Chapter 11- Formality Part 2

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Dress 1: Isla

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Dress 1: Isla

Dress2: Sydney


"I'm not going to that dance." I deadpanned. "There is no way in hell that I'm going to watch him have a good time with someone else."

"Don't say that." Matt said gently.

I looked at him confused.

"Don't let him have that much power over you Isla. Go to the dance and have a good time with your friends." Matt said.

"I don't want to have to face seeing him with someone else." I looked down at my hands.

"Then don't do it alone."

"What?" I asked him. His face unreadable.

"I'll go with you. Just as friends. Forget the exhibit. This can be our friend date." Matt offered, he gave me a smile and I couldn't help but smile back.

"You'd really do that?" I asked.

And Now...

Chapter 11 Formality Part 2

"You look beautiful." I heard my dad say from my bedroom door. "Both of you."

I looked at Sydney.

"Thanks dad." Sydney said as she looked at him with a smile on her face.

I looked at my dad, "Thank you."

He looked as if he was close to tears.

"Dad?" I asked, "I wish your mother were here to see this." He said. I looked to Sydney, she never met mom because she left before dad adopted Sydney. I knew that if she had, she would've loved her.

"Me too." I said with a sad smile.

"I'll see you girls down stairs." Dad said before he left.

I looked down at my

I placed my brothers' necklaces on my dresser. Sydney noticed my hesitation, she walked over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"It'll be okay, it's just one night." She said reassuringly.

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I nodded. "I know it's just- It'll be the first time I've taken them off since they passed. It kind of feels like taking away a part of me."

Sydney gave me a sad smile and took the necklaces from my hand and placed them in my jewelry box.

"They'd be proud of you." Sydney said. "The necklaces will be here for you when you get back and if you feel you can't make it without them... I'll drive all the way home just to get them for you." Sydney smiled.

"You are the best sister anyone could've asked for." I gave her a hug.

"I knowwwwww." She dragged it out.

"Now let's get going because I have a lot of partying to do." She joked, I laughed. We grabbed our coats from my bed before we left. I turned off the light and hesitated in the door way. I looked back at my jewelry box one more time.

"Deep breath Isla, it'll be okay."


"Your dates are here!" Dad shouted as we descended the stairs.

Sydney's date was a kid from her Chemistry class, he looked at Sydney with admiration. She walked down first.

"You look amazing." He said to her.

"Thank you!" She said accepting his compliment.

I made eye contact with Matt as I walked down the stairs.

"Don't trip, don't trip, don't trip" I kept repeating my mantra until I landed on the flat ground.

Matt looked at me and blushed, which caused me to blush.

"You look-wow." Matt said and I laughed.

"Thank you." I looked down at my feet.

"Are you ready?" Sydney asked me and I nodded.

"Hold on." My dad laughed. "Let's get a picture." We nodded and stood together. A few pictures later and we were ready.

"Now boys, have my girls back at a decent time, treat them right and if I find out you made them cry. I'll kill you." He said. The boys laughed, until dad didn't laugh back.

"Alright let's go!" I said.

"Bye dad." I said as I hugged him one last time.

"We'll see you later!" Sydney called back as we exited the house and walked towards the cars.


"Ready to rock this dance?" Sydney asked from the back seat as we parked the car in the school lot.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I joked, Sydney smiled and exited the car with her date in tow.

Matt looked at me, "I can't believe I'm actually here." I said laughing.

"I'm happy you came, I've been looking for a reason to hang out with you for a long time." Matt said.

"I'm ready to do this." I said.

"Let's go." Matt opened the driver's door and ran around to the passenger door to open it for me.

"So formal." I joked.

"Only for you." Matt said wiggling his eyebrows. He helped me out of the car and closed the door behind me.

We began walking to the stairs and said "Hi" to a few of our classmates along the way.

"Ticket?" The teacher at the door asked.

Matt and I should them out tickets and they let us in. The gym looked amazing. It honestly didn't even look like it was our gym.

The Elementalist *Teen Wolf Fanfic (Stiles Stilinski)*Where stories live. Discover now