Ch.13-Gone mining

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I was in my room, filling a shulker-box with food, building blocks, and other necessities. I picked it up, got the pick I got from Steve from the item frame above my desk. And headed downstairs. I opened the front door, having to use my whole body to push it. Surprisingly, it hasn't started raining yet. I looked around to see Hero, leaning against a post with a diamond pickaxe. And might I add, that thing is Sharp. "A real beauty, ain't she?" He asked, catching me staring at the pick. "Uh, yeah. I haven't seen anything this sharp. It has to be enchanted higher than efficiency V" I said. poking the tip. "Ever heard of sharpness?" he asked. "I thought that wasn't possible on a pickaxe" I answered. "In the overworld, that doesn't work. But here..." he started. "Right, right. Keep forgetting that MC rules don't apply here" I said. He shook his head, chuckling, and started walking down the stairs to the damp grass. I followed shortly.

We reached a cave system, not having to walk for too long. Lit, once again, with redstone torches. "Wouldn't it be better to light thing up with actual torches, instead of these?" I asked. "It's just how I do" he answered, leading me to a staircase, leading down deeper into the mine. "You should mind your head the further down you are" he said, as we got down to 20, where there was a little resting-place connected to a ravine. We continued down 'til level 12. We stopped at another resting place, where it branched off into a tree of straight passages. Strip mining. "Mind the lava pit" he said. I looked to my side, seeing how close I was to the edge of it. I took a few steps forward. He got up to the pit of lava, and graced a sword over it, seeming to sharpen it, by melting the edges. "Anyway, you wanted to come here, so I assume you have some equipment" he said. "Of course I do. What kind of miner would go unprepared?" I said, taking out my pickaxe. It seemed to catch his interest. Standing back up. "Can I have that for a second?" he asked. "Uh... okay?" I answered, unsure on why he'd want that. "As suspected. It's barely sharp enough to dent ore. Bump and scratched" he mumbled to himself. "Have you used this? No, the durability is at a hundred. You made it?" he asked. "No, I got it from Steve" I answered. "Oh, is that so?" he asked, looking at me, with a mischievous smirk. "Yeah" I answered. Still in the same position, we stood there for a moment until he suddenly tossed the pick into the lava pit. "HEY!" I yelled, and sprinted up to the edge, slipping. "I wouldn't jump in if I were you" he said. Catching me by the collar before I fell in. I caught my balance, and sharply turned around, to see him floating, as if he were to be on a hammock. "WHY?!" I asked. "Your anger won't make anything change. That thing was dented, not sharp. Awful craftmanship. Might as well use a golden pick. Nobody uses that anymore!" he said. "It was from my best friend!" I said. "oh it's from my best friend" he repeated, sarcastically. "I killed my best friend! Who's got time with them when you rule over the monsters!" he added. "Yes, continue bragging" I said. "The sarcasm's strong with this one" he said. He sighed, and hooked an iron pick over my shoulder. "Just know that everything you find. Is mine" he said, and flew away into the passages. "That's not fair" I said.

I continued to dig out a passage, finding some redtone, lapiz, gold, iron, and coal. Even an emerald. But what luck do I have when it comes to diamonds? I broke the stone in front of me. Seeing it open to a cave. I continued to dig, until I got in. I explored for a bit, with a torch in hand. I took a turn, and found some more iron. I collected the whole vein, when I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. Seeing an arrow, I sharply turned around, seeing a hoard of skeletons. I held up my hand, facing the mark towards them. They didn't seem to, either notice it, or know it. The mark started glowing, as I was pushed into a corner. I got out my sword, to push away the closest, as they tried to shoot. The hoard kept growing. I was embracing for the arrows to hit me, when it suddenly stopped. The noises of them, being replaced by fighting. I relaxed a bit, when I saw him standing in front of me. eyes glowing brightly, making the whole area light up like day. "Stay back, they won't listen" he said. "Just don't keep anything metal on hand" he said. I put the sword in my inventory. As the cave was suddenly filled with lighting. How that works when were underground, I don't know. The hoard was gone. But He was still standing, as if he was preparing to strike. "Are they-" I was cut off by him shushing me. We were quiet for a few moments. "Spawner" he suddenly said. "No wonder they didn't know" he continued. He went up to a wall, and swung at it. Making a hole with only one swing with the pick. Being met with mossy cobble. He broke that too, and got to the spawner. I followed him inside. Seeing him sitting beside it. Holding a hand over it. "What are you doing?" I asked, checking what loot the chests have. "Just claiming this to my control. Find anything interesting?" he asked. "Horse armor, some bread, and a whole lotta string" I answered. He hummed, and got back up. "You okay? Didn't get shot?" he asked. "Just one in my shoulder. Otherwise I'm okay" I answered. He hummed again, and started to leave the cave. "We should get back up, wouldn't want that to get infected" he said. I nodded and followed back up to the mansion. I'm starting to see a pattern. He's a lot nicer whenever I am, or been, in danger. If only he could have this side the whole time. I can't help but wonder.

