughed

"Lies!" Ashton and Michael said in unison

"No it's not!" Calum defends his title and that's when they started to tackle each other playfully. 

I looked around and see Luke surrounded by a bunch of girls in a corner. His arms are wrapped around their shoulders and it looks like they are having a great time.

"You alright?" Kayla asked

"I think so" i answered.

"Does it still hurt? Like, somewhere around here?" she points at her heart's location

I nodded in response

"You still love him, don't you?"

"i don't know" i sighed and sat on the benches

She sits beside me and took my hand, "I am not telling you this just because i want you and him back together but," she paused, "I know Luke wasn't aware of the events that happened the night."

"What are you saying? He's been framed?" i asked

"I believe so." she answers, "For the past years that i've seen Luke mess up in this school, he has changed ever since he was with you." 

I scoffed, "Nothing's different, Kayla. He's still what he is"

"I don't know. From what observed, you're the only person he listens to." she pats my hand and pulled me up, "Not Ashton, not Michael, not Calum but YOU."

(Luke's P.O.V.)

My spy came back to where i am from Madison and Kayla's place

"So Spencer, what did you hear?" i ask him

"She's jealous" he replies

I smirked and watched her form afar while she's talking to her friend, "What else?"

"She still loves you"

"Really?!" i excitingly asked, "uhm, i mean, really?" i quickly changed my tone and continued to watch her

"Yeah, she's crying about it"

"Fine, i need you to continue spying on her. Tell me everything she's doing" i demanded and he left.

At least i know her feelings never left. It's going to be harder for me to bully her now. 

God dammit.

(Madison's P.O.V.)

 "Okay, class. Today you will all be playing badminton!" the coach announces and blows his whistle.

Everyone stood up and installed the net in the middle to start playing

"Wanna play?" Calum walks to me while holding two badminton rackets.

I nodded and took the other one

"Who are we fighting with?" i asked

"Us!" Someone shouted and when i looked at the opposite side of the court, Luke and Patricia are smirking towards us 

 "Great! Let's do this!" Calum cheers and kissed my cheek out of nowhere. "Good luck"

"Uhm....thanks" i replied

(End of game)

Sadly, the game ended up as a tie. 45-45.

"Nice game" Calum went to the other side and pulled my hand. He starts to give them a handshake and i stood there awkwardly

Soon enough, Luke and Patricia left and I went back to the benches with Kayla and Ashton

"Hi" i greeted

"Great game" Kayla commented

"Thanks." i answer, "I'm gonna go change now for Math" i returned the materials and changed into my uniform.

I returned all of my things back in my locker to get my book and calculator. I entered the class and sat, again, the the furthest seat there is and pulled out my phone to check my twitter.

Why is my life like this?!

i tweeted and closed it the app. Suddenly, i felt my phone vibrate

I got a text message from Luke! i hovered my finger over the notification and decided to press it. The message made my heart sink.


I know you're jealous and that you still love me. Don't worry, i feel the same.

Luke x


What the hell is going on?!

~Meanwhile in London~

 (Jack's P.O.V.)

I found Madison's school website and decided to look around. As expected, Luke's face is all over girl's profile. I checked Madison's profile and all i see are twitter tweets


Suddenly, i found the website's deepest secrets. Hundreds and hundreds of videos and photos are posted as a list. Everything are about humiliation and dramas that happens in the school. What's worse is that the video back in the hotel was the latest post and currently the most popular one yet. 

As i watch and view everything, someone very familiar was in the video.

"Hey Finn!" i call my brother's attention

"Yeah?" he asked with a turkey sandwich in his mouth

"Remember the boy that saved Madison back in the lake?" i refresh his memory

"Oh yeah! He's not British, i'm sure of that" 

"I know. I was looking at the videos and pictures that Madison's classmates posted on their school website " i showed him my computer screen and he examined the face

"Oh my god! That's him!" he gasped letting the food fall out of his mouth

"He's watching over her." i clicked on the print button to print the image of our old friend and send it to Madison, "He was there."


Hey! So, here's the next chapter!

Comment below who do you think is this 'old friend' of theirs. I would love to know :)

s/o to KyraBryonyStymlinson : Sorry for not updating faster :(

Samantha xxx

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