Chapter 5

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Sorry for waiting so long, guys!


Four threw the offensive punch that set things into motion. Eric just stayed on the defensive side, never throwing a punch. What is going on? Does he want us factionless?

"He's letting Four tire himself out," Hemy said. I jumped, not noticing that she came next to me.

"What happened with him?" Hemy looked around, almost panicked.

"You can't tell anyone, promise?" I nodded, my curiosity more than my sympathy came out.

"Well, I don't want to get into too many details but Toby and I did it in his room a few days ago. Last night, after my family members left, he led me back to his room. But it wasn't anything physical though. He wanted a real relationship. I told him that I would give him an answer after initiation. Then he accused me of pining after Eric. It's obvious that even if I did like Eric, he only has eyes for one person." I furrowed my brow, a sick feeling in my stomach. Was this jealousy? No, it wasn't. There was nothing to be jealous of. Eric doesn't and never will like me.

"Who's the girl?" I asked softly. Four's nose was bleeding now and I don't think his jaw was in the right place anymore. Eric was only sweating. Quite the turn on but there are a bunch of sweaty guys in here, so I have a pick.

"You are so dense, Bri," she said just as Eric knocked out Four. He wasn't getting back up, that was sure.

Eric was bent over his knees, his breath coming out heavy. I ran up to him, putting my arms around his neck.

"That was so fucking awesome!" I cheered. I let him go then looked at his eyes. They were a strange blue green color, yet dull and heartless. It was unsettling but if you searched hard enough, there was a ring of gold around the pupil.

I broke my gaze away from him, laughing awkwardly. "I guess we aren't factionless." He shrugged, walking next to me over to a corner. The next fight was already on the way but a fill in for Four was looking after it.

"I have connections. Besides, I think there's a rule that says if a Dauntless leader gets an initiate knocked up, they can stay. Not a pretty choice though."

I wrinkled my face. "Yeah, I'll get fat and disgusting."

"Don't think like that. You would probably be the most beautiful fat and disgusting woman ever," he said, smiling at me. I rolled my eyes.

"That was a compliment filled with an insult." He laughed at me, the tiny gold ring seeming to get brighter. He stopped, studying me studying him.

"You've done that twice, now," he pointed out. I looked away, heat rushing to my cheeks.

"Sorry. It's just that there's a gold ring around your pupils."

"Oh yeah, that's a family thing on my mother's side. It's believed that if our eyes are like that, that great things are for us. Like you noticed how my eyes don't hold any warmth in them, right?" I nodded, almost ashamed. "Well, eyes are windows to the soul. I am cold; heartless even. But I'm loyal. The golden ring represents that. Like marriage. Marriage is forever and being loyal to your spouse, not cheating." I nodded again, soaking in all the information.

"So what do my eyes say about me?" The question caught the big bad Eric off guard. Then he studied my eyes.

"Your eyes, like mine, are blue. The difference is that yours are warm, almost inviting. Like you would want to take a dip in them."

"No skinny dipping," I said, getting a laugh from him. Then he continued.

"I'm no eye expert but I know that you are always wanting approval from everyone. Living in Erudite, I guess that was understandable." We were close on the bench. Too close. A few more inches and it'll be kissing. Hell, it was like we were already cuddling. He likes someone else.

"How would you know, Eric?" I asked, pulling away. "You don't know anything about how I lived. You were probably born Dauntless, trying to teach foreign people who have no idea how to fight murder each other with their bare hands. So tell me, how would you know?" I was standing now. I could even hear my pulse in my ears.

"I was a fucking Nose once too," he whispered/yelled angrily at me. I was too stunned by what he said. He was from Erudite? How did I not know? I mean, now that I thought about it, he did still act somewhat like a nose. Always trying to prove others wrong, but more physical than knowledge.

That's why I was even more surprised when he pressed his lips to mine. We could see the people fighting but they couldn't see us, and I was grateful for that.

I kissed him back fervently, trying to push him onto his back on the bench. He didn't like that position though, putting me onto my back this time.

When it seemed that our lips became boring, he trailed kisses down my jaw, then heading to my neck. I moaned indecently, causing Eric to give me a smile like 'I caused that pleasure'.

With all my willpower, I slid out from under Eric. Then, not from willpower but an emotion that we have all felt-jealousy-I slapped him.

"You can't just kiss me when you like some dauntless bitch." I didn't wait for any response, running from the scene. I couldn't let him see me cry.

✓ I Chose Dauntless ↠ Eric Coulter | Divergent | #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now