chapter 14

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Brooklyn's  P.O.V

May 5, 2011, 7:15 pm

today is the day  baby Julio comes home and gets to meet  his new pack.  My mom is the only one to see him,  cause I didn't want anyone else to see him yet for a surprise.  Derek pulled up to the loft in his new toyota he got for the family,  with our son in the back (obviously ) . He undid the baby carrier as I got out of the car and we walked to the loft.  What I didn't know was that Peter and Cora got an elivator installed  for me and Julio.   We took the elevator up and I noticed Derek smiling at me so I looked and smiled back

"what you smiling for huh?! " I said giggling

"Because I'm looking at my beautiful  mate and son " he said,  which  made me blush,  a lot! 

"I love when you blush, it makes you super more beautiful,  wait did that make sense?? " he said with a smile turned to a confused look.  I laughed. 

"a Lil bit Derek,  jus  a lil  bit" I said smiling widley and making small pinchy  fingers. 

We reached the  loft door and Derek pulled it open and then I seen all of them,  and they all yelled. 


Scott and Issac were the first to come to me hugging me at the same time.

"can I hold my nephew please!!" Scott said with cute puppy dog eyes

"yes,  of course " I said handing him the baby carrier,  he walked off with it,  making everyone else follow him. 

"Babe don't worry,  they will see you next" Derek whispered to me and laughed softly. 

Lydia and Aiden came up to us

"can we take him home for the night,  he is just so frigging adorable!! " Lydia said with a hopping smile,  so I would say  yes

Derek and I looked at each other. 

"in maybe 1 more  week Lydia  okay" Derek said seriously

"Aw okay,  what ever  you say new daddy! " she said then hugging me and Derek, 

"we would love to stay and be with all you guys but we got business to do *cough * shopping *cough*  for baby *cough * clothes *cough* " she said pulling Allison,  Lydia,  Ethan and Aiden  and Issac along.  I laughed at them

leaving only Scott and Kira. They were admiring my son.  :)

"okay,  my loved ones but he has to go down for a little nap in his new room :) " I said taking Julio away from them

"aww  man!! " they said in unison

"oh get over it,  you will see him again,  then again where the hell is sultana and stiles?  I haven't  seen them in a while?? "  I said bouncing Julio in my arms to put him to sleep. 

"They said they were on a 'honey moon ' even though they aren't even married" Scott said with a cute smirk

"okay dirty minded little boy,  it's not like we will have another baby in the pack" I said laughing

"hold up,  I'm older than you " Scott said

"well,  I um  had a baby first,  found a mate first,  moved out first,  and I'm an alpha,  I think that somewhat makes me older " I said making my points clear to him Derek giggled a little a and that made me smile,  Scott stayed quiet

"but still" he said laughing,  Kira was as well.

"get out of here and go have fun big bro" I said to him laughing and winked at him and gave Kira a thumbs up


"oh my god Brooklyn!! " she said laughing and blushing

"uh  yeah,  I guess we could go" he said laughing and pulling Kira out the loft. 

I turned Derek and smiled

"I'm going to put him down to sleep and maybe you can slow dance with me?? " I said to him,  and he laughed

"what? " I said

"slow dance?  really? " he said laughing

"yes we haven't  done anything romantic in a while damn please can we just slow dance for a little bit , I haven't danced for 4 and ½ months,  I need it like I need you" I said then covered me mouth not meaning to Say that I needed him . oops!  he bit his lip and raised  an eyebrow and I needed him more

"I'm gonna go put him down to sleep,  seeing its now 9:12 I said walking up the stairs and going to Julio's room and laying him down for a nap.  I knew tonight was gonna be amazing and there was not gonna be slow dancing at all,  most likely  slow loving... 


it was 10:15 , so we had mated for 1 hour and 30 minutes,  yeah Wolf love is..  well..  long!  I had this weird  feeling,  like something wasn't right.  I got up out of Derek's arms and went to the bathroom to put on my robe and check on the baby,  I told Derek I was getting  a glass of water and checking the baby.  I finished my glass of water and walked up the stairs into the babies room and looked into his crib to see him not in there.  I didn't panic much but my heart beat started rising,  I don't know how he would of got out,  I mean everyone was sleeping so they wouldn't of took him out of his crib  so I instantly  took off my robe and shifted into my beautiful black Wolf,  and sniffed the  air,  his scent was really strong so I followed  it and it actually  lead me into Cora's room and I snuck in and see him in a wolf form,  he was black with patches of white,  he was cuddled  into Cora's  chest as she held him tight,  and I know she was Derek's sister and I thought it was cute but I growled loudly cause it made me a tad bit angry,  echoing  through the whole loft,  Cora and Julio jumped up really quick,  I was still growling Derek and Peter came running in and Derek stopped to see why I was growling. 

"Cora,  put Julio on the bed slowly and out of your arms,  she is only growling cause she is mad,  that  you are holding her defenseless  pup " he said calmly  and slowly,  Cora slowly put MY pup down and I stopped growling and went walking to the bed slowly making her get up and off the bed and run towards  Derek and Peter.  I jumped up on her bed and walked up to my rather tiny pup laying there,  eyes opened.  Seeing his eyes made me stop a little short,  his pretty eyes were the most beautiful red,  his natural eye color was blue. WOW.  BEAUTIFUL !!!!  I finished walking to him and put my head down to his and smelt him for any harmed thing on him.I seen his full color.  He was black with white on him.  He was handsome.  but anyway I licked his head and he lifted his head lightly  and kicked my mouth a lot :) I was really happy,  I picked him up with my mouth and walked passed Derek and Peter and Cora into the living room of the loft and set him down.  He stood up,  and then I realized  he wasn't that small we was actually, while I was in human form up to my knee's.  He was big and I think Derek and Cora and Peter were surprised  of that as well as I was.  I smiled and did a tiny little  bark making him jump into a playing position, Front of him down and his butt in the air with his tail wagging. He jumped at me and did I cute little baby bark and went back into the same position. I understood  him,  he wanted to play so I rolled over on my back and he came running to me and pounced on my face,  nibbling  on my nose and paws.  I nibbled his ears and legs softly  and got up and ran slowly  but fast as he ran after me. I stopped and he jumped on me,  and I pretended to fall over,  he barked with laughter I Can tell he was getting tired cause he cuddled into my face as I rubbed his little body with my head and glanced at Cora,  Derek and Peter all smiling at me and the baby,  I smiled back and lifted my head up and seen him sleeping I curled into a ball and put my head back down on him and closed my eyes planning to spend the night right there with my baby.  Derek was fine with it and so was Cora and Peter cause  they all went back to the rooms. Derek came out and put a blanket on us (like we needed it or something ) but it smelt like him,  I mean like I've never smelt something this strong  of his before,  it was  really strong and I liked it to and I think Julio did also.

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