Morning rays of light shone in Flame's room as he woke up, letting out a yawn. He opened his amber eyes and pulled his blanket off of him as he stood up. His amber coloured eyes seemingly glowed in the beams of light. Flame looked out his bedroom window and looked over his kingdom, he was prince of the fire kingdom, but he knew in a few years when his training was done he would become the new king.
Suddenly his bedroom door burst open as three people dressed in formal outfits stepped in. Flame turned around to see who barged into his room so suddenly. To his surprise it was two of the royal guards and a guard in training, his best friend, Sunstorm.
"Flame, we have an issue to report." One of the guards spoke suddenly, his voice sounding urgent.
"Now now." Flame started walking towards them. "I highly doubt its something the kingdom can't handle. Go fetch my father and the three of us can discuss this issue over a nice cup of golden rose tea."
"It's about your father... He was found murdered this morning in his bed." He looked towards Flame with a serious face, but his eyes showed a hint of sadness as he spoke.
Flame stepped back a shocked expression on his face as he was given the news. "My father... d-dead?" He stuttered. "Do we have any leads on his killer?"
"No sir, but we will try our best to find who ever killed him and we will take him to justice sir."
Flame shook his head, turned around, and walked over to his closet to fetch his scarlet cape. "I guess I must get ready for my crowning ceremony. When is that taking place?" He asked adjusting his cape.
"It'll happen at sunset, followed by your father's ceremony of passing sir." The guards walked out of his room. "We shall leave you now. We understand if you need time to grieve over his death." The guards closed the door and left Flame alone in his room.
Flame now alone sat on his bed covering his face with his hands as he started to sob. The light that was shining into his room a few minutes ago was now gone as the morning sky was starting to get covered by clouds. Flame cried. He was now king and he knew that, but this was not how he imagined it. Flame would dream almost every night about how he would be crowned king. He would dream about his father patting his shoulder proudly and he would dream about standing tall as he wore the passed down crown and held his family's sacred possession, the burning blue blade. But those were just dreams. The reality hit him like a bull, his father was dead and he was now king. He was now an inexperienced king.
Flame left his room a few minutes later to fetch himself some golden rose tea, and he drank it alone at his grand table. No one to greet, talk to, or share a laugh with as he sat alone.

Nova (Unfinished)
AdventureNova, a world controlled by four kingdoms all on the brink of war with each other. Flame, the youngest king has created a seemingly fool proof plan to save the world from the destruction of war. He comes to learn the complications of his plan and to...