"How could this happen!" Jess paces back and forth outside the medical ward. Clenching her fists as she tries to contain her rage. We clearly react differently, as I just stand in shock. Frozen from the tip of my tongue to the tips of my toes. I ask myself the same question. How could this happen?
We both wait outside as Dana is in the room, with the medics, Fawn, with Janie. It is too dangerous to step it at this point, she is in transition, she could turn at any point.
"Arggghh ha!" We hear Dana screams, as we stand outside the closed doors. "Argghh, no, ple... hrrgg!"
I am guessing from previous medical experience that they will attempt to clean the wound, and try to get rid of as much bacteria as possible, while also trying to drain out the infection that has begun to form. I can just picture it in my head. Attempting to fix a wound that is already drenched in blood, both new and old, would be difficult for both parties. Treating wounds isn't pretty, especially when we don't have the luxury of anesthesia, all we have is a bit of alcohol usually used for wound treating. I'm guessing they are still only cleaning it, and haven't begun stitches yet.
"Let go! Argh!" We both hear a loud thump followed by the knocking of tools and the muffled voices. we hear another thump and now Janie calling for help. Jess and I don't hesitate to burst through the closed door, swinging it back so it hits the wall. We stop as we see Dana once again fighting. Her eyes are hollow and show no familiarity with this person she is fighting. She has gone mad!
"Dana!" I shout as we both rush over. I grab her fighting hand with all my might and attempt to push it down to the bed. While I struggle with one hand, Jess is on the other also fighting. I get her hand down to the bed, and now she is pinned.
"What is going on?!" Jess walks in.
"Just hold her!" Fawn shouts as she pulls out a torch... a flame torch, and lights it. What the hell is going on! We don't question it but soon begin to as the flame approaches her arm. We both watch as Fawn holds her arm out, trying to close the wound with fire. We stare at the flames hit her skin, her screams echoing through the entire building. The smell of burning flesh fills our nostrils.
I stare at the blue flame that flies from the hollow tube o this device and hits her fair skin turning it the colour of old tree bark while tightening her skin like leather. Her blood boils changes colour. Her screams scar a place in my mind before I can no longer stay silent. "What are you doing!?"
"Sealing it! Now hold her still!" Fawn yells as she stops the burning for now. Dana soon ceases to squirm, her eyes roll into the back of her head before they shut. She must of passed out. She puts the flame back to her skin, and as the flame slowly stops, Fawn stands and vomits into the bin, with Jess and I just being able to hold our stomachs down.
I look at her wound, the skin has sealed the bite marks, but from what I can see, it is only partly.
"What does that do?" I ask,
"Well... I couldn't stitch it all, her skin kept ripping as she moved, it was too infected. This way bacteria is basically gone and it would stop the bleeding. I couldn't stop it any other way."
"But Is that...it?" Jess asks, also looking at the partly-sealed wound.
"No... not exactly," Fawn wipes her mouth and walks towards us,
"What else needs to be done?" Jess asks,
"Well I only sealed the main part of the wound, but like this, she needs a lot more medical assistance, at this rate we may need blood bags, antibodies, and general bandages and cleaning supplies, we are practically out of everything,"
I look up from staring at Dana, completely covered in sweat, and completely out cold. "What do you have?"
"We have a packet of band-aids, about two of three pain-killers, but I am about to give her two, so we have a single pill. We also have so Iron supplements, but nothing of much use,"
"Where do we get more supplies?"
"The Hospital?" Jess mentions,
"No, that is most likely the first place they raided," Fawn says, putting her supplies away, and cleaning up.
"Actually... it was the first place that was attacked, so everyone who was there died and it became a huge no go zone. Most should still be their..." I recall,
"Yeah but still, it is hopeless, there is no way we will get a squad through there, no way,"
"So where else?" Jess says, just as Zoey burst through the door again.
"Where is she? Is she okay?!" Zoey says, walking towards us.
"She is fine, just knocked out," Fawn tells her, as Zoey pushes me away taking my place at her side.
"Zoey-" Jess starts to get mad,
"Jess, it's...it's fine," I say before I begin to walk out the room.
Zoey now has an official reason to hate me.
I see bright lihts flash thought my eye lids as I hear faint unfimilar voices.
"Cara! Cara!" I hear shouting.
I try to speak but can't. I can't...stay...awake.
It is dark. It is like someone has replaced my mind with a black empty room. I feel light, like I weigh nothing.
"I can't do this!" I hear the sound of a voice, mother?
"Emma, please." Father?
"No, Jude stop. I can't,"
What is going on...?
Beep. Beep. Beep.
My eyes slowly begin to pry open. As the light slowly leaks into my vision, I close my eyes once more. I just sit and wait for my senses.
People taking, the rolling of wheels over tiles, the crying, the sneezing, and the coughing. I hear every monitor and the city outside my window. Cars beeping, people yelling and talking.
As another one of my senses awake I begin to smell the room, it smells of antibacterial spray and smells clean, but at the same time, it smells weird, and not too pleasing.
My fourth sense, I feel the blankets, not of great quality, but they are thin, cold, and they feel stiff as if they had been recently washed.
I open my eyes, at last, the light blurring my vision before I can see the white room. I look around, trying to move, but notice I am attached to several cords.
I sit up for a second, I am so thin, yuck... I am even more boney. I was thin before, but this is scary.
I slowly make way to the edge of the bed, leaning on a poll that holds bags of clear liquid. I detach some of the cords and stand using the pole. I slowly begin to walk over to the door, before a nurse walks in.
"Doctor! She is awake!" She yells before forcing me back to bed.
As nightfall came, after sitting in my room all day, I grab my things. A complete black outfit. A black singlet and pants, as well as my boots. I take my personal pistol i had hidden underneath a wood plank in my room, along with own knives that shine silver, before holding my boots so I can sneak outside.
As soon as I reach the wall, I put my boots on, planning to jump over. I look down and look around knowing oh too well how to get over this wall. I take a deep breath.
I pep talk myself, "Just like sneaking out my window. I can't do this. Try not to get caught, and be back before the parents wake. This is the same, just this is a 7ft wall, and death is very likely, and if I am caught I will be torn to shreds, and that not returning could mean I die, or Dana dies, and then I waste these resources, but it is fine."
It completely turns my mind upside down, but as I step back to take a run up I stop.
I turn around quickly, seeing Jess all dressed up.
"Jess?! What are you doing here?" I whisper before I notice she has a pistol, and knives on her. She is also dressed up.
"What are you doing?" She answers with a question, and with no answer, she already knows. "you're going to that hospital, aren't you?"
"You are not going to stop me," I say, turning around to climb up the wall, instead of jumping.
"I don't plan to, are you kidding? I could never beat you in a one on one,"
We have fought before, but I easily win. "So why are you here?"
"You need someone to open the door, ta-da," She says, as she holds up the key to the exit.
"Seriously? Pep talk for nothing." I mutter. "You really are amazing," I say as she walks over to the door,
"I know I am." She smiles as the doors open.
I walk out in front of her. Before I hear the door close, I turn to see her on the other side... with me.
"What are you doing?!" I ask... again, panicking as I plan to run free without watching her.
"Coming with,"
"No, you're not," I tell her,
"Too late," She says throwing the keys over.
"What are you thinking! You're-"
"Amazing, I know," She walks in front of me before I catch up to her.
"Fine, stay, but keep up," I give in.
Sorry, @Sandwich_Day is having issues with her laptop so we couldn't post.
So I wrote this one alone. RIP. But she should be back soon.