I was back in my room, with Bethra tending to my wound. "You know. Herobrine's a lot nicer to me, whenever I'm in danger of any kind. Got any ideas?" I asked. "Well, it could always be the fact that he wants to keep you alive for reasons unknow. Or I could just to the more extreme conclusion, and say he likes you" she answered. "Why would he? I'm just a mere mortal to him" I said. "Actions tend to speak louder than words" she answered. "This might sting" she added. I tried ignoring the burning, as she lightly dabbed a healing potion around the wound. "So... you're saying that. The god of all evil, would like a mortal?" I asked. "There really shouldn't be a reason why you should, or shouldn't like someone. It is what it is. Nothing can change that. Which is something society should learn" she said. "I have to agree with that. There's too many gender roles, and rules on who you can, and can't be with" I answered. "If you like someone, then so be it. No matter who it is, society shouldn't hold you down" I added. "In the end, we're all people. No matter how we look, think, talk, walk. We should all respect each other" I said "Exactly" she answered. "Anyway, what do you think He's up to?" I asked. "Probably outside, now that you can see the night sky for once" she answered. "No rain, or clouds? That's new" I said. "Yeah, you should get outside and star gaze a bit too" she answered as she put away the empty bottle. "Just be careful of that wound. Oh, you know what. You should ask Arthra to get you onto the roof. You do know where the attic is, right?" she asked. "Yeah, I think so" I answered. "Great, then I'll see you later" she said, and went through the bathroom to her room.

I made my way up to the attic, and knocked on the wall to let Arthra know I was here. Cobwebs were everywhere, with spiders everywhere. Good thing I'm not that arachnophobic. A bigger spider came up to me, and looked up. "So, you're Arthra, right?" I asked. The spider nodded, being unable to speak. "Well, it's nice to meet you. Bethra told me to ask you if I wanted to get to the roof" I said. She perked up, nodding, leading me through a clear path, to a locked door. She went up in the ceiling, and got back down with a key. I took it from her, thanking the spider. I could tell she was smiling. I unlocked the door, and closed it behind me, waving to Arthra and the little spiders. I stepped onto the nether bricks, looking up at the sky. The full moon lighting the area, as stars were sprinkled across the sky. I noticed, a higher part of the roof, being inaccessible by foot. And also, He was up there. He looked to the side. He summoned a block, that somewhat looked like a blue portal. I went up to it, gently poking it, to find it solid. I took this as an invitation up. I climbed up onto the block, and up onto the roof. I went up, and sat beside him. "Enjoying the night sky?" he asked. "Yeah, I never realized how much I missed this, until now" I answered. "It is quite rare to see the sky clear. So, I take the chance when I have it" he said. I decided to try, and see if he really cares. I was tring to sneakily scoot closer. I heard him sighing. "You know that I know everything that happens here" he said. "And if you really have to" he continued, and pulled me closer, to sit close enough to have our shoulders touching. "I guess I should be the nice guy for once" he finished. I put my head against his shoulder. To my surprise, he didn't move. SHUCK-SHESH. (success) To be honest, this surprised me. He just, pulled me in. Is he okay? Who hurt you?

((So, school is starting again for me. But hopefully I will be able to get chapters out, at least once a week, if anything. So, if it happens, and you wonder where the updates are, you can expect that I've been busy with school. Have a day :3))

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