The Man behind the Mask

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I awoke to voices. Though I couldn't open my eyes I heard them.
"We've got the right twin boss" said a man sternly
"Found her in depressed state" he said with a chuckle
"Her? What about the boy" he said shocked
"Failed the test and died" he said laughing
This sick and twisted son of a bitch
"Shall I put her with the others?" He asked slightly annoyed
"Yes, and make sure she knows who's boss." I could hear the sarcasm in his voice. Suddenly I tuned they're conversation out. I felt the cold ground, I smelled rain and mud. My eyes wouldn't budge. I kick flew into my stomach making me cough loudly.
"You whore, you were listening weren't you?!" He said shouting in my ear, when I didn't answer he grabbed my hair and I screamed.
"Answer me!!!" He shouted louder this time.
"No I wasn't sir" I cried out. My head slammed into a pole giving me a throbbing headache.
"Stupid bitch" he said dropping me to the floor. Suddenly I felt the floor move. He grabbed my shoulders.
"Welcome to your new home" he whispered evilly in my ear. I felt the cold rings around my wrists fly off. My head was slammed into the ground. My hair still wet as I heard it slap the ground. I felt a blind fold fly off my head. I opened my eyes to see a grey cell, shiny, new looking cell with 2 other boys here. I stood up and turned around only to find a wall. The man was......gone.


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