Shattered (A JacksGap Fanfiction)

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"The death was hard on us all Evie. It wasn't just you affected. We have to leave our friends and futures too at the moment." My other brother Merrick told me. He was sitting with me in my room. On the other side, fearful that I would lash out at him.

"I may be able to continue my university career at the moment and it sucks ass that you can't even start but there just isn't enough money at all right now for you to head into Med School at damn Harvard."

Basically he was repeating a speech I'd heard countless times from my father. He made it a point that I would not be going to Harvard. Or Yale, or Princeton or UCLA, all of which I was accepted into. Now it was just pointless.

"And now Mom isn't here to comfort us or anything. She won't be here for my baseball games. She won't be here for your cheer competitions and she won't be here to watch us and help us in our daily lives. Evie we have to accept that at this point, if I could take this all back and be the one who got sick, I promise you I'd do it in a heartbeat."

"Merrick. What the fuck don't say that. Don't you ever fucking dare say you wish it was you that got sick. You think I'm a wreck without mom here? Imagine if it was you. If it was you I wouldn't be sat in this room right now and you fucking know it too." I spit at him.

He looked taken aback by my sudden burst. It'd been almost a week since our mother died and I hadn't spoken to anyone. Haven't said a word. 

"She talks." My dad said, as he passed my open door, a bottle of $30,000 scotch in his hand. A 25th anniversary present from my moms work. 

He was always drinking nowadays, but I didn't mind it exactly. Now it was something both of us bonded over. We both got drunk and I sat quietly while my father told stories of how my mom was in high school. 

"Hey dad." I said, looking at him, standing in my doorway.

"Hey babygirl are you doing okay?"

I just nod, he smiles and walks away.

"See Evie, he's happy you're talking."

I shrug my shoulders. 

"Merrick." I say, looking up at him. "Do you know where we're moving to? Well me and Dad anyway?" 


"Would you care to elaborate on that or are you just gonna let me figure out?"

"England. London."

"Well, I've always wanted to go there so I guess that's cool."

"You leave tomorrow by the way, I thought I'd let you know."

And with that, Merrick left the room. 

England, tomorrow. Might as well change and pack my shit. I think to myself. I look at the grey sweatpants and Kodaline t-shirt that I've literally been wearing for a week.

I open my closet and to my surprise, everything is packed into large and small boxes, along with a few suitcases, all squished into my closet. I knew Merrick did it, he's a stickler for being organized and probably wanted to cut down on cardboard box use, so he just folded everything up real nice and tight. 

I wondered how we were going to get my bed into a box, when I realized we lived in a fully furnished 6 bedroom apartment overlooking Central Park in New York. My bed is staying.





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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2014 ⏰

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