"OK, this looks like a good place to rest, I'll get the firewood" Ruby said walking away into the woods by herself.
Usually Alucard who accompany her since he believes a woman should not venture out in the wilderness by herself even if he knows she can take care of herself.
But he has to ask Trevor something.
Once she was out of earshot Alucard turns to Trevor "Belmont, can I ask you something?" he asked.
"Does Ruby always get up at the middle of the night and walk off."
Trevor look at him in confusion "Not to my knowledge, why?" Trevor questioned.
"Because she's been doing it for the last 2 months. So, I'm wondering if she's been doing it longer."
Trevor thinks about it for a second "Maybe she has, I do remember one time when I had a hangover, I noticed that Ruby was gone, when she returned she said that she was collecting herbs. So, I left it alone."
"Then I guess, I will have to follow her tonight." The blonde Dhampir declared.
"Well you can count me in, I've noticed it too but I thought it was just restless sleeping." Sypha stated.
Trevor sighs "Then I guess we're all going to spy on her."
"Hey guys, what're talking about?" Ruby asked.
"Nothing." Trevor answered quickly.
The Huntress raised an eyebrow at that, but left it alone as everyone made camp for the night.
Everyone was sound asleep close to the slowly dying fire, when Ruby opens her eyes and gets up quietly and walks away.
Alucard then opens one eye to look at her retreating back.
Getting up slowly, he wakes Sypha and Trevor and they all followed her.
Once Ruby was sure that she was sure that she's far enough from the campsite, she brings out her scythe and started practicing.
But even they can see that she has a lot on her mind for the fact she kept slicing trees with a grunt of frustration.
After 20 minutes of this, she plants her scythe into the ground and leans against a tree and brings out her scroll.
She goes through multiple pictures of her friends and family, she looks at it in sadness, she really misses everyone.
She just hopes that after defeating Dracula, she can find a way back home.
While she was deep in thought everyone was looking at the strange glowing object in her hand.
It was like a flat touch that dimmed after a few seconds but lit up again when Ruby touches it.
And it would stay lit up if she kept touching it over and over.
Alucard looks at the strange object in curiosity and walks out of their hiding place which was behind a tree.
The huntress gasped and drops her scroll.
She looks at them in shock "Guys...were you following me?" she asked crossing her arms.
"Yes, we noticed that you have been sneaking out at night, and we got curious...What is that?" Sypha asked to the still glowing screen.
Ruby sighs knowing she can't get around this one, "It's called a scroll." she answered picking it up.
Walking closer they looked at the screen and were shocked to see a photo of Ruby with three other girls.
"How did your portrait get in there?" Trevor asked.
"Well....the truth is I'm from 541 years into the future." she answered smiling nervously.
Everyone looks at her in bewilderment as Trevor and Alucard walk over and feel her forehead "Ruby are you feeling OK?" they asked at the same time.
The huntress's entire face blew up like a red balloon in embarrassment. She slaps their hands away "I'm telling the truth you jerks!" she exclaimed angrily.
"If that's the case why did you say anything?" Sypha asked.
"How was I supposed to tell you that I'm from the 21st century and somehow time traveled to here?! even in my time, time travel is considered an impossibility since no one has proven it yet."
"Not counting how I got here of course. Since I have absolutely no idea as how I got here."
Trevor looks at her scroll "Well I guess it makes sense on how you knew what that pipe and... light bulb was." he stated.
"I'm still skeptic, but I hardly doubt anyone could make this up." Alucard declared as he inspects Ruby's scroll.
He tilts his head curiously, "What purpose does this scroll has, I find it fascinating." He said.
"A scroll is used in different ways, it's basically like an advance assistant in some ways, but the main reason they were built so we could communicate."
"Communicate?" Trevor asked curious.
"Scrolls are used to talk over long distance. Think of it like an advance letter that lets you talk to someone that you're trying to call. From one place to another instantly." She explained.
"As long as the person on the other end picks up." she added.
Sypha looks at it in fascination "What else can it do?" she asked.
Ruby smirks "It can look up things, it can also be used to look up stuff so it's like a small object of knowledge."
The Speaker's eyes seemed to sparkle with glee, it was like she was looking at the gold gates of heaven.
