Chapter 1

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Niall and Louis sat on the park bench. It had only been a few days since they graduated school. They both had moved in together and trying to figure out what they could do

"Well Ni... maybe you could sing in a bar I mean... you are a decent singer" Louis spoke

"Louis I just want a normal job you know. Maybe I'll go work at the local Walmart. Seems easy" Niall responded

"Gosh Niall... why you gotta take the easy way out. You're gonna get bored of that job so quick and end up hating it"

"Well I'll have you to cheer me up then aye?"

Louis laughed

"Haha sure sure" he responded

They both sat there and then Niall began another conversation

"So Louis... how was that girl from the party on Saturday. Been in touch with her. If not I'll have her"

Louis and Niall both laughed

"Nah she was looking for more then just a fuck and I'm not ready to get into a relationship. I just left high school and got a flat. It's to early ya know?"

"Yeah. But far she looked nice. Very cute." Niall responded

Louis laughed

"How about you Ni. You got a chick didn't you? How was that"

"Meh she was okay. She had a bit of emotional stuff to deal with yeah?"

"Far at least we got laid" Louis laughed

"We sure did" Niall responded

"Hey Ni... lets go back to our apartment.

"Sure" the blonde replied


Louis unlocked the door and when they walked they noticed that they were starving

"Hey Ni... cook us up something"

"Fucking hell Louis. When you gonna learn to cook"

They both laughed and Louis went to have a shower while Niall was left alone. Cooking. Because Niall was also hungry he decided that he would do some pasta. He prepared everything and got it all cooked. By the time he was finished Louis came out of the shower.

"What were you doing in there aye" Niall smirked and he knew exactly what he was doing

"A mans got urges okay Ni and when he has a hand he can fix them himself"

Both boys started laughing. Niall served up the food and they went to the dinner table to begin eating. Louis picked up his phone and began to text someone. Niall just assumed it was some girl.

"So Lo... should we have some drinks this weekend and invite over some girls?" Niall said

"Yeah man that would be great" Louis spoke

"Speaking of inviting over people" Louis continued
"Can I invite over Zayn tonight ya know just to have a beer and chill. We can all watch something or just talk"

"Zayn? That fucking annoying guy who thinks he's this tough jock guy" Niall replied

"Oh c'mon Ni... he's not that bad. Just try to get to know him more aye?"

"Fine Louis but I'm barely gonna talk to him he annoys the shit out of me"

Louis laughed

"Well sometimes you annoy me like hell but I still deal with you" Louis responded

"Its not the same Lo" Niall said

They both laughed and finished up there dinner


*knock knock*

"ILL GET IT!" Louis yelled from his room.

He opened his door and it was Zayn.

"Hey mate how you been." Louis spoke pulling Zayn into a 'bro' hug

"Yeah pretty good aye. How about you?" Zayn replied

"Yeah not to bad"

They both walked into the lounge room and Niall had already began to drink.

"Oh so you moved in with this runt" Zayn said to Louis

"Oh fuck up Malik" Niall responded

"Okay okay enough you two girls. Lets not get all bitchy. We are old enough to be over this petty bullshit"

Zayn and Louis sat down and Niall glared at Zayn who he retaliated.

"So Niall... how you been" Zayn forced out a fake smile trying to be kind

"Well I was good until your prideful ass showed up" Niall replied

"For fuck sakes C'mon Niall" Louis said

"Okay I'm sorry. I'm good Zayn how about you"

"Could be better" Zayn replied

"Okay let's just enjoy our beer and chill okay?"

Zayn and Louis both stayed silent and just sipped on their beer


"Okay I'll see you on the weekend okay Zayn. We'll get you a pretty girl to get with" Louis said

"Don't forget Louis, I am bi so I don't mind which one. Just make sure they are hot yeah?"

They both laughed and Louis closed the door after Zayn.

"Fuck Lo... he is like almost the worse for real" Niall said

"C'mon Niall we aren't in high school anymore. Lets act like adults"

"He came in here calling me a runt" Niall replied

"Look I know Zayn's a bit hard to deal with but just give him some time okay?"

"Fine" Niall replied

"C'mon lets go watch a movie"

Both boys walked to the lounge.

Hey so this is my second story and I want to try to make it a long one so please vote comment and share so I can get a active audience ❤️

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