What a Crazy Dream

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You just watched an episode of black butler with Alois and eminently fell in love with him u only wished he was real

I lay in bed thinking, wow why Am I in love with an anime character? I mean he's not even real. But if he was I would be so in love. Uhh I sighed well, I should probably get some sleep

Some time later I  wake up to a sound in my  room, like a small thud. Then all of a sudden I look up to see a tall man standing over me in a black suit and seemed to be glowing gold eyes looking down at me . I jump up to try to run but then I feel the man grab me and I passed out.

I wake up to sunlight hitting my face. My eyes haven't quiet adjusted to the light yet. I think to myself "wow  what a weird dream" I roll over to the other side of my bed only to bump into something by then my eyes have adjusted and realize a boy with blond hair was sleeping next to me. I couldn't see the other Side of his head because his back was facing me. I sit up startled and began looking around, realizing I wasn't in my room. I tried to quietly get out of the bed trying not to wake the boy, in fear of what he might do. I tip toe out of the rom and quietly shut the door behind me. I then realized this wasn't just an ordinary house it's was huge, like a mansion. I then start running down the hall trying to find the exit. I turn a corner and run into something I look up and realize that, that something was the man in my dream. I back away slowly then hit a wall behind me. The man said " Good morning miss (Y/N) I see you must be quiet confused My name is Claud I am a butler here at the Trancy manner. " wait did he just say his name was Claud and that we're at the Trancy manner, as in Alois Trancy and Claud Faustus. This can't be real I must be dreaming. The man stared speaking again " My master asked me to go get you last night he knows who you are and how you feel about him." I stated to blush "He has chosen you to be his fiancé." You see, we have been looking for quite a while now and when we found you we knew you would be perfect." I was frozen with shock trying to figure out what the hell was happening. Is this real, am I really here why am I he- Claud interrupts my thought by saying " Now that you are awake, Hannah can pick a nice outfit that you can ware today, instead of your nightgown." I look down resizing I wasn't in my pajamas from last night but was instead warring a (F/C) night gown. I think to myself why does this look like its from the 18 hundreds, actually why does everything look like that. I think as I look around. I look back at the butler and ask "what year is it." He then replies saying "1889"

Ok I know this is a little weird and not like most of these stories but trust me it's going to be good. Don't worry this is just the first chapter and I will update soon hope everyone liked it.

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