All that's missing is the heavenly choir in the background singing hallelujah.
She lets out a squeal so high that it made Alucard and Trevor covered their ears, How a woman could scream so loud to hurt a Dhampir's ears is beyond them. "What the fuck Sypha? are you a banshee?!" Trevor exclaimed.
That got a slap over the head by Ruby, "She's happy, all girls squeal like that when their happy."
The Dhampir and Hunter look at her "Do you squeal like that?" Alucard asked, worried that he might have to put up with two squealing girls from time to time.
"Yep. Usually it's over weapons." Ruby replied.
Alucard looks at her confused, he moves his eyes to Trevor to explain, "Ruby weapon's lover or a Weapon's fanatic as she calls herself. Trust me, I have struggled to drag her away sometimes when we come across a blacksmith."
Said Weapon's fanatic scoffs "I'm not that bad." she proclaimed.
Trevor gives her a 'really' look "Yes you are, 4 weeks before we came to Gresit, you were so enchanted at the craftsmanship, I had to drag you away by your bloody ankles because you held onto a wooden post refusing to leave just yet."
The Huntress pouts and turns her head "OK, maybe I can get a little carried away sometimes. But weapons are sooooo coool! how can I not be enchanted!" she squealed.
Trevor groans "Are all women in your time period this worked up over weapons?" he asked.
"Nope. I'm just unique."
"Ruby? is there any way I can use that Scroll of yours sometime?" Sypha asked.
"Maybe later, since the CCTS isn't built yet. It may be harder to actually use it to search for knowledge."
Sypha groans but leaves it alone "But that doesn't explain why you were frustrated." she proclaimed.
Ruby paused in thought and looks away in sadness and said, "I miss my friends and family. It's a total mystery on how I got here, so I wonder if I'll ever find a way back."
Walking over Alucard puts a hand on her shoulder, "Do not worry, I am sure you will find a way to get back to your time. If anyone can pull off such a feat it's you." he reassured.
"Thanks, Alucard." The huntress smiled and hug him tightly.
Not knowing what to do, he lightly pats her head awkwardly.
It's not that he doesn't know what a hug is, it just the last time he was hugged it was by his mother a year before she died.
And she was the only one that hugged him, so being hugged by someone else is foreign to him.
Letting go, Ruby couldn't help but chuckle a little at the awkward look on the Dhampir's face.
When he's not being his usual emotionless self, he's actually pretty cute. Guys like him need more expression in their lives.
"Since this is settled, I'm going back to where we were sleeping." Sypha said turning around.
"You guys can go on ahead. I'm going to train some more" Ruby said.
Nodding their heads, the rest of the team left.
Once they were out of sight, Ruby goes to grab her scythe.
"You're making it harder on yourself."
Her hand stops she grits her teeth in anger "Shut up, It's none of your business."
"I disagree, the more you hide me, the more it will hurt them. Besides, how will everyone you love go on if they knew that your stubbornness to suppress and keep me hidden will end up killing you."
"I told you to shut up! I know better than anyone letting you in will give you the opening to take over my body!"
"True. But out of everyone I have transferred to, you have the strongest will. I hardly doubt that taking over your body would be an easy task even if you didn't suppress me."
"Besides...now that you have my power you're far from human anymore even with your Nephilim ancestry. And if you don't want to die too soon and leave all those you care about to weep at your death, you have to let me in."
"Whether you like it, or not."
Ruby looks down in anger, knowing that they're right, she's taking a dangerous risk hiding them away, she knows the very strain to keep her new powers in check will make her weak and kill her.
But she can't take the chance of her body being taken over.
"Whatever, and by the way. Can you stop trying to talk to me as much, you never been this talkative and now Alucard has become suspicious of me."
They chuckle at that, "I make no promises, but you best take heed of my warning. You are getting more powerful with every step of this journey and I refuse to let you kill us both because of your stubbornness."
"And to make myself clear, I'm not just saying that to save my own life."
And with that, they stops talking.
Ruby clenches her fist in anger, her mind is conflicted on what she should do, should she keep suppressing her new abilities or let them in?
She looks down at her Scythe and growled as she grabs it and puts it away. Turning around she makes her away back to the campsite in pure silence.
She then says, "I know that...Salem."