Terms & Conditions

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• To nominate a fan fiction for the 2018 awards, it must have been published on, or after July 1st 2017 as that is when our nominations for the 2017 awards closed, this way we give everyone a chance.

- if your story is published after July 1st 2017 and was not eligable for the 2017 awards as it did not exist, it will be eligable for the 2018 awards if it was either started or completed before July 1st 2017.

- if your story was started before July 1st 2017, meaning it was eligable for the 2017 awards, and completed at the end of 2017 then it is not eligable for the 2018 awards.

- if your story was started before July 1st 2017 and was updated with chapters (authors notes do not count) a minimum of three times in 2017 or completed after those updates in 2018, it is eligable for the 2018 awards.

• The nominations will open as soon as the categories are published and will close on July 1st 2017.

• Nominations can be submitted by highlighting the category which you believe the story is elegible to run in, and comment the wattpad username of who wrote the story, and the story title. Do not nominate in this section, you must go to 'Categories & Nominations'.

• Nominations can also be submitted anonymously by messaging us through our inbox with the category, author, and story title.

• You are allowed to nominate yourself or your own story for a category.


• Voting will open on July 1st 2018, and will close on November 1st 2018.

• You must vote for 3 nominations per category.

• To vote you must highlight the story or user in which you wish to vote for, and comment "vote".

• Voting will also be done anonymously if you wish by inboxing us with the category, author, story title and the word "vote".

• You are not allowed to vote for yourself or your own story.

• Please do not assume that you or anyone else has won by counting the amount of votes in the comments as we do get anonymous votes through our inbox too.

• If you own a joint account with someone else, you are not allowed to vote for yourself using that account either.


• A badge/sticker to place on the front cover on the story of yours which came either 1st, 2nd or 3rd will be awarded, we will even be happy to edit it onto your book cover for you.

• Your story will be featured in a reading list on our profile called '2017 Lovatic Fan Fiction Award Winners'.

• Exposure for your story.

• Bragging rights, being able to call your story 'award winning'.

If you are unclear on whether or not your story, or a story you nominated, is still eligable for this years awards, then please message us and we can take a look and let you know.

If you have any questions or special circumstances, please message us also.

Lovatic Fan Fiction Awards 2018Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя