Chapter 25 || Don't Cry Little Spark

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I must have fallen asleep for the sound of Ember whispering into my ear, woke me, "You will be okay," she breathed and I could hear the relief in her voice. I could tell there was something however she wasn't telling me. Perhaps it was the subtle pause. I could feel it. I had more control over my body, and my limbs felt restless. "Do you want to sit up?" She asked. It was exactly what I needed so without think, I pushed myself. Facing the ramifications in my hand which is wrapped.

"Ah!" I cried after putting the pressure on the chairs.

"I would have helped you," she huffed, trying to not be annoyed with my stubbornness. "Your hand needs time to heal. It was the only thing we couldn't fix. Besides the massive bruising on your face," she added, her hand reaching to my cheek before stopping short. I want to act as though that slight hiccup didn't have an effect on me, but I can't. My eyes go straight to the hand being pulled away. She looks down, and I can feel the tension growing between us. I search the room for a moment and realize everyone is sleeping. Loud snores echoing through the small house. I want to ease her worry, but I don't know how.

"Davis?" I ask, knowing she will understand what I want to know.

Her eyes find the table on the other side, and I see a figure that barely fits, steadily breathing. "He'll be alright. He just needs time to heal," she whispered. "Luca," she started. "There is something else," she seemed nervous to state it, but I knew this must have been the thing she was keeping from me. "Your father-"

"Is he alright?" I rushed out, suddenly scared that the last time I hear my father will be his broken voice searching for my pathetic self.

She takes my hand in hers, and the gentle touch is foreign. "He is sleeping. I'm sorry I was just wanting to tell you he was alive. The knights informed us he was said to be dead. Although he is not doing well, he is fighting."

I closed my eyes trying to find solace in her words and touch. I don't know when it happened, but somehow she became more to be than just a stable girl. She became my life line. My spark. My fire. "Thank you," I whispered, once the silence had fully taken over us.

I gaze at her face in time to see a small tear cascading down her cheek, and it affects me more than I would have expected. "Hey, now. Don't cry little spark, you'll put out the fire," I stated softly, reaching over carefully to remove the trader tear. She seemed surprised but thankfully didn't pull away from my touch. Opening my palm, she rested her chin, my eyes had finally adjusted to the dark, and I could make out her features. I couldn't see the color, but there was an exhaustion that took hold of her. "When did you last rest those eyes?"

She shrugged nonchalantly at the question and it sent irritation threw me. Of course, this stubborn woman wouldn't sleep, too worried about everyone else. "I'm sorry," she whispered, and I couldn't possibly think of why she would feel the need to apologize to me. I'm the reason everything is as messed up as it is.

"What could have to be sorry for?"

Her eyes moved to my other hand, "I was late." Her voice broke in sadness at the end, and my heart gave out.

I pulled her face up, so her eyes only had mine to look at. "You have nothing to be sorry for. You were there. You came." Even with all that has happened in the last 24 hours, I can't shake this undeniable feeling having Ember so close. Ever since that night in the woods we shared under my coat something has changed within me. She was all I could think about whilst trapped. Her face. Her touch. Her strength. It's what kept me together. I've never felt so strongly for anyone person in my life. She alone has the power to keep me fighting. I don't know when it happened but somewhere along the way, Ember burned her way into my very soul.

Her eyes tore from mine and I could see the stress in them. The battle they were fighting, and at this moment I could only hope they were the same as my own. I leaned in closer, testing to see if she would pull away. To my surprise, she didn't. Ember lets out an uneasy breath, the hot air fanning my face, as my forehead lightly touches hers. "Now, is not the time," she finally whispers, and I know her words sing true. If there is ever to be anything between us, we must first have a kingdom to love in. I nod, refusing to lose any connection we have gained, even small.

"Then, let us have this. This is enough," I sigh. Feeling the calming effect her very heartbeat has on me. I can feel the smile that spreads across her face, and I have to force myself not to pull away to gaze at the rare sight. I'm about to suggest she rest here when loud bangs on the wooden door interrupt our brief moment. I try to hide my irritation as she pulls away to get the door, but apparently, she wasn't fast enough for our new guest. I motion to the closest weapon ready to face whatever enters.

"Awe, my lady!" An unruly savage of a man, burst through the door having no mind care for the fact that we are in hiding and that it is well into the night. "I have come to rescue thee," he continues, and I have a bursting urge to punch him. Who the hell is this? And why is he talking to Ember in such a manner?

"What are you doing here?" She whispers in annoyance. So, she does know him! A small chorus of James, Conrad, and Davis begin to wonder what is happening.

"I told you I would come and I brought my companions. So, what's the plan?" He asks still not paying any mind to the silence he has walked into. Becoming agitated, I move to stand trying out my legs with ease before placing the necessary pressure on them. Carefully, I stumble towards Ember, who is wary at my movement, but quick to welcome some of my weight on her shoulder.

"Who are you and why are you here?" I question, but Ember adds, "Can we do this outside? The others need to sleep." She looks around and tries to put the Conrad and James to ease with just a nod, but neither one of them is accepting that. They both join us at my side.

"The lady wants us to go outside, so," the unknown man states and I reluctantly follow as Ember begins walking out the man leading the way.

"Now speak!" I order, summing up any amount of royal authority in my voice as I can.

But to my surprise, the man simply chuckles, "Poor prince lost his kingdom and doesn't even know it." Conrad and James both step forward ready to take on this intruder, but Ember stops them by placing a hand on both of their chests and giving a slight push. They listen to her, if I wasn't so pissed I would be proud of her ability to lead.

"Stop this and answer the prince," she seethes.

He winks at her, which and I find myself turning my good hand into a solid fist at my side. "I came here to help get the lady's kingdom back. I along with my men fight for her." Ember appears just as shocked as I at the words the man spoke with such loyalty. I had only seen such things in Knights. My knights. A pang of guilt surges threw me.

"I am no lady, but thank you for your help. We need to get the Kingdom back into the rightful hands of the Prince and King," Ember states easily.

The man seems to be taken back by the news, "The King lives," he asks in confusion.

Ember nods slowly as if gauging the man's true intentions a trait of a Knight, I think with pride.

Suddenly, it seems as though the night is moving towards us as men in black cloaks begin making their appearance known.

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The Prince's EscapeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora