sam carefully applied just a bit of eyeliner and lipgloss before putting on her romper it was a teal colour with pockets with it.she grabbed a pair of knee high grey socks and tied her hair into a ponytail but left her bangs covering the cotton eye patch she wore over her bad eye she couldn't see out of it anyways this way no one talked about the white of her eye is green. after she was pleased with looking okay she grabbed her jacksepicteye bag yes she had one of her dad's products she owned a lot of jacksepicteye products it was free for her so why not. she snuck down the stairs past the guy plotting the root they were going to take once she reached the front door she called out"I'm going out for a bit be back around five" there were various people yelling 'have fun ' or "be careful' right before she slipped out into the front yard hopped in her convertible car and drove to the library she got there at 1;50 so she parked in the very back to try and hide from her car being left there and then sat on the park bench in front of the library he shouldn't be that much longer she was right when an SUV came to the front of the library where Xander rolled down his window
"hey sam hop in" he smiled he always had the cutest smile
"so I should warn you I have to be back here by 4:30," Sam said she pulling open the grey SUVs door hopped in and buckled up
"any reason," he asked not wanting to sound rude but still wanted to know
"Yeah I'm driving up to see my parents there in the country so me and the guys are driving to where there work thing is to spend some time together," Sam explained she moved her hands around when she talked making everything she said seem bigger and more important
"so you really live with a group of guys instead of your parents," Xander was amazed his parents would never think of letting any one of his sisters live with a group of guys
"Yeah I know that sounds weird but its really chill they do treat me like I'm a little girl but they've known me since I was adopted so" Sam explained in made since her parents were family friends those boys were like her brothers 'wait' Xander stopped to think for a second
"You were adopted," he asked Xander started to wonder what her birth parents were like clearly she was close with her adoptive parents but what about the ones that gave her life
"Yeah um I was a factory experiment my mum and dad saved me from the experiments, those experiments are also why I wear the eye patch," Sam told him she left out the part where she was created in a lab,
"Oh I just thought you liked eye patches or something" Xander admitted she had worn it since the day they met had Tim seen her real eye he must've Xander tried to steady his thoughts, of course, Tim would know more he had to know her for so long.
"Well I'm not a huge fan but after seeing the way people reacted to my eye I started wearing it to stop the hassle" Sam smiled she hated the damn things but showing her real eye was worse.
"so whats wrong with your eye then," Xander asked maybe he could get on the same leave as Tim
"now um well nothing but the white of my eye is green so I just grew a habit of wearing it" Sam admitted it was kinda embracing
"I could see how that would be a hassle but don't you need it to see" Tim questioned
"can't see out of that eye anyways" Sam grinned the stupid eye didn't even work
"But you're allowed to drive," Tim asked he hadn't seen a car in the parking lot maybe someone dropped her off did she walk
"yes I have hyper sigh in my good eye from one of the experiments they wanted to create super humans to rule the world with but the radioactive stuff had side effects as I couldn't see at all when I was a baby anyway tell me about your self I think I just told you my whole biography" Sam quickly expand again leaving out the being created not born part
"Honestly I'm kinda boring I thought being the school's football star had something but you've got an epic back story with a happy ending," Xander smirked any other girl would go on about how she was so muscular or hot and he was a good football player
"Then tell me something random like Ummm what was your first swear word and why did you swear" Sam avoided football there was no good why her asking about football would end
"I dropped my mother's good plate and screamed fuck when it smashed and cut the top of my left foot what was yours" Xander simply stated it was an odd question
"shite I was six when I was running through the house my dad was chasing me when I looked back and ran into a wall I didn't get hurt but my mums camera fell off the shelf it was on when I hit the wall me and my father both screamed shite and had to replace that camera after a long lecture " Sam laugh remembering the memory her mother was furious she yelled for hours
"Wow, that intents you. wait you swore in front of your parents" Xander's eyes widened he could never do that
"Yeah, I do it all the time, with my parents it's just another word in the English language. I think I see your boring problem though" Sam just stayed like it was nothing
"wow really" Xander laughed in disbelief
"Yeah you don't market your self well your story about breaking your mother's plate then swearing could be why better if you made your self-look better," Sam grinned then her phone dinged he quickly checked the message shook her head then turn her phone on vibrate
"what are you saying," Xander asked
"look I was raised by a YouTuber so from a young age I knew how to draw people into listening to my storeys but you still need to learn that," Sam just put out for him to see
"I'll try my best," Xander said then almost stopped she was raised by YouTubers which ones he was to scare to ask though
"Good now where are we going" Sam raised her arms in victory
"my favourite coffee shop is just out side of town to get away from my family and friend I would go there," Xander told her before making a sharp turn sending them both sideways
"cool I've been to so many different places but there's nothing like seeing someone's secret place" Sam smiled seeing his secret place the place you could be your self
"what do you mean" Xander didn't understand what she was saying
"Well it's a place that you can be your self a place you have emotions attached to for one reason or another," Sam explained to him
"whereas yours" Xander though were they close enough for her to tell him
"it's kinda far away but it's the swing set in my old home back in Ireland but it's where my parents told me about where I came from why people were scared of me and my eye." Sam remained in the memory then telling her they loved her no madder what other though they made her feel safe there at home
"Well, where here" Xander smiled she trusted him to tell him her secret place even if he would probably never see it but there they were the little coffee place where he and his little sisters Maya and mazie learnd they were getting twin little sisters. sam was right this place ment more to him then he though.

The logo family
Fanfictionwell I think the first part explains everything pretty well