We've heard nothing from Christopher. I would say I was happy about that, but I'm not. Not hearing from him after weeks means he's planning something and he wants to do it when we least expect it. He's gonna hit us where it hurts.Natalia has come to terms about what we're doing, but I don't let anyone tell her much. It's been weeks since our first kiss and that certainty wasn't our last. I feel as if we have gotten closer since that day. We're open with each other and a lot more affectionate. I don't know what we are. It was never made clear, but I like what was happening I'm not going to lie. Maybe it should be made clear. For her sake I mean, because I know how girls can get.
I'm brought back from my thoughts by a slap to the chest. I look up at Natalia with furrowed brows. She was sitting on top of me looking down with a smile on her face. She leans back on her hands getting a better view of me. I clasp my hands together behind my head and raise a brow at her. "What?"
"You were just starring at me not saying anything." She chuckles. "What were you thinking?"
I smile and look her over. "About how beautiful you are." She scoffs and rolls her eyes. "What? You don't believe me? Or you don't think you're beautiful." I sit up making her shift a little and wrap my arms loosely around her hips.
She shrugs and looks away. " I don't know." She mumbles.
I stare at her profile. When she doesn't look at me I grab her chin and turn her head towards me. She looks at my lips first before my eyes. "You're beautiful in each and every way." I say lowly before kissing her softly. I groan when her tongue grazes my bottom lip. I'll never get sick of kissing this girl. She may look and seem like an angel, but she does not kiss like one.
As the kiss was about to get deeper my mother's voice travels throughout the house. I groan in annoyance from the interruption. Natalia smiles on my lips before leaning back and patting my cheek. She climbs off me as I stand up and go to the door. I open it and peek my head.
"Yes?" I shout out to her.
"We have to go to your uncles house soon. Get your ass ready and let's go." She shouts even louder than before, anger and annoyance clear in her voice.
I throw my head back and sigh remembering that we have to go have lunch at Axel's house. I honestly just wanted to stay home and enjoy Natalia's company while I had it. Every since she got that job at the Café I haven't seen much of her and it was driving me crazy.
"Yeah." Beckett walks out of his room and towards the bathroom. "Get your ass ready Nixon."
I furrow my brows and cross my arms. "Aren't you going to?" He simply shrugs before walking into the bathroom closing the door.
I turn around and groan once again when I see Natalia putting her shoes on. She looks up to me and smiles. I close the door and walk over to her. She stands on her tip toes and kisses my chin. "Stop sulking."
"I wouldn't be sulking if I didn't have to leave you to go eat with people I see practically every damn day."
She gives me a look most likely for cursing. " You see me every dang day."
I shake my head and place my arms on her shoulders pulling her into a hug. She places the side of her head on my chest and her arms around my torso. "That's different. I actually like your company."
She chuckles and pulls away before kissing me quickly and grabbing her bag. "Call me later, Yeah?" I nod before she winks at me and closes the door.
Ashley's Sweet Sixteen.
This is the reason why I had to leave my house. Apparently my mother asked if she could help. Teegan didn't want a sweet sixteen so my mother never got to plan one like she always wanted to. So when she heard about Ashley's, she was ecstatic.
We finished lunch and were now sitting around the table as my Aunt, Mother and Ashley talked about what they were looking for. I zoned them out completely not really caring. All I know is that it's going to be like a mystical themed and that it is in four months so they have plenty of time to prepare.
Axel sits beside me and lays his arm on the back of the empty chair to his left. He looks at his mother and sister talking to my mom before looking me over. "You recovered fast." He said lowly so only I could here.
I shrugged and lifted the glass of water to my lips. I took a sip and looked around. "That piece of shit of a man still hasn't tried anything. What do you think is up?"
He hums and rubs his jaw which was growing some stubble. "I don't know." He smiles suddenly when he's mother asks his opinion on the color of something. "But the bastard is planning something big I tell you that." He sighs.
I look at the side of his face and groan. I wipe the bottom of my nose and move my hand into my hair pushing it back. It was starting to grow fast and soon I would need to cut it. "Look, I don't want Natalia involved in none of this."
"And she won't be." He looks to me with a serious look. "She may know about it Nixon, but that doesn't mean she's involved." I furrow my brows not understanding him, so he continues. "You want to protect her, I get that man. He won't find anything out about her and we'll all make damn sure of that."
I believed him. Well I wanted to, but I just had a feeling something bad was going to happen and I wasn't going to like the outcome. Natalia means everything to me and if anything happens to her I won't forgive myself for it. I nod and give him a tight smile.
He pats my back and looks behind me before nodding. He looks back to me and smirks. "Wanna come with me and Brady?"
I turn around and see Brady leaning against the door frame of the dining room. "Where are you guys going?" I raise a brow at him. He chuckles before motioning his head for me to follow him. "Hey mom." She looks to me and smiles still trying to listen to what Ashley was saying. "I'm gonna go with Brady."
She waves me off dismissively. "Yeah, yeah. Honey I don't care. Go ahead."
I roll my eyes and chuckle before walking over to the two boys and giving them a questioning look. They both smirk at me and their eyes shine with mischief. I sigh and shake my head. They lead me to the car and both look back at me in the backseat. "Nixon." Brady says. I arch my brow at him. "We're getting tattoos."
Filler chapter .
I am so sorry for the wait, my life has been very busy lately. Shame honestly..What type of tattoos do you think the boys are gonna get ?? Ouuuuu

Wires (book 2)
Teen FictionNixon Grady is not a open book. Far from it. If he was sad you wouldn't know, if he had a six pack to die for you wouldn't know. If he went out and did illegal fights. You definitely wouldn't know Nixon keeps to himself. He doesn't want attention o...