'Well it starts here....the beginning of my new life......I'm ready!' I think while riding in a van to the official Red TF2 Base. My name is Piper, it was a Nickname given by my supervisor Jacket which was his name. I know it sound pretty silly but we are used to it even though I tease him every once in a while. It's not really quiet on the van with Jacket, because he trys to make a conversation with me even though I wasn't going to see him again. I was leaving my best friend for a long time, and I wouldn't visit him to much either. "Jacket?" I asked him in the back of the bumpy van. He was the one driving the van with a solider right beside him because the organization I worked for didn't trust me at all. They said this in quote in my files that "She is a monster inside and has very high intelligence so NEVER trust this specimen at ALL cost". Jacket looked in the rear view mirror to see me and to keep his eyes on the road. "Yes Piper" he asked. I could tell my hands were shaking all to much to because Jacket had stoped on the side of the road and turned around to look at me. "Why did we stop? Is there a problem sir?" The soilder asked. The soilder rarly ever talked to anyone but Jacket, but anyone else he would no respond."Are you ok what is it?" Jacket asked in concern. "I'm scared, I don't know what to do when I get there?" I said in a harsh voice trying not to show weakness or cry. He stared at me and finally smiled. "It's ok Piper I'm sure you will figure it out I know you will" he said holding out a fist bump. I smiled not feeling scared and fist bumped him back. We drove for about 30 more minutes until we reached the hideout. It was in the middle of no where literally I couldn't even tell where I was exactly. I was finally at my new home. We all steped out of the van the soilder and I carrying all my bags as Jacket did the secret password. The rocks opened up to a small tech hallway. I went in with my bags that the soilder gave me. "Bye Pipe take care!" Jacket said waving goodbye as I did the same to him. I pushed the button to close the door. "Well well well what do we have here Une Belle femme?" As a voice says. My heart stops as I'm scared to turn around to see who was behind the voice.

TF2 A New Recruit
Fanfictionthe first book will be about a young girl who gets to join the TF2 squad and trays to fit in although she has powers to shape shift into animals kinda like spy. In the story will be love twist and other social interactions with the chareters. I hope...