Picture of Raven on the side and the "theme song" for this book-->
Weed. I know most of the synonyms that accompany that word, I know people view it as a "gateway drug" and I recall a conversation my father and I had regarding the topic but I never imagined this. Watching my best friend pretend to smoke a pipe on a car sized hill as a random drunk guy watches us, I realise that this is probably the lowest we have ever sunk.
I look over at the man that fell at our feet as a result of the alcohol, and most likely the weed, in his system and wonder what he could possibly want. Okay sure, Riley had offered to help him up said hill but I was still suspicious. I'm highly guarded and hostile towards any strangers who actually have the nerve to talk to my friend and I, it's probably because of my trust issues or the fact that I live in a shitty area where people will do anything to get some ass or cash. This man can't be younger than 20, surpassing our tender ages of 15 and 16.
Riley pretends to take a long drag and offers the pipe to me. I immediately decline, hearing my father's voice reprimand me in my head at the very thought of taking it from her. The stranger eyes me suspiciously wondering why a girl dressed in all black at a dodgy over 18s party wouldn't want some dope.
I remain silent, laughing now and then at a joke Riley and Mr Stranger make towards the silent statue Riley calls her beloved boyfriend. You can feel the anger coming off of Silent Boy in waves. The tension can be cut with a knife, but the stranger doesn't seem to notice and continues to ramble on about England and such. Of course this is when Riley, the cheeky bastard, suddenly brings up my moving to England next year, trying to get me involved in their banter. All the spotlight falls on me, my intent to stay silent suddenly tarnished by her need to pass the awkwardness on to someone else. I'm not impressed nut if Riley needs saving, I'm the first person to risk myself in order to save her and vice versa.
Her silent lover's phone starts to ring and I'm literally saved by the bell. My mom's name flashes across the screen indicating our time has come to leave and go back into our quiet, weedless lives waiting for us in Johannesburg. A confident voice from the bottom of the hill chirps up at us, "Going so soon?"
Only now I take my time to truly look at this guy staring up at me and suddenly it's like all my hostility has vanished. I realise I may have judged him a bit harshly at first. He seems sweet, in a very drunk way.I hear Riley talking to him in the background but all I can focus on are his eyes. It's too dark to see exactly what colour they are but somehow I know they're beautiful. Before I know what's happening I'm handed a card with the name Leo scarwled on it with a number just underneath and pulled off the hill by Riley, who is insisting we must leave.
As I wave goodbye, an overwhelming excitement races through me. I have his number. This is the first time I didn't have to ask for a guy's number, he just gave it to me. The excitement is short lived however as I hear Riley referring to the same card he gave her and her boyfriend. The special feeling inside vanishes and is replaced by my usual repulsion towards myself. He was just being friendly, of course he wasn't interested in me, I had sat there with a mouth full of teeth eyeing him up and down like a crazy stalker.
And here comes the bad mouth. The boyfriend has finally found his tongue that had gone missing up his egotistical ass. Coming from a very rich family he has everything handed to him, he never has to work and I'm sure has never had to stress about money in his life. That's where we differ. He thinks he's superior. I'm not his greatest fan. He could win three Oscars and dedicate them all to me and I still wouldn't give a flying crap. There's just something about him that ruffles my feathers and now that he was talking about Leo in such a negative way I have to bite my tongue even more than usual.
I want to go home. I want to lie in my bed and remember the stranger's laugh, his soothing laugh, and how I know those eyes hold more secrets than I can ever imagine.
Eek I cannot tell you how long I've had the idea for this book. I'm so happy I've finally had the guts to write it. I hope you guys like it. I will be updating every Wednesday at the latest but for now here's a sneak peek! Thank you for reading guys.

Loving Sunshine
Teen FictionWhen Raven meets a beautiful stranger on a dark night, far away from home, her life is changed forever. He's gorgeous with eyes as blue as the sky but he's hiding something. Why does she feel such a strong connection with this random man? What is he...